Switching to an SDK-based design #79

opened 2021-05-20 08:00:48 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

The frontend is currently tailor-made to connect with the backend. This however limits the options for creating new applications that might integrate with the API in different ways.

Therefore, I propose a change of operations: we (once again) split the project, but this time into three repos. One for the (Rust) backend, one for a TypeScript SDK to interact with a Fej API, and one for the frontend. This frontend would then use the SDK to interact with the server, completely separating their concerns.

The frontend is currently tailor-made to connect with the backend. This however limits the options for creating new applications that might integrate with the API in different ways. Therefore, I propose a change of operations: we (once again) split the project, but this time into three repos. One for the (Rust) backend, one for a TypeScript SDK to interact with a Fej API, and one for the frontend. This frontend would then use the SDK to interact with the server, completely separating their concerns.
Jef Roosens added the
label 2021-05-20 08:00:48 +00:00
Jef Roosens self-assigned this 2021-05-20 08:00:48 +00:00
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/fej#79
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