module server import time import models { BuildLog } import os import cron.expression { CronExpression } const fallback_log_removal_frequency = 24 * time.hour // log_removal_daemon removes old build logs every `log_removal_frequency`. fn (mut app App) log_removal_daemon(schedule CronExpression) { mut start_time := time.Time{} for { start_time = mut too_old_timestamp := app.linfo('Cleaning logs before $too_old_timestamp') mut logs := []BuildLog{} mut counter := 0 mut failed := u64(0) // Remove old logs for { // The offset is used to skip logs that failed to remove. Besides // this, we don't need to move the offset, because all previously // oldest logs will have been removed. logs = app.db.get_build_logs(before: too_old_timestamp, offset: failed, limit: 50) for log in logs { log_file_path := os.join_path(app.conf.data_dir, logs_dir_name, log.path()) os.rm(log_file_path) or { app.lerror('Failed to remove log file $log_file_path: $err.msg()') failed += 1 continue } app.db.delete_build_log( counter += 1 } if logs.len < 50 { break } } app.linfo('Cleaned $counter logs ($failed failed)') // Sleep until the next cycle next_time := schedule.next_from_now() or { app.lerror("Log removal daemon couldn't calculate next time: $err.msg(); fallback to $server.fallback_log_removal_frequency") start_time.add(server.fallback_log_removal_frequency) } time.sleep(next_time - } }