ARG BASE_IMAGE # We use ${:-} instead of a default value because the argument is always passed # to the build, it'll just be blank most likely FROM ${BASE_IMAGE:-'openjdk:8-jre-slim'} # Build arguments ARG MC_VERSION ARG FORGE_VERSION # Install mcstatus for healthchecks RUN apt update && \ apt install --no-install-recommends -y python3-minimal python3-setuptools python3-pip && \ python3 -m pip install mcstatus && \ apt --purge remove -y python3-pip python3-setuptools && \ apt clean # Create worlds and config directory WORKDIR /app RUN mkdir worlds config # Download installer jar ADD "${MC_VERSION}-${FORGE_VERSION}/forge-${MC_VERSION}-${FORGE_VERSION}-installer.jar" installer.jar # Install forge & remove installer RUN java -jar installer.jar server --installServer && \ rm installer.jar installer.jar.log # Store the cache in an anonymous volume, which means it won't get stored in the other volumes VOLUME /mc/config/cache WORKDIR /mc/config # Default value to keep users from eating up all ram accidentally ENV XMX=4 ENV MC_VERSION="${MC_VERSION}" ENV FORGE_VERSION="${FORGE_VERSION}" # Forge doesn't use one single name, so this is needed to know the name of the executable ENV FORGE_JAR="forge-${MC_VERSION}-${FORGE_VERSION}.jar" # Entrypoint runs in /app/config COPY / WORKDIR /app/config ENTRYPOINT / HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s --start-period=15s --retries=3 \ CMD mcstatus localhost:25565 ping