# Architecture Lander is (almost) completely made up of self-written components. This file describes how these various components are designed and interact. ## Server Lander is an HTTP/1.1 server, meaning we need some sort of server framework. ## Event loop At the bottom of the stack is an implementation of an event loop, heavily inspired by the [Build Your Own Redis with C/C++](https://build-your-own.org/redis/) book, written by James Smith. This book was instrumental in understanding how an event loop works, and I can hardly recommending checking it out! The event loop relies on the concept of non-blocking I/O. Instead of e.g. starting a `read` command and waiting for its data to be retrieved, we can instead use the `poll` syscall to wait for sockets to be ready for operation. Thanks to this, we can let the kernel wait for I/O for us, allowing our program to process data immediately using large CPU-bound bursts of work. Each cycle of the event loop consists of the same, surprisingely simple, steps: 1. Execute the `poll` syscall on our list of currently open file descriptors, and wait for it to return 2. For each file descriptor that received an event, we 1. Process its event according to the state of the connection 2. Close the connection if its state has changed to "end" 3. Finally, if the main file descriptor received an event, we try to accept a connection Each connection can be in one of three states: `req`, `res` or `end`. Requests always start in the `req` state, which is the reading & processing state. While in the `req` state, the connection will try to read data from the socket (an incoming request). After each read, the data processing function is called, which tries to interpret the currently buffered data and process the request. This function will then write some data to the write buffer, after which the request is switched to the `res` state. In this state, no data is processed, and all that the event loop tries to do is write the entire write buffer to the socket. After this is done, the request switches back to the `req` mode. By letting the `res` state transition back into the `req` state, we can both allow request pipelining (where multiple requests are sent over the same connection) and allow the data handler to process requests greater than the connection buffer size. Note that the event loop solely processes data stored in its buffers, and switching between the `req` and `res` state does not mean that the upper layer using this event loop has also fully processed its request. In the context of the event loop, a response is solely what's in its write buffer. To allow building upon this event loopp, it provides each connection with a context struct, and optionally a global context that's the same for every connection. The creation of these contexts, along with the data handler function, can be provided by a higher layer, providing the building blocks for higher-level loop implementations. This concept is used to implement the next layer of Lander, namely the HTTP loop.