Merge pull request 'improved API & CLI UX' (#271) from Chewing_Bever/vieter:api-client-ux into dev

Reviewed-on: vieter-v/vieter#271
Jef Roosens 2022-10-01 16:30:05 +02:00
commit 39e2d12827
14 changed files with 112 additions and 81 deletions

View File

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
* CLI commands for searching the AUR & directly adding packages
* HTTP routes for removing packages, arch-repos & repos
* All endpoints serving files now support HTTP byte range requests
* Better CLI UX
* When adding targets, the ID of the created target is returned
* The `-r` flag only shows raw data of action
* When adding a target, only ID is shown and not surrounding text
* Tabled output returns a tab-separated list (easy to script using
### Changed
@ -27,6 +33,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
repository will be cloned with the default branch
* Build containers now explicitely set the PATH variable
* Refactor of web framework
* API endpoints now return id of newly created entries
* Repo POST requests now return information on published package
### Removed

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log_content(id int) ?string {
// add_build_log adds a new build log to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) ?Response<string> {
pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) ?Response<int> {
params := {
'target': target_id.str()
'startTime': start_time.unix_time().str()
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(target_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time t
'exitCode': exit_code.str()
data := c.send_request_with_body<string>(, '/api/v1/logs', params, content)?
data := c.send_request_with_body<int>(, '/api/v1/logs', params, content)?
return data

View File

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ pub struct NewTarget {
// add_target adds a new target to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_target(t NewTarget) ?Response<string> {
pub fn (c &Client) add_target(t NewTarget) ?Response<int> {
params := models.params_from<NewTarget>(t)
data := c.send_request<string>(, '/api/v1/targets', params)?
data := c.send_request<int>(, '/api/v1/targets', params)?
return data

View File

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import strings
import cli
import os
// tabbed_table returns a simple textual table, with tabs as separators.
pub fn tabbed_table(data [][]string) string {
// pretty_table converts a list of string data into a pretty table. Many thanks
// to @hungrybluedev in the Vlang Discord for providing this code!

View File

@ -133,7 +133,9 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
list(conf, filter)?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
list(conf, filter, raw)?
@ -167,27 +169,31 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// print_log_list prints a list of logs.
fn print_log_list(logs []BuildLog) ? {
fn print_log_list(logs []BuildLog, raw bool) ? {
data :=[, it.target_id.str(), it.start_time.local().str(),
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'target', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)?)
if raw {
} else {
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'target', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)?)
// list prints a list of all build logs.
fn list(conf Config, filter BuildLogFilter) ? {
fn list(conf Config, filter BuildLogFilter, raw bool) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs(filter)?.data
print_log_list(logs, raw)?
// list prints a list of all build logs for a given target.
fn list_for_target(conf Config, target_id int) ? {
fn list_for_target(conf Config, target_id int, raw bool) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs_for_target(target_id)?.data
print_log_list(logs, raw)?
// info print the detailed info for a given build log.

View File

@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
filter.repo = repo
list(conf, filter)?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
list(conf, filter, raw)?
@ -92,7 +94,9 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
branch: cmd.flags.get_string('branch') or { '' }
add(conf, t)?
raw := cmd.flags.get_bool('raw')?
add(conf, t, raw)?
@ -193,20 +197,28 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// ID. If multiple or none are found, an error is raised.
// list prints out a list of all repositories.
fn list(conf Config, filter TargetFilter) ? {
fn list(conf Config, filter TargetFilter, raw bool) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
repos := c.get_targets(filter)?
data :=[, it.kind, it.url, it.repo])
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'kind', 'url', 'repo'], data)?)
if raw {
} else {
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'kind', 'url', 'repo'], data)?)
// add adds a new repository to the server's list.
fn add(conf Config, t &NewTarget) ? {
fn add(conf Config, t &NewTarget, raw bool) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.add_target(t)?
if raw {
} else {
println('Target added with id $')
// remove removes a repository from the server's list.

View File

@ -79,10 +79,14 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_build_log(id int) ?BuildLog {
// add_build_log inserts the given BuildLog into the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_build_log(log BuildLog) {
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_build_log(log BuildLog) int {
sql db.conn {
insert log into BuildLog
inserted_id := db.conn.last_id() as int
return inserted_id
// delete_build_log delete the BuildLog with the given ID from the database.

View File

@ -38,10 +38,14 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_target(target_id int) ?Target {
// add_target inserts the given target into the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_target(repo Target) {
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_target(repo Target) int {
sql db.conn {
insert repo into Target
inserted_id := db.conn.last_id() as int
return inserted_id
// delete_target deletes the target with the given id from the database.

View File

@ -24,6 +24,13 @@ fn main() {
global: true
default_value: [os.expand_tilde_to_home('~/.vieterrc')]
flag: cli.FlagType.bool
name: 'raw'
abbrev: 'r'
description: 'Only output minimal information (no formatted tables, etc.)'
global: true
commands: [

View File

@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ pub:
pub struct RepoAddResult {
added bool [required]
pkg &package.Pkg [required]
name string
version string
archs []string
// new creates a new RepoGroupManager & creates the directories as needed
@ -53,10 +54,10 @@ pub fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_from_path(repo string, pkg_path string) ?Re
return error('Failed to read package file: $err.msg()')
added := r.add_pkg_in_repo(repo, pkg)?
archs := r.add_pkg_in_repo(repo, pkg)?
// If the add was successful, we move the file to the packages directory
for arch in added {
for arch in archs {
repo_pkg_path := os.real_path(os.join_path(r.pkg_dir, repo, arch))
dest_path := os.join_path_single(repo_pkg_path, pkg.filename())
@ -71,8 +72,9 @@ pub fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_from_path(repo string, pkg_path string) ?Re
return RepoAddResult{
added: added.len > 0
pkg: &pkg
archs: archs
@ -87,11 +89,9 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_repo(repo string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?[]strin
// A package not of arch 'any' can be handled easily by adding it to the
// respective repo
if != 'any' {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo,, pkg)? {
return []
} else {
return []
r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo,, pkg)?
return []
mut arch_repos := []string{}
@ -113,25 +113,22 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_repo(repo string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?[]strin
arch_repos << r.default_arch
mut added := []string{}
// We add the package to each repository. If any of the repositories
// return true, the result of the function is also true.
// Add the package to each found architecture
// NOTE: if any of these fail, the function fails. This means the user does
// not know which arch-repositories did succeed in adding the package, if
// any.
for arch in arch_repos {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo, arch, pkg)? {
added << arch
r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo, arch, pkg)?
return added
return arch_repos
// add_pkg_in_arch_repo is the function that actually adds a package to a given
// arch-repo. It records the package's data in the arch-repo's desc & files
// files, and afterwards updates the db & files archives to reflect these
// changes. The function returns false if the package was already present in
// the repo, and true otherwise.
fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?bool {
// changes.
fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg &package.Pkg) ? {
pkg_dir := os.join_path(r.repos_dir, repo, arch, '$$')
// Remove the previous version of the package, if present
@ -151,6 +148,4 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg &pac
r.sync(repo, arch)?
return true

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_logs() web.Result {
logs := app.db.get_build_logs(filter)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(logs))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(logs))
// v1_get_single_log returns the build log with the given id.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_logs() web.Result {
fn (mut app App) v1_get_single_log(id int) web.Result {
log := app.db.get_build_log(id) or { return app.not_found() }
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(log))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(log))
// v1_get_log_content returns the actual build log file for the given id.
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_post_log() web.Result {
exit_code: exit_code
// id of newly created log
log_id := app.db.add_build_log(log)
repo_logs_dir := os.join_path(app.conf.data_dir, logs_dir_name, target_id.str(), arch)
@ -122,5 +123,5 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_post_log() web.Result {
return app.status(http.Status.length_required)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Logs added successfully.'))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(log_id))

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_targets() web.Result {
repos := app.db.get_targets(filter)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(repos))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(repos))
// v1_get_single_target returns the information for a single target.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_get_targets() web.Result {
fn (mut app App) v1_get_single_target(id int) web.Result {
repo := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.not_found() }
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(repo))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(repo))
// v1_post_target creates a new target from the provided query string.
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_post_target() web.Result {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Invalid kind.'))
id := app.db.add_target(new_repo)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Repo added successfully.'))
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(id))
// v1_delete_target removes a given target from the server's list.
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_post_target() web.Result {
fn (mut app App) v1_delete_target(id int) web.Result {
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Repo removed successfully.'))
return app.status(.ok)
// v1_patch_target updates a target's data with the given query params.
@ -69,5 +69,5 @@ fn (mut app App) v1_patch_target(id int) web.Result {
app.db.update_target_archs(id, arch_objs)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Repo updated successfully.'))
return app.status(.ok)

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import repo
import time
import rand
import util
import net.http
import web.response { new_response }
import web.response { new_data_response, new_response }
// healthcheck just returns a string, but can be used to quickly check if the
// server is still responsive.
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ fn (mut app App) put_package(repo string) web.Result {
util.reader_to_file(mut app.reader,, pkg_path) or {
app.lwarn("Failed to upload '$pkg_path'")
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to upload file.'))
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
@ -74,7 +73,7 @@ fn (mut app App) put_package(repo string) web.Result {
app.lwarn('Tried to upload package without specifying a Content-Length.')
// length required
return app.status(http.Status.length_required)
return app.status(.length_required)
res := app.repo.add_pkg_from_path(repo, pkg_path) or {
@ -82,18 +81,10 @@ fn (mut app App) put_package(repo string) web.Result {
os.rm(pkg_path) or { app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path': $err.msg()") }
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to add package.'))
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
if !res.added {
os.rm(pkg_path) or { app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path': $err.msg()") }
app.linfo("Added '$$res.version' to '$repo (${res.archs.join(',')})'.")
app.lwarn("Duplicate package '$res.pkg.full_name()' in repo '$repo'.")
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('File already exists.'))
app.linfo("Added '$res.pkg.full_name()' to repo '$repo ($'.")
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Package added successfully.'))
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(res))

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
module server
import web
import net.http
import web.response { new_response }
// delete_package tries to remove the given package.
['/:repo/:arch/:pkg'; auth; delete]
@ -10,17 +8,17 @@ fn (mut app App) delete_package(repo string, arch string, pkg string) web.Result
res := app.repo.remove_pkg_from_arch_repo(repo, arch, pkg, true) or {
app.lerror('Error while deleting package: $err.msg()')
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to delete package.'))
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
if res {
app.linfo("Removed package '$pkg' from '$repo/$arch'")
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Package removed.'))
return app.status(.ok)
} else {
app.linfo("Tried removing package '$pkg' from '$repo/$arch', but it doesn't exist.")
return app.json(http.Status.not_found, new_response('Package not found.'))
return app.status(.not_found)
@ -30,17 +28,17 @@ fn (mut app App) delete_arch_repo(repo string, arch string) web.Result {
res := app.repo.remove_arch_repo(repo, arch) or {
app.lerror('Error while deleting arch-repo: $err.msg()')
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to delete arch-repo.'))
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
if res {
app.linfo("Removed '$repo/$arch'")
app.linfo("Removed arch-repo '$repo/$arch'")
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Arch-repo removed.'))
return app.status(.ok)
} else {
app.linfo("Tried removing '$repo/$arch', but it doesn't exist.")
return app.json(http.Status.not_found, new_response('Arch-repo not found.'))
return app.status(.not_found)
@ -50,16 +48,16 @@ fn (mut app App) delete_repo(repo string) web.Result {
res := app.repo.remove_repo(repo) or {
app.lerror('Error while deleting repo: $err.msg()')
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to delete repo.'))
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
if res {
app.linfo("Removed '$repo'")
app.linfo("Removed repo '$repo'")
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Repo removed.'))
return app.status(.ok)
} else {
app.linfo("Tried removing '$repo', but it doesn't exist.")
return app.json(http.Status.not_found, new_response('Repo not found.'))
return app.status(.not_found)