module server import web import web.response { new_data_response, new_response } import db import models { Target, TargetArch, TargetFilter } // v1_get_targets returns the current list of targets. ['/api/v1/targets'; auth; get; markused] fn (mut app App) v1_get_targets() web.Result { filter := models.from_params(app.query) or { return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Invalid query parameters.')) } targets := app.db.get_targets(filter) return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(targets)) } // v1_get_single_target returns the information for a single target. ['/api/v1/targets/:id'; auth; get; markused] fn (mut app App) v1_get_single_target(id int) web.Result { target := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.status(.not_found) } return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(target)) } // v1_post_target creates a new target from the provided query string. ['/api/v1/targets'; auth; markused; post] fn (mut app App) v1_post_target() web.Result { mut params := app.query.clone() // If a target is created without specifying the arch, we assume it's meant // for the default architecture. if 'arch' !in params || params['arch'] == '' { params['arch'] = app.conf.default_arch } mut new_target := models.from_params(params) or { return app.json(.bad_request, new_response(err.msg())) } // Ensure someone doesn't submit an invalid kind if new_target.kind !in models.valid_kinds { return app.json(.bad_request, new_response('Invalid kind.')) } id := app.db.add_target(new_target) = id // Add the target to the job queue // TODO return better error here if it's the cron schedule that's incorrect app.job_queue.insert_all(new_target) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) } return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(id)) } // v1_delete_target removes a given target from the server's list. ['/api/v1/targets/:id'; auth; delete; markused] fn (mut app App) v1_delete_target(id int) web.Result { app.db.delete_target(id) app.job_queue.invalidate(id) return app.status(.ok) } // v1_patch_target updates a target's data with the given query params. ['/api/v1/targets/:id'; auth; markused; patch] fn (mut app App) v1_patch_target(id int) web.Result { app.db.update_target(id, app.query) if 'arch' in app.query { arch_objs := app.query['arch'].split(',').map(TargetArch{ value: it }) app.db.update_target_archs(id, arch_objs) } target := app.db.get_target(id) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) } app.job_queue.invalidate(id) app.job_queue.insert_all(target) or { return app.status(.internal_server_error) } return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(target)) }