feat(agent): wrote ImageManager

Jef Roosens 2022-12-12 21:50:34 +01:00 committed by Chewing_Bever
parent 5bab1f77f0
commit 7ef8d4b846
Signed by untrusted user: Jef Roosens
GPG Key ID: B75D4F293C7052DB
3 changed files with 45 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub:
polling_frequency int = 30
// Architecture of agent
// arch string
// image_rebuild_frequency int = 1440
image_rebuild_frequency int = 1440
// cmd returns the cli module that handles the cron daemon.

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@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ const (
struct AgentDaemon {
logger shared log.Log
conf Config
// List of last built builder images
builder_images []string
images ImageManager
// Which builds are currently running; length is same as
// conf.max_concurrent_builds
builds []BuildConfig
@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ fn agent_init(logger log.Log, conf Config) AgentDaemon {
logger: logger
client: client.new(conf.address, conf.api_key)
conf: conf
images: new_image_manager(conf.image_rebuild_frequency)
builds: []BuildConfig{len: conf.max_concurrent_builds}
atomics: []u64{len: conf.max_concurrent_builds}

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@ -2,48 +2,59 @@ module agent
import time
import docker
import build
struct ImageManager {
images map[string]string
timestamps map[string]time.Time
refresh_frequency int
images map[string][]string [required]
timestamps map[string]time.Time [required]
// clean_old_base_images tries to remove any old but still present builder
// images.
fn (mut d AgentDaemon) clean_old_base_images() {
mut i := 0
fn new_image_manager(refresh_frequency int) ImageManager {
return ImageManager{
refresh_frequency: refresh_frequency
images: map[string][]string{}
timestamps: map[string]time.Time{}
mut dd := docker.new_conn() or {
d.lerror('Failed to connect to Docker socket.')
fn (mut m ImageManager) refresh_image(base_image string) ! {
// No need to refresh the image if the previous one is still new enough
if base_image in m.timestamps
&& m.timestamps[base_image].add_seconds(m.refresh_frequency) > time.now() {
// TODO use better image tags for built images
new_image := build.create_build_image(base_image) or {
return error('Failed to build builder image from base image $base_image')
m.images[base_image] << new_image
m.timestamps[base_image] = time.now()
// clean_old_images tries to remove any old but still present builder images.
fn (mut m ImageManager) clean_old_images() {
mut dd := docker.new_conn() or { return }
defer {
dd.close() or {}
for i < d.builder_images.len - 1 {
// For each builder image, we try to remove it by calling the Docker
// API. If the function returns an error or false, that means the image
// wasn't deleted. Therefore, we move the index over. If the function
// returns true, the array's length has decreased by one so we don't
// move the index.
dd.remove_image(d.builder_images[i]) or { i += 1 }
mut i := 0
for image in m.images.keys() {
i = 0
for i < m.images[image].len - 1 {
// For each builder image, we try to remove it by calling the Docker
// API. If the function returns an error or false, that means the image
// wasn't deleted. Therefore, we move the index over. If the function
// returns true, the array's length has decreased by one so we don't
// move the index.
dd.remove_image(m.images[image][i]) or { i += 1 }
// rebuild_base_image builds a builder image from the given base image.
/* fn (mut d AgentDaemon) build_base_image(base_image string) bool { */
/* d.linfo('Rebuilding builder image....') */
/* d.builder_images << build.create_build_image(d.base_image) or { */
/* d.lerror('Failed to rebuild base image. Retrying in ${daemon.rebuild_base_image_retry_timout}s...') */
/* d.image_build_timestamp = time.now().add_seconds(daemon.rebuild_base_image_retry_timout) */
/* return false */
/* } */
/* d.image_build_timestamp = time.now().add_seconds(60 * d.image_rebuild_frequency) */
/* return true */
/* } */