" Colorscheme " This forces (Neo)Vim to assume the terminal supports 256 colors. " Without this, some colorschemes (including mine) don't work properly. set termguicolors " Set colorscheme colorscheme flattened_dark hi Normal guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE hi LineNr ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE " Line numbers " I use the combination of absolute and relative line numbers. On the " current line, it shows the absolute; on all the others, the relative. set number relativenumber " Splits " I prefer the logic of 'open your main window first, and all other " afterwards', so this makes a new file open below or to the right of the " current one. set splitbelow splitright " Indentation " I only use four spaces as indentation. This configures Vim to always use four " spaces, for both manual tabs and automatic indentation. set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 " Search functionality " Show matches as pattern is being typed set incsearch " Ignore case as long as there are no capital letters in the pattern set smartcase " Don't hightlight search results after search is finished set nohlsearch " autocmd BufReadPre * call SetDirs() " Turn on swap files set swapfile set directory=./.vim/swap// " Create file backups " set backup " Store backups in .vim directory, next to swap files " set backupdir=./.vim/backup/, " Temporary, until I've found a fix set nobackup " Create an undo file for each file; this makes undo persistent set undofile set undodir=./.vim/undo// " Increases speed of CoC and Gitgutter set updatetime=250 " Make Vim use pipes instead of temp files when running commands " set noshelltemp