# neovim-config This repo contains the full Neovim config that I use on a daily basis for college and personal projects. ## Config structure The config exists of a few key components: * `coc-settings.json`: config for the * `init.vim`: this is the actual config file that gets loaded. It sources everything else. [CoC](https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim) plugin. * `autoload/`: a special directory allowing the files inside to be used in the `:call` command. Its only use is allowing usage of [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug), my plugin manager. * `colors/`: contains my themes. * `ftplugin/`: this is where you can put filetype plugins. These are vim scripts that are sourced whenever you open a buffer with the given filetype, e.g. if you open a file with filetype `markdown`, it will source the file `ftplugin/markdown.vim`, if it exists. This allows for custom configs for certain filetypes. * `init/`: contains the various config files sourced by `init.vim`. I could just cram it all into a single file, but I find this difficult to maintain.