
91 lines
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from typing import Optional
import discord
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ext import commands
from database.crud import ufora_courses
from didier import Didier
from didier.data import constants
class School(commands.Cog):
"""School-related commands"""
client: Didier
# Context-menu references
_pin_ctx_menu: app_commands.ContextMenu
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
self._pin_ctx_menu = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Pin", callback=self.pin_ctx)
async def cog_unload(self) -> None:
"""Remove the commands when the cog is unloaded"""
self.client.tree.remove_command(self._pin_ctx_menu.name, type=self._pin_ctx_menu.type)
@commands.command(name="Pin", usage="[Message]")
async def pin(self, ctx: commands.Context, message: Optional[discord.Message] = None):
"""Pin a message in the current channel"""
# If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be pinned
if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None:
message = await self.client.resolve_message(ctx.message.reference)
# Didn't fix it, sad
if message is None:
return await ctx.reply("Er is geen bericht om te pinnen.", delete_after=10)
if message.is_system():
return await ctx.reply("Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.")
await message.pin(reason=f"Didier Pin door {ctx.author.display_name}")
await message.add_reaction("📌")
async def pin_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message):
"""Pin a message in the current channel"""
# Is already pinned
if message.pinned:
return await interaction.response.send_message("Dit bericht staat al gepind.", ephemeral=True)
if message.is_system():
return await interaction.response.send_message(
"Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.", ephemeral=True
await message.pin(reason=f"Didier Pin door {interaction.user.display_name}")
await message.add_reaction("📌")
return await interaction.response.send_message("📌", ephemeral=True)
name="fiche", description="Stuurt de link naar de studiefiche voor [Vak]", aliases=["guide", "studiefiche"]
async def study_guide(self, ctx: commands.Context, course: str):
"""Create links to study guides"""
async with self.client.db_session as session:
ufora_course = await ufora_courses.get_course_by_name(session, course)
if ufora_course is None:
return await ctx.reply(f"Geen vak gevonden voor ``{course}``", ephemeral=True)
return await ctx.reply(
async def study_guide_autocomplete(self, _: discord.Interaction, current: str) -> list[app_commands.Choice[str]]:
"""Autocompletion for the 'course'-parameter"""
return [
app_commands.Choice(name=course, value=course)
for course in self.client.database_caches.ufora_courses.get_autocomplete_suggestions(current)
async def setup(client: Didier):
"""Load the cog"""
await client.add_cog(School(client))