module server import web import os import log import repo import util import dbms import build { BuildJobQueue } import cron import metrics const ( log_file_name = 'vieter.log' repo_dir_name = 'repos' db_file_name = 'vieter.sqlite' logs_dir_name = 'logs' ) struct App { web.Context pub: conf Config [required; web_global] pub mut: repo repo.RepoGroupManager [required; web_global] // Keys are the various architectures for packages job_queue BuildJobQueue [required; web_global] db dbms.VieterDb } // init_job_queue populates a fresh job queue with all the targets currently // stored in the database. fn (mut app App) init_job_queue() ! { for target in app.db.targets(limit: 0) { app.job_queue.insert_all(target)! } } // server starts the web server & starts listening for requests pub fn server(conf Config) ! { // Prevent using 'any' as the default arch if conf.default_arch == 'any' { util.exit_with_message(1, "'any' is not allowed as the value for default_arch.") } global_ce := cron.parse_expression(conf.global_schedule) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Invalid global cron expression: ${err.msg()}') } log_removal_ce := cron.parse_expression(conf.log_removal_schedule) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Invalid log removal cron expression: ${err.msg()}') } // Configure logger log_level := log.level_from_tag(conf.log_level) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Invalid log level. The allowed values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO & DEBUG.') } os.mkdir_all(conf.data_dir) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to create data directory.') } logs_dir := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.logs_dir_name) if !os.exists(logs_dir) { os.mkdir(os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.logs_dir_name)) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to create logs directory.') } } mut logger := log.Log{ level: log_level } log_file := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.log_file_name) logger.set_full_logpath(log_file) logger.log_to_console_too() defer {'Flushing log file') logger.flush() logger.close() } repo_dir := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.repo_dir_name) // This also creates the directories if needed repo_ :=, conf.pkg_dir, conf.default_arch) or { logger.error(err.msg()) exit(1) } db_file := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.db_file_name) db := dbms.init(db_file) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to initialize database: ${err.msg()}') } mut collector := if conf.collect_metrics { &metrics.MetricsCollector(metrics.new_default_collector()) } else { &metrics.MetricsCollector(metrics.new_null_collector()) } collector.histogram_buckets_set('http_requests_duration_seconds', [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10]) mut app := &App{ logger: logger api_key: conf.api_key conf: conf repo: repo_ db: db collector: collector job_queue: build.new_job_queue(global_ce, conf.base_image) } app.init_job_queue() or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to inialize job queue: ${err.msg()}') } if conf.max_log_age > 0 { spawn app.log_removal_daemon(log_removal_ce) }, conf.port) }