Ivago: calender ICal output #4

opened 2021-03-29 07:50:32 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 1 comment
  • Option to return ical file instead of json by passing the proper Accept header.
* Option to return ical file instead of json by passing the proper `Accept` header.
Jef Roosens added this to the Version 1.0: Ivago milestone 2021-03-29 07:50:32 +00:00
Jef Roosens added the
label 2021-03-29 07:50:32 +00:00
Jef Roosens self-assigned this 2021-03-29 07:50:32 +00:00
Jef Roosens added this to the (deleted) project 2021-03-29 07:50:32 +00:00
Jef Roosens added a new dependency 2021-03-29 07:50:43 +00:00

Should be simple enough to implement, we just need a way to convert from the JSON data to a .ics file.

Should be simple enough to implement, we just need a way to convert from the JSON data to a `.ics` file.
Jef Roosens removed this from the Version 1.0: Ivago milestone 2021-04-12 19:42:17 +00:00
Jef Roosens added this to the Fej 1.2.0 - Curse of the Forge milestone 2021-04-17 07:43:09 +00:00
Jef Roosens added the
label 2021-04-29 07:29:18 +00:00
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/fej#4
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