The idea #1

opened 2021-06-16 10:59:32 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

The idea for Hilde is the fact that Debian repositories are quite basically, they can literally just be a file server. I'd like to create my own implementation with the following (beginner) features:

  • Fully compliant API with the Apt repositor

It should support all compression types (we'll begin with the most common ones), and generate Packages files on the fly.

  • Endpoints to upload new versions

I want to be able to upload new versions of software to the server using a simple endpoint, that can then be used from e.g. a CI pipeline. My goal is to make my own personal "AUR", but for Debian.

  • Database backend

I want to parse all incoming deb files and index their control files. This way, we can have fast access to all the metadata, and maybe use this later for some useful stuffz (I'm still figuring this part out).

The idea for Hilde is the fact that Debian repositories are quite basically, they can literally just be a file server. I'd like to create my own implementation with the following (beginner) features: * Fully compliant API with the Apt repositor It should support all compression types (we'll begin with the most common ones), and generate `Packages` files on the fly. * Endpoints to upload new versions I want to be able to upload new versions of software to the server using a simple endpoint, that can then be used from e.g. a CI pipeline. My goal is to make my own personal "AUR", but for Debian. * Database backend I want to parse all incoming deb files and index their `control` files. This way, we can have fast access to all the metadata, and maybe use this later for some useful stuffz (I'm still figuring this part out).
Jef Roosens added the
label 2021-06-16 10:59:32 +00:00
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/hilde#1
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