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all: debug
.PHONY: all
# Builds the debug release inside the Alpine container. For build caching, two
# volumes are used named `fej_build-cache` and `fej_registry-cache`. These
# images are automatically created for you if they don't exist. If you
# encounter any strange build errors, you can try removing this volumes to
# start a completely fresh build.
@ ./build -m dev -a run build
.PHONY: debug
# Builds the release version. In contrary to the debug version, this build
# doesn't use volumes for caching, as this would require the build to happen
# during runtime instead of during the building of the image. Instead, it uses
# the new `--mount` feature from Buildkit. This does mean that only very recent
# Docker engines can build the release version (in my case, at the time of
# writing this, 20.10.5).
@ ./build -m rel
.PHONY: release
# This builds the release version, and pushes all relevant tags to my Docker
# Hub repository, namely chewingbever/fej
@ ./build -m rel -a push
.PHONY: push
# This builds the debug release, and runs it detached. The reason we detach the
# container is because Rocket has a tendency to ignore ctlr-c when inside a
# container, which gets annoying really fast.
@ ./build -m dev -a run
.PHONY: run
# As a workaround, we just have a stop command that stops the container.
@ docker stop -t 2 fej
.PHONY: stop
# This attaches to the running container, essentially giving the same result as
# just running `cargo run` locally.
@ docker logs -f fej
.PHONY: logs
# Builds the debug version, and runs the tests (but doesn't detach).
@ ./build -m dev -a run -l -- test --no-fail-fast
.PHONY: test
# Runs the cargo code formatter on your code.
@ cargo fmt
.PHONY: format
# Lints your code. This also gets run in the pre-commit hook, basically
# preventing you from committing badly-formatted code.
@ cargo fmt -- --check
.PHONY: lint
# This builds the documentation for the project, excluding the documentation.
@ cargo doc --no-deps
.PHONY: docs