
205 lines
9.2 KiB

from data import paginatedLeaderboard
from decorators import help
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from enums.help_categories import Category
from enums.numbers import Numbers
from functions import checks, xp
from functions.database import currency, stats, poke, muttn
import math
import requests
# TODO some sort of general leaderboard because all of them are the same
class Leaderboards(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.utilsCog = self.client.get_cog("Utils")
# Don't allow any commands to work when locked
def cog_check(self, ctx):
return not self.client.locked
@commands.group(name="Leaderboard", aliases=["Lb", "Leaderboards"], case_insensitive=True, usage="[Categorie]*",
async def leaderboard(self, ctx):
categories = ["Bitcoin", "Corona", "Dinks", "Messages", "Poke", "Rob", "XP"]
embed = discord.Embed(colour=discord.Colour.blue())
embed.set_author(name="Leaderboard Categorieën")
embed.description = "\n".join(categories)
await ctx.channel.send(embed=embed)
@leaderboard.command(name="Dinks", aliases=["Cash"], hidden=True)
async def dinks(self, ctx):
entries = currency.getAllRows()
platDinks = currency.getAllPlatDinks()
# Take platinum dinks into account
for i, user in enumerate(entries):
if str(user[0]) in platDinks:
# Tuples don't support assignment, cast to list
user = list(user)
user[1] += platDinks[str(user[0])] * Numbers.q.value
entries[i] = user
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(entries, key=lambda x: (float(x[1]) + float(x[3])), reverse=True)):
if i == 0 and float(user[1]) + float(user[3]) == 0.0:
return await self.emptyLeaderboard(ctx, "Dinks Leaderboard", "Er zijn nog geen personen met Didier Dinks.")
elif float(user[1]) + float(user[3]) > 0.0:
# Get the username in this guild
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(name, math.floor(float(user[1]) + float(user[3]))))
boardTop.append("{} ({:,})".format(name, math.floor(float(user[1]) + float(user[3]))))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Dinks Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Corona", hidden=True)
async def corona(self, ctx):
result = requests.get("http://corona.lmao.ninja/v2/countries").json()
result.sort(key=lambda x: int(x["cases"]), reverse=True)
board = []
for land in result:
if land["country"] == "Belgium":
board.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(land["country"], land["cases"]))
board.append("{} ({:,})".format(land["country"], land["cases"]))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, board, "Corona Leaderboard", discord.Colour.red())
@leaderboard.command(name="Bitcoin", aliases=["Bc"], hidden=True)
async def bitcoin(self, ctx):
users = currency.getAllRows()
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(users, key=lambda x: x[8], reverse=True)):
# Don't create an empty leaderboard
if i == 0 and float(user[8]) == 0.0:
return await self.emptyLeaderboard(ctx, "Bitcoin Leaderboard", "Er zijn nog geen personen met Bitcoins.")
elif float(user[8]) > 0.0:
# Only add people with more than 0
# Get the username in this guild
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(name, round(user[8], 8)))
boardTop.append("{} ({:,})".format(name, round(user[8], 8)))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Bitcoin Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Rob", hidden=True)
async def rob(self, ctx):
users = list(stats.getAllRows())
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(users, key=lambda x: x[4], reverse=True)):
# Don't create an empty leaderboard
if i == 0 and float(user[4]) == 0.0:
return await self.emptyLeaderboard(ctx, "Rob Leaderboard", "Er heeft nog niemand Didier Dinks gestolen.")
elif float(user[4]) > 0.0:
# Only add people with more than 0
# Get the username in this guild
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(name, math.floor(float(user[4]))))
boardTop.append("{} ({:,})".format(name, math.floor(float(user[4]))))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Rob Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Poke", hidden=True)
async def poke(self, ctx):
s = stats.getAllRows()
blacklist = poke.getAllBlacklistedUsers()
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(s, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)):
if i == 0 and int(user[1]) == 0:
return await self.emptyLeaderboard(ctx, "Poke Leaderboard", "Er is nog niemand getikt.")
elif int(user[1]) == 0:
# Don't include blacklisted users
elif str(user[0]) not in blacklist:
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(name, round(int(user[1]))))
boardTop.append("{} ({:,})".format(name, round(int(user[1]))))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Poke Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Xp", aliases=["Level"], hidden=True)
async def xp(self, ctx):
s = stats.getAllRows()
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(s, key=lambda x: x[12], reverse=True)):
if int(user[12]) == 0:
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} (Level {:,} | {:,} XP)**".format(name,
boardTop.append("{} (Level {:,} | {:,} XP)".format(name,
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "XP Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Messages", aliases=["Mc", "Mess"], hidden=True)
async def messages(self, ctx):
s = stats.getAllRows()
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(s, key=lambda x: x[11], reverse=True)):
if int(user[11]) == 0:
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({:,})**".format(name, round(int(user[11]))))
boardTop.append("{} ({:,})".format(name, round(int(user[11]))))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Messages Leaderboard")
@leaderboard.command(name="Muttn", aliases=["M", "Mutn", "Mutten"], hidden=True)
async def muttn(self, ctx):
users = muttn.getAllRows()
boardTop = []
for i, user in enumerate(sorted(users, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)):
if i == 0 and int(user[1]) == 0:
return await self.emptyLeaderboard(ctx, "Muttn Leaderboard", "Der zittn nog geen muttns in de server.")
if float(user[1]) == 0:
name = self.utilsCog.getDisplayName(ctx, user[0])
if int(user[0]) == int(ctx.author.id):
boardTop.append("**{} ({})%**".format(name, round(float(user[1]), 2)))
boardTop.append("{} ({}%)".format(name, round(float(user[1]), 2)))
await self.startPaginated(ctx, boardTop, "Muttn Leaderboard")
async def callLeaderboard(self, name, ctx):
await [command for command in self.leaderboard.commands if command.name.lower() == name.lower()][0](ctx)
async def startPaginated(self, ctx, source, name, colour=discord.Colour.blue()):
pages = paginatedLeaderboard.Pages(source=paginatedLeaderboard.Source(source, name, colour),
await pages.start(ctx)
async def emptyLeaderboard(self, ctx, name, message, colour=discord.Colour.blue()):
embed = discord.Embed(colour=colour)
embed.description = message
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
def setup(client):