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module build
import models { Target }
import cron.expression { CronExpression, parse_expression }
import time
import datatypes { MinHeap }
struct BuildJob {
// Earliest point this
timestamp time.Time
config BuildConfig
// Overloaded operator for comparing ScheduledBuild objects
fn (r1 BuildJob) < (r2 BuildJob) bool {
return r1.timestamp < r2.timestamp
pub struct BuildJobQueue {
// Schedule to use for targets without explicitely defined cron expression
default_schedule CronExpression
// Base image to use for targets without defined base image
default_base_image string
// For each architecture, a priority queue is tracked
queues map[string]MinHeap<BuildJob>
// Each queued build job is also stored in a map, with the keys being the
// target IDs. This is used when removing or editing targets.
// jobs map[int]BuildJob
pub fn new_job_queue(default_schedule CronExpression, default_base_image string) BuildJobQueue {
return BuildJobQueue{
default_schedule: default_schedule
default_base_image: default_base_image
// insert a new job into the queue for a given target on an architecture.
pub fn (mut q BuildJobQueue) insert(target Target, arch string) ! {
if arch !in q.queues {
q.queues[arch] = MinHeap<BuildJob>{}
ce := if target.schedule != '' {
parse_expression(target.schedule) or {
return error("Error while parsing cron expression '$target.schedule' (id $ $err.msg()")
} else {
timestamp := ce.next_from_now()!
job := BuildJob{
timestamp: timestamp
config: BuildConfig{
kind: target.kind
url: target.url
branch: target.branch
repo: target.repo
// TODO make this configurable
base_image: q.default_base_image