# dotfiles This repo contains the various dotfiles I use on my machines. NOTE: the main repository resides [here](https://git.hackbever.be/Chewing_Bever/dotfiles). # List of contents * [`Gitignore`](.config/git/ignore): global gitignore file * [`Htop`](.config/htop/htoprc): Config for Htop * [`Ion`](.config/ion/initrc): init file for the [Ion shell](https://github.com/redox-os/ion) * [`Picom`](.config/picom.conf): used for the Picom compositor * [`dunst`](.config/dust/dunstrc): config for the Dunst notification server * [`i3`](.config/i3): config files for the i3 window manager, based off the original EndeavourOS config * [`nvim`](.config/nvim): the crown jewel: my Neovim configs * [`qutebrowser`](.config/qutebrowser): Qutebrowser configs * [`yay`](.config/yay): The yay package manager for Arch # How to I'm able to manage my dotfiles using Git thanks to a thing called a bare git repo. It basically means that you can place the Git directory anywhere, allowing you to specify the work tree using a command line parameter. It's pretty easy to set up: ```bash # This initializes the repo # I personally use ~/.cfg as the .git folder, but you can change this to whatever you want git init --bare "$HOME/.cfg" # For convenience, it's best to define an alias # Don't forget to replace the '$HOME/.cfg' if you're using another directory. alias dots="git --git-dir='$HOME/.cfg' --work-tree='$HOME'" # Then, when you wish to add a dotfile, you just use the alias # This works from anywhere in the file system dots add yourdotfile # You can check the status just like any other repo dots status # Don't forget to add your remote dots remote add origin yourremote # And then, you can commit and push! dots commit -m "Bare repos are cool" dots push # It's a git repo, that's all it is ```