refactor: compile on V 0.3.2

Jef Roosens 2022-11-01 21:10:45 +01:00
parent ed29102717
commit 22fd6e395b
Signed by: Jef Roosens
GPG Key ID: B75D4F293C7052DB
23 changed files with 205 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ SRC_DIR := src
SOURCES != find '$(SRC_DIR)' -iname '*.v'
V_PATH ?= v
V := $(V_PATH) -showcc -gc boehm
V := $(V_PATH) -showcc -gc boehm -W
all: vieter

View File

@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ const (
// system, install some necessary packages & creates a non-root user to run
// makepkg with. The base image should be some Linux distribution that uses
// Pacman as its package manager.
pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) !string {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()!
defer {
dd.close() or {}
@ -57,15 +57,15 @@ pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
image_tag := if image_parts.len > 1 { image_parts[1] } else { 'latest' }
// We pull the provided image
dd.pull_image(image_name, image_tag)?
dd.pull_image(image_name, image_tag)!
id := dd.container_create(c)?.id
// id := docker.create_container(c)?
id := dd.container_create(c)!.id
// id := docker.create_container(c)!
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for {
data := dd.container_inspect(id)?
data := dd.container_inspect(id)!
if !data.state.running {
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
// TODO also add the base image's name into the image name to prevent
// conflicts.
tag := time.sys_mono_now().str()
image := dd.create_image_from_container(id, 'vieter-build', tag)?
image := dd.create_image_from_container(id, 'vieter-build', tag)!
@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ pub:
// build_target builds, packages & publishes a given Arch package based on the
// provided target. The base image ID should be of an image previously created
// by create_build_image. It returns the logs of the container.
pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target &Target) ?BuildResult {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target &Target) !BuildResult {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()!
defer {
dd.close() or {}
@ -125,25 +125,25 @@ pub fn build_target(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, target
user: '0:0'
id := dd.container_create(c)?.id
id := dd.container_create(c)!.id
mut data := dd.container_inspect(id)?
mut data := dd.container_inspect(id)!
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for data.state.running {
time.sleep(1 * time.second)
data = dd.container_inspect(id)?
data = dd.container_inspect(id)!
mut logs_stream := dd.container_get_logs(id)?
mut logs_stream := dd.container_get_logs(id)!
// Read in the entire stream
mut logs_builder := strings.new_builder(10 * 1024)
util.reader_to_writer(mut logs_stream, mut logs_builder)?
util.reader_to_writer(mut logs_stream, mut logs_builder)!
return BuildResult{
start_time: data.state.start_time

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub fn new(address string, api_key string) Client {
// send_request_raw sends an HTTP request, returning the http.Response object.
// It encodes the params so that they're safe to pass as HTTP query parameters.
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?http.Response {
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) !http.Response {
mut full_url := '$c.address$url'
if params.len > 0 {
@ -38,31 +38,33 @@ fn (c &Client) send_request_raw(method Method, url string, params map[string]str
full_url = '$full_url?$params_str'
mut req := http.new_request(method, full_url, body)?
req.add_custom_header('X-Api-Key', c.api_key)?
// Looking at the source code, this function doesn't actually fail, so I'm
// not sure why it returns an optional
mut req := http.new_request(method, full_url, body) or { return error('') }
req.add_custom_header('X-Api-Key', c.api_key)!
res :=
res :=!
return res
// send_request<T> just calls send_request_with_body<T> with an empty body.
fn (c &Client) send_request<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string) ?Response<T> {
fn (c &Client) send_request<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string) !Response<T> {
return c.send_request_with_body<T>(method, url, params, '')
// send_request_with_body<T> calls send_request_raw_response & parses its
// output as a Response<T> object.
fn (c &Client) send_request_with_body<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?Response<T> {
res_text := c.send_request_raw_response(method, url, params, body)?
data := json.decode(Response<T>, res_text)?
fn (c &Client) send_request_with_body<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) !Response<T> {
res_text := c.send_request_raw_response(method, url, params, body)!
data := json.decode(Response<T>, res_text)!
return data
// send_request_raw_response returns the raw text response for an HTTP request.
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw_response(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?string {
res := c.send_request_raw(method, url, params, body)?
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw_response(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) !string {
res := c.send_request_raw(method, url, params, body)!
return res.body

View File

@ -6,40 +6,40 @@ import web.response { Response }
import time
// get_build_logs returns all build logs.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs(filter BuildLogFilter) ?Response<[]BuildLog> {
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs(filter BuildLogFilter) !Response<[]BuildLog> {
params := models.params_from(filter)
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs', params)?
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs', params)!
return data
// get_build_logs_for_target returns all build logs for a given target.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs_for_target(target_id int) ?Response<[]BuildLog> {
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs_for_target(target_id int) !Response<[]BuildLog> {
params := {
'repo': target_id.str()
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs', params)?
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs', params)!
return data
// get_build_log returns a specific build log.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log(id int) ?Response<BuildLog> {
data := c.send_request<BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs/$id', {})?
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log(id int) !Response<BuildLog> {
data := c.send_request<BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs/$id', {})!
return data
// get_build_log_content returns the contents of the build log file.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log_content(id int) ?string {
data := c.send_request_raw_response(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs/$id/content', {}, '')?
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log_content(id int) !string {
data := c.send_request_raw_response(Method.get, '/api/v1/logs/$id/content', {}, '')!
return data
// add_build_log adds a new build log to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) ?Response<int> {
pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) !Response<int> {
params := {
'target': target_id.str()
'startTime': start_time.unix_time().str()
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time t
'exitCode': exit_code.str()
data := c.send_request_with_body<int>(, '/api/v1/logs', params, content)?
data := c.send_request_with_body<int>(, '/api/v1/logs', params, content)!
return data

View File

@ -5,21 +5,21 @@ import net.http { Method }
import web.response { Response }
// get_targets returns a list of targets, given a filter object.
pub fn (c &Client) get_targets(filter TargetFilter) ?[]Target {
pub fn (c &Client) get_targets(filter TargetFilter) ![]Target {
params := models.params_from(filter)
data := c.send_request<[]Target>(Method.get, '/api/v1/targets', params)?
data := c.send_request<[]Target>(Method.get, '/api/v1/targets', params)!
// get_all_targets retrieves *all* targs from the API using the default
// limit.
pub fn (c &Client) get_all_targets() ?[]Target {
pub fn (c &Client) get_all_targets() ![]Target {
mut targets := []Target{}
mut offset := u64(0)
for {
sub_targets := c.get_targets(offset: offset)?
sub_targets := c.get_targets(offset: offset)!
if sub_targets.len == 0 {
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ pub fn (c &Client) get_all_targets() ?[]Target {
// get_target returns the target for a specific id.
pub fn (c &Client) get_target(id int) ?Target {
data := c.send_request<Target>(Method.get, '/api/v1/targets/$id', {})?
pub fn (c &Client) get_target(id int) !Target {
data := c.send_request<Target>(Method.get, '/api/v1/targets/$id', {})!
@ -49,24 +49,24 @@ pub struct NewTarget {
// add_target adds a new target to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_target(t NewTarget) ?Response<int> {
pub fn (c &Client) add_target(t NewTarget) !Response<int> {
params := models.params_from<NewTarget>(t)
data := c.send_request<int>(, '/api/v1/targets', params)?
data := c.send_request<int>(, '/api/v1/targets', params)!
return data
// remove_target removes the target with the given id from the server.
pub fn (c &Client) remove_target(id int) ?Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.delete, '/api/v1/targets/$id', {})?
pub fn (c &Client) remove_target(id int) !Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.delete, '/api/v1/targets/$id', {})!
return data
// patch_target sends a PATCH request to the given target with the params as
// payload.
pub fn (c &Client) patch_target(id int, params map[string]string) ?Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.patch, '/api/v1/targets/$id', params)?
pub fn (c &Client) patch_target(id int, params map[string]string) !Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.patch, '/api/v1/targets/$id', params)!
return data

View File

@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
name: 'search'
description: 'Search for packages.'
required_args: 1
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
c :=
pkgs :=[0])?
pkgs :=[0])!
data :=[, it.description])
println(console.pretty_table(['name', 'description'], data)?)
println(console.pretty_table(['name', 'description'], data)!)
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
usage: 'repo pkg-name [pkg-name...]'
description: 'Add the given AUR package(s) to Vieter. Non-existent packages will be silently ignored.'
required_args: 2
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
c :=
pkgs :=[1..])?
pkgs :=[1..])!
vc :=, conf.api_key)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub fn tabbed_table(data [][]string) string {
// pretty_table converts a list of string data into a pretty table. Many thanks
// to @hungrybluedev in the Vlang Discord for providing this code!
pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) ?string {
pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) !string {
column_count := header.len
mut column_widths := []int{len: column_count, init: header[it].len}
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) ?string {
single_line_length := arrays.sum(column_widths)? + (column_count + 1) * 3 - 4
single_line_length := arrays.sum(column_widths)! + (column_count + 1) * 3 - 4
horizontal_line := '+' + strings.repeat(`-`, single_line_length) + '+'
mut buffer := strings.new_builder(data.len * single_line_length)
@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) ?string {
// export_man_pages recursively generates all man pages for the given
// cli.Command & writes them to the given directory.
pub fn export_man_pages(cmd cli.Command, path string) ? {
pub fn export_man_pages(cmd cli.Command, path string) ! {
man := cmd.manpage()
os.write_file(os.join_path_single(path, cmd.full_name().replace(' ', '-') + '.1'),
for sub_cmd in cmd.commands {
export_man_pages(sub_cmd, path)?
export_man_pages(sub_cmd, path)!

View File

@ -63,30 +63,30 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
flag: cli.FlagType.string
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
mut filter := BuildLogFilter{}
limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')?
limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')!
if limit != 0 {
filter.limit = u64(limit)
offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')?
offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')!
if offset != 0 {
filter.offset = u64(offset)
target_id := cmd.flags.get_int('target')?
target_id := cmd.flags.get_int('target')!
if target_id != 0 { = target_id
tz_offset := time.offset()
if cmd.flags.get_bool('today')? {
if cmd.flags.get_bool('today')! {
today :=
filter.after = time.new_time(time.Time{
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// The -today flag overwrites any of the other date flags.
else {
day_str := cmd.flags.get_string('day')?
before_str := cmd.flags.get_string('before')?
after_str := cmd.flags.get_string('after')?
day_str := cmd.flags.get_string('day')!
before_str := cmd.flags.get_string('before')!
after_str := cmd.flags.get_string('after')!
if day_str != '' {
day := time.parse_rfc3339(day_str)?
day := time.parse_rfc3339(day_str)!
day_utc := time.new_time(time.Time{
year: day.year
month: day.month
@ -118,24 +118,24 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
filter.before = day_utc.add_days(1)
} else {
if before_str != '' {
filter.before = time.parse(before_str)?.add_seconds(-tz_offset)
filter.before = time.parse(before_str)!.add_seconds(-tz_offset)
if after_str != '' {
filter.after = time.parse(after_str)?.add_seconds(-tz_offset)
filter.after = time.parse(after_str)!.add_seconds(-tz_offset)
if cmd.flags.get_bool('failed')? {
if cmd.flags.get_bool('failed')! {
filter.exit_codes = [
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')!
list(conf, filter, raw)?
list(conf, filter, raw)!
@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Show all info for a specific build log.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
id := cmd.args[0].int()
info(conf, id)?
info(conf, id)!
@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Output the content of a build log to stdout.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
id := cmd.args[0].int()
content(conf, id)?
content(conf, id)!
@ -169,46 +169,46 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// print_log_list prints a list of logs.
fn print_log_list(logs []BuildLog, raw bool) ? {
fn print_log_list(logs []BuildLog, raw bool) ! {
data :=[, it.target_id.str(), it.start_time.local().str(),
if raw {
} else {
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'target', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)?)
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'target', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)!)
// list prints a list of all build logs.
fn list(conf Config, filter BuildLogFilter, raw bool) ? {
fn list(conf Config, filter BuildLogFilter, raw bool) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs(filter)?.data
logs := c.get_build_logs(filter)!.data
print_log_list(logs, raw)?
print_log_list(logs, raw)!
// list prints a list of all build logs for a given target.
fn list_for_target(conf Config, target_id int, raw bool) ? {
fn list_for_target(conf Config, target_id int, raw bool) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs_for_target(target_id)?.data
logs := c.get_build_logs_for_target(target_id)!.data
print_log_list(logs, raw)?
print_log_list(logs, raw)!
// info print the detailed info for a given build log.
fn info(conf Config, id int) ? {
fn info(conf Config, id int) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
log := c.get_build_log(id)?.data
log := c.get_build_log(id)!.data
// content outputs the contents of the log file for a given build log to
// stdout.
fn content(conf Config, id int) ? {
fn content(conf Config, id int) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
content := c.get_build_log_content(id)?
content := c.get_build_log_content(id)!

View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
description: 'Generate all man pages & save them in the given directory.'
usage: 'dir'
required_args: 1
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
root := cmd.root()
console.export_man_pages(root, cmd.args[0])?
console.export_man_pages(root, cmd.args[0])!

View File

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
default_value: ['5']
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
ce := parse_expression(cmd.args.join(' '))?
count := cmd.flags.get_int('count')?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
ce := parse_expression(cmd.args.join(' '))!
count := cmd.flags.get_int('count')!
for t in ce.next_n(, count)? {
for t in ce.next_n(, count)! {

View File

@ -6,29 +6,29 @@ import os
import build
// build locally builds the target with the given id.
fn build(conf Config, target_id int) ? {
fn build(conf Config, target_id int) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
target := c.get_target(target_id)?
target := c.get_target(target_id)!
build_arch := os.uname().machine
println('Creating base image...')
image_id := build.create_build_image(conf.base_image)?
image_id := build.create_build_image(conf.base_image)!
println('Running build...')
res := build.build_target(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, target)?
res := build.build_target(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, target)!
println('Removing build image...')
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
mut dd := docker.new_conn()!
defer {
dd.close() or {}
println('Uploading logs to Vieter...')
c.add_build_log(, res.start_time, res.end_time, build_arch, res.exit_code,

View File

@ -39,30 +39,30 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
flag: cli.FlagType.string
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
mut filter := TargetFilter{}
limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')?
limit := cmd.flags.get_int('limit')!
if limit != 0 {
filter.limit = u64(limit)
offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')?
offset := cmd.flags.get_int('offset')!
if offset != 0 {
filter.offset = u64(offset)
repo := cmd.flags.get_string('repo')?
repo := cmd.flags.get_string('repo')!
if repo != '' {
filter.repo = repo
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')!
list(conf, filter, raw)?
list(conf, filter, raw)!
@ -83,20 +83,20 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
flag: cli.FlagType.string
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
t := NewTarget{
kind: cmd.flags.get_string('kind')?
kind: cmd.flags.get_string('kind')!
url: cmd.args[0]
repo: cmd.args[1]
branch: cmd.flags.get_string('branch') or { '' }
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')!
add(conf, t, raw)?
add(conf, t, raw)!
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Remove a target that matches the given id.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
remove(conf, cmd.args[0])?
remove(conf, cmd.args[0])!
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Show detailed information for the target matching the id.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
info(conf, cmd.args[0])?
info(conf, cmd.args[0])!
@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
flag: cli.FlagType.string
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
found := cmd.flags.get_all_found()
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
for f in found {
if != 'config-file' {
params[] = f.get_string()?
params[] = f.get_string()!
patch(conf, cmd.args[0], params)?
patch(conf, cmd.args[0], params)!
@ -182,11 +182,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Build the target with the given id & publish it.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!
build(conf, cmd.args[0].int())?
build(conf, cmd.args[0].int())!
@ -197,22 +197,22 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// ID. If multiple or none are found, an error is raised.
// list prints out a list of all repositories.
fn list(conf Config, filter TargetFilter, raw bool) ? {
fn list(conf Config, filter TargetFilter, raw bool) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
repos := c.get_targets(filter)?
repos := c.get_targets(filter)!
data :=[, it.kind, it.url, it.repo])
if raw {
} else {
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'kind', 'url', 'repo'], data)?)
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'kind', 'url', 'repo'], data)!)
// add adds a new repository to the server's list.
fn add(conf Config, t &NewTarget, raw bool) ? {
fn add(conf Config, t &NewTarget, raw bool) ! {
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.add_target(t)?
res := c.add_target(t)!
if raw {
@ -222,18 +222,18 @@ fn add(conf Config, t &NewTarget, raw bool) ? {
// remove removes a repository from the server's list.
fn remove(conf Config, id string) ? {
fn remove(conf Config, id string) ! {
id_int :=
if id_int != 0 {
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.remove_target(id_int)?
res := c.remove_target(id_int)!
// patch patches a given repository with the provided params.
fn patch(conf Config, id string, params map[string]string) ? {
fn patch(conf Config, id string, params map[string]string) ! {
// We check the cron expression first because it's useless to send an
// invalid one to the server.
if 'schedule' in params && params['schedule'] != '' {
@ -245,14 +245,14 @@ fn patch(conf Config, id string, params map[string]string) ? {
id_int :=
if id_int != 0 {
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.patch_target(id_int, params)?
res := c.patch_target(id_int, params)!
// info shows detailed information for a given repo.
fn info(conf Config, id string) ? {
fn info(conf Config, id string) ! {
id_int :=
if id_int == 0 {
@ -260,6 +260,6 @@ fn info(conf Config, id string) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
repo := c.get_target(id_int)?
repo := c.get_target(id_int)!

View File

@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'cron'
description: 'Start the cron service that periodically runs builds.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import os
const log_file_name = 'vieter.cron.log'
// cron starts a cron daemon & starts periodically scheduling builds.
pub fn cron(conf Config) ? {
pub fn cron(conf Config) ! {
// Configure logger
log_level := log.level_from_tag(conf.log_level) or {
return error('Invalid log level. The allowed values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO & DEBUG.')
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub fn cron(conf Config) ? {
mut d := daemon.init_daemon(logger, conf.address, conf.api_key, conf.base_image, ce,
conf.max_concurrent_builds, conf.api_update_frequency, conf.image_rebuild_frequency)?
conf.max_concurrent_builds, conf.api_update_frequency, conf.image_rebuild_frequency)!

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ mut:
// init_daemon initializes a new Daemon object. It renews the targets &
// populates the build queue for the first time.
pub fn init_daemon(logger log.Log, address string, api_key string, base_image string, global_schedule CronExpression, max_concurrent_builds int, api_update_frequency int, image_rebuild_frequency int) ?Daemon {
pub fn init_daemon(logger log.Log, address string, api_key string, base_image string, global_schedule CronExpression, max_concurrent_builds int, api_update_frequency int, image_rebuild_frequency int) !Daemon {
mut d := Daemon{
client:, api_key)
base_image: base_image
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) renew_queue() {
// For some reason, using
// ```v
// for d.queue.len() > 0 && d.queue.peek() ?.timestamp < now {
// for d.queue.len() > 0 && d.queue.peek() !.timestamp < now {
// here causes the function to prematurely just exit, without any errors or anything, very weird

View File

@ -3,33 +3,33 @@ module daemon
import log
// log reate a log message with the given level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) log(msg &string, level log.Level) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) log(msg string, level log.Level) {
lock d.logger {
d.logger.send_output(msg, level)
// lfatal create a log message with the fatal level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lfatal(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lfatal(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.fatal)
// lerror create a log message with the error level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lerror(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lerror(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.error)
// lwarn create a log message with the warn level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lwarn(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) lwarn(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.warn)
// linfo create a log message with the info level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) linfo(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) linfo(msg string) {
// ldebug create a log message with the debug level
pub fn (mut d Daemon) ldebug(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut d Daemon) ldebug(msg string) {
d.log(msg, log.Level.debug)

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pub struct CronExpression {
// next calculates the earliest time this cron expression is valid. It will
// always pick a moment in the future, even if ref matches completely up to the
// minute. This function conciously does not take gap years into account.
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next(ref time.Time) ?time.Time {
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next(ref time.Time) !time.Time {
// If the given ref matches the next cron occurence up to the minute, it
// will return that value. Because we always want to return a value in the
// future, we artifically shift the ref 60 seconds to make sure we always
@ -117,19 +117,19 @@ pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next(ref time.Time) ?time.Time {
// next_from_now returns the result of where ref is the result of
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_from_now() ?time.Time {
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_from_now() !time.Time {
// next_n returns the n next occurences of the expression, given a starting
// time.
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_n(ref time.Time, n int) ?[]time.Time {
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_n(ref time.Time, n int) ![]time.Time {
mut times := []time.Time{cap: n}
times <<
times <<!
for i in 1 .. n {
times <<[i - 1])?
times <<[i - 1])!
return times
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_n(ref time.Time, n int) ?[]time.Time {
// parse_range parses a given string into a range of sorted integers, if
// possible.
fn parse_range(s string, min int, max int, mut bitv []bool) ? {
fn parse_range(s string, min int, max int, mut bitv []bool) ! {
mut start := min
mut end := max
mut interval := 1
@ -228,11 +228,11 @@ fn bitv_to_ints(bitv []bool, min int) []int {
// parse_part parses a given part of a cron expression & returns the
// corresponding array of ints.
fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ?[]int {
fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ![]int {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
for range in s.split(',') {
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv)?
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv)!
return bitv_to_ints(bitv, min)
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ?[]int {
// parse_expression parses an entire cron expression string into a
// CronExpression object, if possible.
pub fn parse_expression(exp string) ?CronExpression {
pub fn parse_expression(exp string) !CronExpression {
// The filter allows for multiple spaces between parts
mut parts := exp.split(' ').filter(it != '')

View File

@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ pub mut:
// checksum calculates the sha256 hash of the package
pub fn (p &Pkg) checksum() ?string {
pub fn (p &Pkg) checksum() !string {
return util.hash_file(p.path)
// parse_pkg_info_string parses a PkgInfo object from a string
fn parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_info_str &string) ?PkgInfo {
fn parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_info_str &string) !PkgInfo {
mut pkg_info := PkgInfo{}
// Iterate over the entire string
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ fn parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_info_str &string) ?PkgInfo {
// read_pkg_archive extracts the file list & .PKGINFO contents from an archive
// NOTE: this command only supports zstd-, xz- & gzip-compressed tarballs.
pub fn read_pkg_archive(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
pub fn read_pkg_archive(pkg_path string) !Pkg {
if !os.is_file(pkg_path) {
return error("'$pkg_path' doesn't exist or isn't a file.")
@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ pub fn read_pkg_archive(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
pkg_text := unsafe { buf.vstring_with_len(size).clone() }
pkg_info = parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_text)?
pkg_info = parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_text)!
} else {
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ pub fn (pkg &Pkg) filename() string {
// to_desc returns a desc file valid string representation
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_desc() ?string {
pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_desc() !string {
p :=
// filename
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ pub fn (pkg &Pkg) to_desc() ?string {
desc += format_entry('CSIZE', p.csize.str())
desc += format_entry('ISIZE', p.size.str())
sha256sum := pkg.checksum()?
sha256sum := pkg.checksum()!
desc += format_entry('SHA256SUM', sha256sum)

View File

@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'server'
description: 'Start the Vieter server.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)?
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ! {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')!
conf := vconf.load<Config>(prefix: 'VIETER_', default_path: config_file)!

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ pub mut:
// server starts the web server & starts listening for requests
pub fn server(conf Config) ? {
pub fn server(conf Config) ! {
// Prevent using 'any' as the default arch
if conf.default_arch == 'any' {
util.exit_with_message(1, "'any' is not allowed as the value for default_arch.")

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import io
import os
// reader_to_writer tries to consume the entire reader & write it to the writer.
pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ? {
pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ! {
mut buf := []u8{len: 10 * 1024}
for {
@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ? {
// reader_to_file writes the contents of a BufferedReader to a file
pub fn reader_to_file(mut reader io.BufferedReader, length int, path string) ? {
mut file := os.create(path)?
pub fn reader_to_file(mut reader io.BufferedReader, length int, path string) ! {
mut file := os.create(path)!
defer {
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ pub fn match_array_in_array<T>(a1 []T, a2 []T) int {
// read_until_separator consumes an io.Reader until it encounters some
// separator array. The data read is stored inside the provided res array.
pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ? {
pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ! {
mut buf := []u8{len: sep.len}
for {
c := buf)?
c := buf)!
res << buf[..c]
match_len := match_array_in_array(buf[..c], sep)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ? {
if match_len > 0 {
match_left := sep.len - match_len
c2 := buf[..match_left])?
c2 := buf[..match_left])!
res << buf[..c2]
if buf[..c2] == sep[match_len..] {

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pub fn exit_with_message(code int, msg string) {
// hash_file returns the sha256 hash of a given file
pub fn hash_file(path &string) ?string {
pub fn hash_file(path &string) !string {
file := or { return error('Failed to open file.') }
mut sha256sum :=
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn hash_file(path &string) ?string {
// This function never actually fails, but returns an option to follow
// the Writer interface.
return sha256sum.checksum().hex()

View File

@ -3,33 +3,33 @@ module web
import log
// log reate a log message with the given level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) log(msg &string, level log.Level) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) log(msg string, level log.Level) {
lock ctx.logger {
ctx.logger.send_output(msg, level)
// lfatal create a log message with the fatal level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lfatal(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lfatal(msg string) {
ctx.log(msg, log.Level.fatal)
// lerror create a log message with the error level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lerror(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lerror(msg string) {
ctx.log(msg, log.Level.error)
// lwarn create a log message with the warn level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lwarn(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) lwarn(msg string) {
ctx.log(msg, log.Level.warn)
// linfo create a log message with the info level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) linfo(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) linfo(msg string) {
// ldebug create a log message with the debug level
pub fn (mut ctx Context) ldebug(msg &string) {
pub fn (mut ctx Context) ldebug(msg string) {
ctx.log(msg, log.Level.debug)