# # Welcome, friend ❤. Thanks for trying out Monica. We hope you'll have fun. # # Two choices: local|production. Use local if you want to install Monica as a # development version. Use production otherwise. APP_ENV=production # true if you want to show debug information on errors. For production, put this # to false. APP_DEBUG=false # The encryption key. This is the most important part of the application. Keep # this secure otherwise, everyone will be able to access your application. # Must be 32 characters long exactly. # Use `php artisan key:generate` or `pwgen -s 32 1` to generate a random key. APP_KEY=ChangeMeBy32KeyLengthOrGenerated # Prevent information leakage by referring to IDs with hashIds instead of # the actual IDs used in the database. HASH_SALT=ChangeMeBy20+KeyLength HASH_LENGTH=18 # The URL of your application. APP_URL=http://localhost # Force using APP_URL as base url of your application. # You should not need this, unless you are using subdirectory config. APP_FORCE_URL=false # Database information # To keep this information secure, we urge you to change the default password # Currently only "mysql" compatible servers are working DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST=db DB_PORT=3306 # You can use mysql unix socket if available, it overrides DB_HOST and DB_PORT values. #DB_UNIX_SOCKET=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock DB_DATABASE=monica DB_USERNAME=monica DB_PASSWORD=monica DB_PREFIX= DB_TEST_HOST= DB_TEST_DATABASE=monica_test DB_TEST_USERNAME=homestead DB_TEST_PASSWORD=secret # Use utf8mb4 database charset format to support emoji characters # ⚠ be sure your DBMS supports utf8mb4 format DB_USE_UTF8MB4=true # Mail credentials used to send emails from the application. MAIL_MAILER=smtp MAIL_HOST=mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME= MAIL_PASSWORD= MAIL_ENCRYPTION= # Outgoing emails will be sent with these identity MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS= MAIL_FROM_NAME="Monica instance" # New registration notification sent to this email APP_EMAIL_NEW_USERS_NOTIFICATION= # Ability to disable signups on your instance. # Can be true or false. Default to false. APP_DISABLE_SIGNUP=true # Enable user email verification. APP_SIGNUP_DOUBLE_OPTIN=false # Set trusted proxy IP addresses. # To trust all proxies that connect directly to your server, use a "*". # To trust one or more specific proxies that connect directly to your server, # use a comma separated list of IP addresses. APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES=* # Enable automatic cloudflare trusted proxy discover APP_TRUSTED_CLOUDFLARE=false # Frequency of creation of new log files. Logs are written when an error occurs. # Refer to config/logging.php for the possible values. LOG_CHANNEL=daily # Error tracking. Specific to hosted version on .com. You probably don't need # those. SENTRY_SUPPORT=false SENTRY_LARAVEL_DSN= # Send a daily ping to https://version.monicahq.com to check if a new version # is available. When a new version is detected, you will have a message in the # UI, as well as the release notes for the new changes. Can be true or false. # Default to true. CHECK_VERSION=true # Cache, session, and queue parameters # ⚠ Change this only if you know what you are doing #. Cache: database, file, memcached, redis, dynamodb #. Session: file, cookie, database, apc, memcached, redis, array #. Queue: sync, database, beanstalkd, sqs, redis # If Queue is not set to 'sync', you'll have to set a queue worker # See https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/queues#running-the-queue-worker CACHE_DRIVER=redis SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync # If you use redis, set the redis host or ip, like: REDIS_HOST=redis # Maximum allowed size for uploaded files, in kilobytes. # Make sure this is an integer, without commas or spaces. DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE=10240 # Maximum allowed storage size per account, in megabytes. # Make sure this is an integer, without commas or spaces. DEFAULT_MAX_STORAGE_SIZE=512 # Default filesystem to store uploaded files. # Possible values: public|s3 DEFAULT_FILESYSTEM=public # AWS keys for S3 when using this storage method AWS_KEY= AWS_SECRET= AWS_REGION=us-east-1 AWS_BUCKET= AWS_SERVER= # Allow Two Factor Authentication feature on your instance MFA_ENABLED=true # Enable DAV support DAV_ENABLED=true # CLIENT ID and SECRET used for OAuth authentication PASSPORT_PERSONAL_ACCESS_CLIENT_ID= PASSPORT_PERSONAL_ACCESS_CLIENT_SECRET= # Allow to access general statistics about your instance through a public API # call ALLOW_STATISTICS_THROUGH_PUBLIC_API_ACCESS=false # Indicates that each user in the instance must comply to international policies # like CASL or GDPR POLICY_COMPLIANT=true # Enable geolocation services # This is used to translate addresses to GPS coordinates. ENABLE_GEOLOCATION=false # API key for geolocation services # We use LocationIQ (https://locationiq.com/) to translate addresses to # latitude/longitude coordinates. We could use Google instead but we don't # want to give anything to Google, ever. # LocationIQ offers 10,000 free requests per day. LOCATION_IQ_API_KEY= # Enable weather on contact profile page # Weather can only be fetched if we know longitude/latitude - this is why # you also need to activate the geolocation service above to make it work ENABLE_WEATHER=false # Access to weather data from darksky api # https://darksky.net/dev/register # Darksky provides an api with 1000 free API calls per day # You need to enable the weather above if you provide an API key here. DARKSKY_API_KEY=