
92 lines
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module docker
import net.unix
import net.urllib
import net.http
import json
// send writes a request to the Docker socket, waits for a response & returns
// it.
fn send(req &string) ?http.Response {
// Open a connection to the socket
mut s := unix.connect_stream(socket) or {
return error('Failed to connect to socket ${socket}.')
defer {
// This or is required because otherwise, the V compiler segfaults for
// some reason
s.close() or {}
// Write the request to the socket
s.write_string(req) or { return error('Failed to write request to socket ${socket}.') }
mut c := 0
mut buf := []u8{len: buf_len}
mut res := []u8{}
for {
c = buf) or { return error('Failed to read data from socket ${socket}.') }
res << buf[..c]
if c < buf_len {
// After reading the first part of the response, we parse it into an HTTP
// response. If it isn't chunked, we return early with the data.
parsed := http.parse_response(res.bytestr()) or {
return error('Failed to parse HTTP response from socket ${socket}.')
if parsed.header.get(http.CommonHeader.transfer_encoding) or { '' } != 'chunked' {
return parsed
// We loop until we've encountered the end of the chunked response
// A chunked HTTP response always ends with '0\r\n\r\n'.
for res.len < 5 || res#[-5..] != [u8(`0`), `\r`, `\n`, `\r`, `\n`] {
// Wait for the server to respond
for {
c = buf) or { return error('Failed to read data from socket ${socket}.') }
res << buf[..c]
if c < buf_len {
// Decode chunked response
return http.parse_response(res.bytestr())
// request_with_body sends a request to the Docker socket with the given body.
fn request_with_body(method string, url urllib.URL, content_type string, body string) ?http.Response {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: $content_type\nContent-Length: $body.len\n\n$body\n\n'
return send(req)
// request sends a request to the Docker socket with an empty body.
fn request(method string, url urllib.URL) ?http.Response {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\n\n'
return send(req)
// request_with_json<T> sends a request to the Docker socket with a given JSON
// payload
pub fn request_with_json<T>(method string, url urllib.URL, data &T) ?http.Response {
body := json.encode(data)
return request_with_body(method, url, 'application/json', body)