local o = vim.o local g = vim.g g.mapleader = " " g.maplocalleader = "\\" -- I often use non-standard shells that don't play nicely wiht certain features o.shell = "/bin/bash" -- Centers your cursor whenever possible -- 999 is just a really large number (I think it's amount of lines or something) o.scrolloff = 999 -- Forces Neovim to assume a 256-color terminal; required for certain colorschemes o.termguicolors = true -- Set the colorscheme -- g.colors_name = "flattened_dark" -- This combo shows the absolute line number on the current line & the relative one on all the others o.number = true o.relativenumber = true -- Opens new files to the bottom, right resp. of the current buffer o.splitbelow = true o.splitright = true -- Converts tabs to 4 spaces o.expandtab = true o.tabstop = 4 o.shiftwidth = 4 -- Show search matches as I'm typing o.incsearch = true -- Makes search case-sensitive only when using caps o.smartcase = true -- Don't highlight search results after search is finished o.hlsearch = false local swap_dir = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/swap' local undo_dir = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/undo' -- Create swap files o.swapfile = true -- Where to store the swap files; I store mine in the current directory o.directory = swap_dir o.backup = false o.undofile = true o.undodir = undo_dir o.updatetime = 250 o.shelltemp = false -- o.completeopt = "menuone,noselect"