Rusty Bever integration #2

opened 2022-01-06 13:55:40 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

An option to integrate with the Rusty Bever auth system would be really nice. Besides just using it to authenticate, we could perhaps also make it so that there is a global repo at the root, but that each user can also have their own personal repo at /username/username.db or something, with a mandatory prefix for all packages (e.g. jjr).

An option to integrate with the Rusty Bever auth system would be really nice. Besides just using it to authenticate, we could perhaps also make it so that there is a global repo at the root, but that each user can also have their own personal repo at `/username/username.db` or something, with a mandatory prefix for all packages (e.g. jjr).
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Reference: Chewing_Bever/pieter#2
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