variables: - &vlang_image '' platform: 'linux/amd64' branches: [ 'main' ] depends_on: - build # We need the entire repo in order for the release names to work skip_clone: true pipeline: prepare: image: *vlang_image pull: true secrets: [ s3_username, s3_password ] commands: - mc alias set s3/ "$S3_USERNAME" "$S3_PASSWORD" - mc cp -r "s3/vieter/commits/$CI_COMMIT_SHA" . - mv "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"/vieter-* . when: event: tag release: image: 'plugins/gitea-release' secrets: - gitea_release_api_key settings: base_url: files: vieter-* checksum: - sha256 title: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} when: event: tag