# i3blocks config file # source is available here: # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/endeavouros-team/i3-EndeavourOS/master/.config/i3/i3blocks.conf # Maintainer: joekamprad [joekamprad@endeavouros.com] # created for i3wm setup on EndeavourOS # https://endeavouros.com # cheatsheet for icon fonts used on the block-bar: # https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet # Please see man i3blocks for a complete reference! # The man page is also hosted at http://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # List of valid properties: # # align # color # command # full_text # instance # interval # label # min_width # name # separator # separator_block_width # short_text # signal # urgent # Global properties # # The top properties below are applied to every block, but can be overridden. separator=false markup=pango #[apps] #full_text=Applications: #separator=true #[terminal] #full_text=Terminal  #color=#807dfe #command=xfce4-terminal #separator=true # #[browser] #full_text=Browser  #color=#ff7f81 #command=firefox #separator=true # #[files] #full_text=Files  #color=#7f3fbf #command=thunar ~/ #separator=true #[mail] #full_text=Mail  #color=#dbcb75 #command=thunderbird #separator=true #[bandwidth] #command=~/.config/i3/scripts/bandwidth2 #color=#e07221 #interval=persist # [net] # label=SSID: # command=echo "$(LANG=C nmcli d | grep connected | awk '{print $4}')" # color=#e07221 # interval=5 # separator=true # Players online on Karaoke server [karaoke] label=M command=mcstatus rustybever.be status | grep -o '[0-9]*/[0-9]*' color=#96c6f8 interval=60 # Memory usage # # The type defaults to "mem" if the instance is not specified. [memory] label= command=~/.config/i3/scripts/memory color=#96c6f8 interval=30 # Disk usage # # The directory defaults to $HOME if the instance is not specified. # The script may be called with a optional argument to set the alert # (defaults to 10 for 10%). [disk] label=~ instance=/home command=~/.config/i3/scripts/disk color=#96c6f8 interval=30 [disk] label= instance=/ command=~/.config/i3/scripts/disk color=#96c6f8 interval=30 [CPU-temperature] label=CPU command=~/.config/i3/scripts/temperature --chip coretemp-isa-0000 color=#96c6f8 interval=5 [cpu_usage] label= interval=5 command=~/.config/i3/scripts/cpu_usage color=#96c6f8 #min_width=CPU: 100.00% # Battery indicator # # The battery instance defaults to 0. [battery] command=~/.config/i3/scripts/battery.sh label= #instance=1 interval=30 # Volume indicator [volume-pulseaudio] label=Vol: command=~/.config/i3/scripts/volume color=#208273 instance=Master interval=1 [time] label= command=date '+%a %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' color=#dbcb75 interval=1 #[shutdown_menu] #full_text= #command=~/.config/i3/scripts/shutdown_menu -p rofi -c; #color=#96c6f8