
61 lines
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from didier.utils.types.string import abbreviate, leading, pluralize
def test_abbreviate_under_max_length():
"""Test abbreviate() when the input text is shorter than the max length"""
text = "TEST STRING"
assert abbreviate(text, max_length=len(text)) == text
assert abbreviate(text, max_length=len(text) + 1) == text
def test_abbreviate_longer():
"""Test abbreviate() when the input text is longer than the max length"""
text = "TEST STRING"
assert abbreviate(text, max_length=7) == "TEST S…"
def test_abbreviate_whitespace():
"""Test abbreviate() when the max length would end on whitespace"""
text = "TEST STRING"
assert abbreviate(text, max_length=6) == "TEST…"
def test_leading():
"""Test leading() when it actually does something"""
assert leading("0", "5") == "05"
assert leading("0", "5", target_length=3) == "005"
def test_leading_not_necessary():
"""Test leading() when the input is already long enough"""
assert leading("0", "05") == "05"
def test_leading_no_exact():
"""Test leading() when adding would bring you over the required length"""
assert leading("ab", "c", target_length=6) == "abababc"
def test_leading_no_target_length():
"""Test leading() when target_length is None"""
assert leading("0", "05", target_length=None) == "005"
def test_pluralize_singular():
"""Test pluralize() when the word is singular"""
word = "word"
assert pluralize(word, amount=1, plural_form="whatever") == word
def test_pluralize_plural_default():
"""Test pluralize() for the default plural form (+s)"""
word = "word"
assert pluralize(word, amount=2) == "words"
def test_pluralize_custom_plural():
"""Test pluralize() when a custom plural form is provided"""
word = "word"
plural = "plural"
assert pluralize(word, amount=2, plural_form=plural) == plural