diff --git a/src/package.v b/src/package.v
index a4d1d6c..da3988f 100644
--- a/src/package.v
+++ b/src/package.v
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ pub fn read_pkg(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
 	// TODO find out where does this 10240 come from
-    r := C.archive_read_open_filename(a, &char(pkg_path.str), 10240)
+	r := C.archive_read_open_filename(a, &char(pkg_path.str), 10240)
 	if r != C.ARCHIVE_OK {
 		return error('Failed to open package.')
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ pub fn read_pkg(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
 			size := C.archive_entry_size(entry)
 			// TODO can this unsafe block be avoided?
-            buf := unsafe { malloc(size) }
+			buf := unsafe { malloc(size) }
 			defer {
 				unsafe {
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pub fn read_pkg(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
 			C.archive_read_data(a, buf, size)
-            pkg_text := unsafe { buf.vstring_with_len(size).clone() }
+			pkg_text := unsafe { buf.vstring_with_len(size).clone() }
 			pkg_info = parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_text) ?
 		} else {
diff --git a/src/repo.v b/src/repo/repo.v
similarity index 63%
rename from src/repo.v
rename to src/repo/repo.v
index fcf4808..ded30ba 100644
--- a/src/repo.v
+++ b/src/repo/repo.v
@@ -93,55 +93,3 @@ fn (r &Repo) add(pkg &package.Pkg) ?bool {
 fn (r &Repo) pkg_path(pkg &package.Pkg) string {
 	return os.join_path(r.repo_dir, '$pkg.info.name-$pkg.info.version')
-// Re-generate the repo archive files
-fn (r &Repo) sync() ? {
-    // TODO also write files archive
-	lock r.mutex {
-		a := C.archive_write_new()
-		entry := C.archive_entry_new()
-		st := C.stat{}
-		buf := [8192]byte{}
-		// This makes the archive a gzip-compressed tarball
-		C.archive_write_add_filter_gzip(a)
-		C.archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted(a)
-        // TODO add symlink to .tar.gz version
-		repo_path := os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, 'repo.db')
-		C.archive_write_open_filename(a, &char(repo_path.str))
-		// Iterate over each directory
-		for d in os.ls(r.repo_dir) ?.filter(os.is_dir(os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir,
-			it))) {
-			inner_path := os.join_path_single(d, 'desc')
-			actual_path := os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, inner_path)
-			unsafe {
-				C.stat(&char(actual_path.str), &st)
-			}
-			C.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, &char(inner_path.str))
-			C.archive_entry_copy_stat(entry, &st)
-			// C.archive_entry_set_size(entry, st.st_size)
-			// C.archive_entry_set_filetype(entry, C.AE_IFREG)
-			// C.archive_entry_set_perm(entry, 0o644)
-			C.archive_write_header(a, entry)
-			fd := C.open(&char(actual_path.str), C.O_RDONLY)
-			mut len := C.read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf))
-			for len > 0 {
-				C.archive_write_data(a, &buf, len)
-				len = C.read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf))
-			}
-			C.close(fd)
-			C.archive_entry_clear(entry)
-		}
-		C.archive_write_close(a)
-		C.archive_write_free(a)
-	}
diff --git a/src/repo/sync.v b/src/repo/sync.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bb5545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/repo/sync.v
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+module repo
+import os
+fn archive_add_entry(archive &C.archive, entry &C.archive_entry, file_path &string, inner_path &string) {
+	st := C.stat{}
+	unsafe {
+		C.stat(&char(file_path.str), &st)
+	}
+	C.archive_entry_set_pathname(entry, &char(inner_path.str))
+	C.archive_entry_copy_stat(entry, &st)
+	C.archive_write_header(archive, entry)
+	mut fd := C.open(&char(file_path.str), C.O_RDONLY)
+	defer {
+		C.close(fd)
+	}
+	// Write the file to the archive
+	buf := [8192]byte{}
+	mut len := C.read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf))
+	for len > 0 {
+		C.archive_write_data(archive, &buf, len)
+		len = C.read(fd, &buf, sizeof(buf))
+	}
+// Re-generate the repo archive files
+fn (r &Repo) sync() ? {
+	// TODO also write files archive
+	lock r.mutex {
+		a_db := C.archive_write_new()
+		a_files := C.archive_write_new()
+		entry := C.archive_entry_new()
+		// This makes the archive a gzip-compressed tarball
+		C.archive_write_add_filter_gzip(a_db)
+		C.archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted(a_db)
+		C.archive_write_add_filter_gzip(a_files)
+		C.archive_write_set_format_pax_restricted(a_files)
+		// TODO add symlink to .tar.gz version
+		db_path := os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, 'repo.db')
+		files_path := os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, 'repo.files')
+		C.archive_write_open_filename(a_db, &char(db_path.str))
+		C.archive_write_open_filename(a_files, &char(files_path.str))
+		// Iterate over each directory
+		for d in os.ls(r.repo_dir) ?.filter(os.is_dir(os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir,
+			it))) {
+			// desc
+			mut inner_path := os.join_path_single(d, 'desc')
+			mut actual_path := os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, inner_path)
+			archive_add_entry(a_db, entry, actual_path, inner_path)
+			archive_add_entry(a_files, entry, actual_path, inner_path)
+			C.archive_entry_clear(entry)
+			// files
+			inner_path = os.join_path_single(d, 'files')
+			actual_path = os.join_path_single(r.repo_dir, inner_path)
+			archive_add_entry(a_files, entry, actual_path, inner_path)
+			C.archive_entry_clear(entry)
+		}
+		C.archive_write_close(a_db)
+		C.archive_write_free(a_db)
+		C.archive_write_close(a_files)
+		C.archive_write_free(a_files)
+	}
diff --git a/src/routes.v b/src/routes.v
index c1e888b..6218898 100644
--- a/src/routes.v
+++ b/src/routes.v
@@ -76,16 +76,12 @@ fn (mut app App) put_package() web.Result {
 	added := app.repo.add_from_path(pkg_path) or {
 		app.lerror('Error while adding package: $err.msg')
-        os.rm(pkg_path) or {
-            app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path'.")
-        }
+		os.rm(pkg_path) or { app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path'.") }
 		return app.text('Failed to add package.')
 	if !added {
-        os.rm(pkg_path) or {
-            app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path'.")
-        }
+		os.rm(pkg_path) or { app.lerror("Failed to remove download '$pkg_path'.") }
 		app.lwarn('Duplicate package.')