# dotfiles This repo contains the various dotfiles I use on my machines. # List of contents * [`Gitignore`](.config/git/ignore): global gitignore file * [`Htop`](.config/htop/htoprc): Config for Htop * [`Ion`](.config/ion/initrc): init file for the [Ion shell](https://github.com/redox-os/ion) * [`Picom`](.config/picom.conf): used for the Picom compositor * [`dunst`](.config/dust/dunstrc): config for the Dunst notification server * [`i3`](.config/i3): config files for the i3 window manager, based off the original EndeavourOS config * [`nvim`](.config/nvim): the crown jewel: my Neovim configs * [`qutebrowser`](.config/qutebrowser): Qutebrowser configs * [`yay`](.config/yay): The yay package manager for Arch