#include #include #include #include #include #include "landerctl.h" const char *landerctl_err_msg(landerctl_err err) { switch (err) { case landerctl_err_not_found: return "File not found"; default: return ""; } } void landerctl_set_common(landerctl_ctx *ctx) { size_t url_len = strlen(ctx->cfg.server_url) + 4; if (ctx->key != NULL) { url_len += strlen(ctx->key); } char mode_char; switch (ctx->mode) { case landerctl_mode_short: mode_char = 's'; break; case landerctl_mode_paste: mode_char = 'p'; break; case landerctl_mode_file: mode_char = 'f'; break; // Shouldn't be able to happen default: return; } char url[url_len + 1]; if (ctx->key == NULL) { sprintf(url, "%s/%c%s/", ctx->cfg.server_url, mode_char, ctx->secure ? "l" : ""); } else { sprintf(url, "%s/%c%s/%s", ctx->cfg.server_url, mode_char, ctx->secure ? "l" : "", ctx->key); } curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); // Add API key header char api_key_header[strlen(ctx->cfg.api_key) + 12]; sprintf(api_key_header, "X-Api-Key: %s", ctx->cfg.api_key); ctx->headers = curl_slist_append(NULL, api_key_header); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "landerctl/" LANDER_VERSION ""); } landerctl_err landerctl_post_short(landerctl_ctx *ctx) { curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, strlen(ctx->arg)); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, ctx->arg); return landerctl_err_ok; } landerctl_err landerctl_post_paste(landerctl_ctx *ctx) { ctx->data_file = fopen(ctx->arg, "rb"); if (ctx->data_file == NULL) { return landerctl_err_not_found; } struct stat sb; stat(ctx->arg, &sb); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, ctx->data_file); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, sb.st_size); return landerctl_err_ok; } landerctl_err landerctl_post_file(landerctl_ctx *ctx) { ctx->data_file = fopen(ctx->arg, "rb"); if (ctx->data_file == NULL) { return landerctl_err_not_found; } struct stat sb; stat(ctx->arg, &sb); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1L); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, ctx->data_file); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE_LARGE, sb.st_size); curl_easy_setopt(ctx->curl, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0L); magic_t cookie = magic_open(MAGIC_MIME_TYPE); if (magic_load(cookie, NULL) == 0) { const char *mime_type = magic_file(cookie, ctx->arg); if (mime_type != NULL) { char content_type_header[strlen(mime_type) + 24]; sprintf(content_type_header, "X-Lander-Content-Type: %s", mime_type); ctx->headers = curl_slist_append(ctx->headers, content_type_header); } else { printf("Couldn't determine mime type; skipping Content-Type header\n"); } } else { printf("Couldn't load magic file; skipping Content-Type header\n"); } char s[strlen(ctx->arg) + 1]; strcpy(s, ctx->arg); const char *base_name = basename(s); char filename_header[strlen(base_name) + 20]; sprintf(filename_header, "X-Lander-Filename: %s", base_name); ctx->headers = curl_slist_append(ctx->headers, filename_header); return landerctl_err_ok; }