Searching for metadata in the backend #6

opened 2021-04-30 09:47:53 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

The idea right now is to use the Spotify API as a backend for the service.

We should write a base class (basically an interface) that defines any search methods required to search through a music-based system. This way, we can add backend search engines when needed without having to re-invent the wheel.

The idea right now is to use the Spotify API as a backend for the service. We should write a base class (basically an interface) that defines any search methods required to search through a music-based system. This way, we can add backend search engines when needed without having to re-invent the wheel.
Jef Roosens added the
label 2021-04-30 09:47:53 +00:00
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/jos#6
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