platform: 'linux/amd64' when: branch: exclude: [main] event: push steps: build: image: 'rust:1.79-alpine3.19' environment: - 'LIBARCHIVE_STATIC=1' commands: # Dependencies required to statically compile libarchive and libsqlite3 - > apk add --no-cache build-base libarchive-static libarchive-dev zlib-static openssl-libs-static bzip2-static xz-static expat-static zstd-static lz4-static acl-static - cargo build --verbose # Binaries, even debug ones, should be statically compiled - '[ "$(readelf -d target/debug/rieterd | grep NEEDED | wc -l)" = 0 ]' clippy: image: 'rust:1.79-alpine3.19' environment: - 'LIBARCHIVE_STATIC=1' commands: - rustup component add clippy - cargo clippy -- --no-deps -Dwarnings