forked from vieter-v/vieter
109 lines
2.5 KiB
109 lines
2.5 KiB
module pkg
import archive
import time
struct Pkg {
info PkgInfo [required]
files []string [required]
struct PkgInfo {
// Single values
name string
base string
version string
description string
size i64
csize i64
url string
arch string
build_date i64
packager string
md5sum string
sha256sum string
pgpsig string
pgpsigsize i64
// Array values
groups []string
licenses []string
replaces []string
depends []string
conflicts []string
provides []string
optdepends []string
makedepends []string
checkdepends []string
fn parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_info_str &string) ?PkgInfo {
mut pkg_info := PkgInfo{}
// Iterate over the entire string
for line in pkg_info_str.split_into_lines() {
// Skip any comment lines
if line.starts_with('#') {
parts := line.split_nth('=', 2)
if parts.len < 2 {
return error('Invalid line detected.')
value := parts[1].trim_space()
key := parts[0].trim_space()
match key {
// Single values
'pkgname' { = value }
'pkgbase' { pkg_info.base = value }
'pkgver' { pkg_info.version = value }
'pkgdesc' { pkg_info.description = value }
'csize' { pkg_info.csize = }
'size' { pkg_info.size = }
'url' { pkg_info.url = value }
'arch' { pkg_info.arch = value }
'builddate' { pkg_info.build_date = }
'packager' { pkg_info.packager = value }
'md5sum' { pkg_info.md5sum = value }
'sha256sum' { pkg_info.sha256sum = value }
'pgpsig' { pkg_info.pgpsig = value }
'pgpsigsize' { pkg_info.pgpsigsize = }
// Array values
'group' { pkg_info.groups << value }
'license' { pkg_info.licenses << value }
'replaces' { pkg_info.replaces << value }
'depend' { pkg_info.depends << value }
'conflict' { pkg_info.conflicts << value }
'provides' { pkg_info.provides << value }
'optdepend' { pkg_info.optdepends << value }
'makedepend' { pkg_info.makedepends << value }
'checkdepend' { pkg_info.checkdepends << value }
else { return error("Invalid key '$key'.") }
return pkg_info
pub fn read_pkg(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
pkg_info_str, files := archive.pkg_info(pkg_path) ?
pkg_info := parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_info_str) ?
return Pkg{
info: pkg_info
files: files
// Represent a PkgInfo struct as a desc file
pub fn (p &PkgInfo) to_desc() string {
// TODO calculate md5 & sha256 instead of believing the file
mut desc := ''
return desc