
177 lines
7.9 KiB

from typing import Optional
import discord
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ext import commands
from database.crud import birthdays, bookmarks
from database.exceptions import DuplicateInsertException, ForbiddenNameException
from didier import Didier
from didier.exceptions import expect
from didier.menus.bookmarks import BookmarkSource
from didier.menus.common import Menu
from didier.utils.discord.assets import get_author_avatar
from didier.utils.types.datetime import str_to_date
from didier.utils.types.string import leading
from didier.views.modals import CreateBookmark
class Discord(commands.Cog):
"""Cog for commands related to Discord, servers, and members"""
client: Didier
# Context-menu references
_bookmark_ctx_menu: app_commands.ContextMenu
_pin_ctx_menu: app_commands.ContextMenu
def __init__(self, client: Didier):
self.client = client
self._bookmark_ctx_menu = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Bookmark", callback=self._bookmark_ctx)
self._pin_ctx_menu = app_commands.ContextMenu(name="Pin", callback=self._pin_ctx)
async def cog_unload(self) -> None:
"""Remove the commands when the cog is unloaded"""
self.client.tree.remove_command(self._bookmark_ctx_menu.name, type=self._bookmark_ctx_menu.type)
self.client.tree.remove_command(self._pin_ctx_menu.name, type=self._pin_ctx_menu.type)
@commands.group(name="Birthday", aliases=["Bd", "Birthdays"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True)
async def birthday(self, ctx: commands.Context, user: discord.User = None):
"""Command to check the birthday of a user"""
user_id = (user and user.id) or ctx.author.id
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
birthday = await birthdays.get_birthday_for_user(session, user_id)
name = "Your" if user is None else f"{user.display_name}'s"
if birthday is None:
return await ctx.reply(f"I don't know {name} birthday.", mention_author=False)
day, month = leading("0", str(birthday.birthday.day)), leading("0", str(birthday.birthday.month))
return await ctx.reply(f"{name} birthday is set to **{day}/{month}**.", mention_author=False)
@birthday.command(name="Set", aliases=["Config"])
async def birthday_set(self, ctx: commands.Context, date_str: str):
"""Command to set your birthday"""
default_year = 2001
date = str_to_date(date_str, formats=["%d/%m/%Y", "%d/%m/%y", "%d/%m"])
# If no year was passed, make it 2001 by default
if date_str.count("/") == 1:
except ValueError:
return await ctx.reply(f"`{date_str}` is not a valid date.", mention_author=False)
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
await birthdays.add_birthday(session, ctx.author.id, date)
await self.client.confirm_message(ctx.message)
@commands.group(name="Bookmark", aliases=["Bm", "Bookmarks"], case_insensitive=True, invoke_without_command=True)
async def bookmark(self, ctx: commands.Context, label: str):
"""Post a bookmarked message"""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
result = expect(
await bookmarks.get_bookmark_by_name(session, ctx.author.id, label),
await ctx.reply(result.jump_url, mention_author=False)
@bookmark.command(name="Create", aliases=["New"])
async def bookmark_create(self, ctx: commands.Context, label: str, message: Optional[discord.Message]):
"""Create a new bookmark"""
# If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be bookmarked
if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None:
message = await self.client.resolve_message(ctx.message.reference)
# Didn't fix it, so no message was found
if message is None:
return await ctx.reply("Found no message to bookmark.", delete_after=10)
# Create new bookmark
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
bm = await bookmarks.create_bookmark(session, ctx.author.id, label, message.jump_url)
await ctx.reply(f"Bookmark `{label}` successfully created (`#{bm.bookmark_id}`).", mention_author=False)
except DuplicateInsertException:
# Label is already in use
return await ctx.reply(f"You already have a bookmark named `{label}`.", mention_author=False)
except ForbiddenNameException:
# Label isn't allowed
return await ctx.reply(f"Bookmarks cannot be named `{label}`.", mention_author=False)
@bookmark.command(name="Search", aliases=["List", "Ls"])
async def bookmark_search(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, query: Optional[str] = None):
"""Search through the list of bookmarks"""
async with self.client.postgres_session as session:
results = await bookmarks.get_bookmarks(session, ctx.author.id, query=query)
if not results:
embed = discord.Embed(title="Bookmarks", colour=discord.Colour.red())
avatar_url = get_author_avatar(ctx).url
embed.set_author(name=ctx.author.display_name, icon_url=avatar_url)
embed.description = "You haven't created any bookmarks yet."
return await ctx.reply(embed=embed, mention_author=False)
source = BookmarkSource(ctx, results)
menu = Menu(source)
await menu.start(ctx)
async def _bookmark_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message):
"""Create a bookmark out of this message"""
modal = CreateBookmark(self.client, message.jump_url)
await interaction.response.send_modal(modal)
@commands.command(name="Join", usage="[Thread]")
async def join(self, ctx: commands.Context, thread: discord.Thread):
"""Make Didier join a thread"""
if thread.me is not None:
return await ctx.reply()
@commands.command(name="Pin", usage="[Message]")
async def pin(self, ctx: commands.Context, message: Optional[discord.Message] = None):
"""Pin a message in the current channel"""
# If no message was passed, allow replying to the message that should be pinned
if message is None and ctx.message.reference is not None:
message = await self.client.resolve_message(ctx.message.reference)
# Didn't fix it, sad
if message is None:
return await ctx.reply("Found no message to pin.", delete_after=10)
if message.pinned:
return await ctx.reply("This message has already been pinned.", delete_after=10)
if message.is_system():
return await ctx.reply("Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.")
await message.pin(reason=f"Didier Pin by {ctx.author.display_name}")
await message.add_reaction("📌")
async def _pin_ctx(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, message: discord.Message):
"""Pin a message in the current channel"""
# Is already pinned
if message.pinned:
return await interaction.response.send_message("This message is already pinned.", ephemeral=True)
if message.is_system():
return await interaction.response.send_message(
"Dus jij wil system messages pinnen?\nMag niet.", ephemeral=True
await message.pin(reason=f"Didier Pin by {interaction.user.display_name}")
await message.add_reaction("📌")
return await interaction.response.send_message("📌", ephemeral=True)
async def setup(client: Didier):
"""Load the cog"""
await client.add_cog(Discord(client))