# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/branch/dev) ### Added * CLI commands for removing packages, arch-repos & repositories ## [0.5.0-rc.2](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.5.0-rc.2) ### Added * API route for removing logs & accompanying CLI command * Daemon for periodically removing old logs * CLI flag to filter logs by specific exit codes ### Changed * Use `--long-option` instead of `-long-option` for CLI ## [0.5.0-rc.1](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.5.0-rc.1) ### Added * Allow specifying subdirectory inside Git repository * Added option to deploy using agent-server architecture instead of cron daemon * Allow scheduling builds on the server from the CLI tool instead of building them locally * Allow force-building packages, meaning the build won't check if the repository is already up to date ### Changed * Migrated codebase to V 0.3.2 * Cron expression parser now uses bitfields instead of bool arrays ### Fixed * Arch value for target is now properly set if not provided * Allow NULL values for branch in database * Endpoint for adding targets now returns the correct id * CLI now correctly errors and doesn't error when sending requests * Fixed possible infinite loop when removing old build images * Check whether build image still exists before starting build * Don't run makepkg `prepare()` function twice * Don't buffer stdout in Docker containers ## [0.4.0](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.4.0) ### Added * Server port can now be configured * Targets now have a 'kind' field describing whether it's a Git repository or a URL to a PKGBUILD * Targets with kind 'url' can provide a direct URL to a PKGBUILD instead of providing a Git repository * CLI commands for searching the AUR & directly adding packages * HTTP routes for removing packages, arch-repos & repos * All endpoints serving files now support HTTP byte range requests * Better CLI UX * When adding targets, the ID of the created target is returned * The `-r` flag only shows raw data of action * When adding a target, only ID is shown and not surrounding text * Tabled output returns a tab-separated list (easy to script using `cut`) ### Changed * Moved all API routes under `/v1` namespace * Renamed `vieter repos` to `vieter targets` * Renamed `/api/v1/repos` namespace to `/api/v1/targets` * Branch name for 'git' targets is now optional; if not provided, the repository will be cloned with the default branch * Build containers now explicitely set the PATH variable * Refactor of web framework * API endpoints now return id of newly created entries * Repo POST requests now return information on published package * `api` can no longer be used as a repository name * CLI client now allows setting values to an empty value ### Removed * md5 hashes are no longer calculated for packages ## [0.3.0](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.3.0) Nothing besides bumping the versions. ## [0.3.0-rc.1](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.3.0-rc.1) ### Added * Database migrations * Improved GitRepo & BuildLog API * Pagination using `limit` & `offset` query params * GitRepo: filter by repo * BuildLog: filter by start & end date, repo, exit code & arch * CLI flags to take advantage of above API improvements * Added CLI command to generate all man pages * PKGBUILDs now install man pages * Hosted CLI man pages ([vieter(1)](https://rustybever.be/man/vieter/vieter.1.html)) * Proper HTTP API docs ([link](https://rustybever.be/docs/vieter/api/)) ### Changed * Packages from target repo are available during builds * This can be used as a basic way to support AUR dependencies, by adding the dependencies to the same repository * Every build now updates its packages first instead of solely relying on the updated builder image * Build logs now show commands being executed ### Fixed * `POST /api/logs` now correctly uses epoch timestamps instead of strings ## [0.3.0-alpha.2](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.3.0-alpha.2) ### Added * Web API for adding & querying build logs * CLI commands to access build logs API * Cron build logs are uploaded to above API * Proper ASCII table output in CLI * `vieter repos build id` command to run builds locally ### Removed * `vieter build` command * This command was used alongside cron for periodic builds, but this has been replaced by `vieter cron` ### Changed * `vieter build` command now only builds a single repository & uploads the build logs * Official Arch packages are now split between `vieter` & `vieter-git` * `vieter` is the latest release * `vieter-git` is the latest commit on the dev branch * Full refactor of Docker socket code ## [0.3.0-alpha.1](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.3.0-alpha.1) ### Changed * Switched from compiler fork to fully vanilla compiler mirror * `download_dir`, `repos_file` & `repos_dir` config values have been replaced with `data_dir` * Storage of metadata (e.g. Git repositories) is now done using Sqlite ### Added * Implemented own cron daemon for builder * Build schedule can be configured globally or individually per repository * Added CLI command to show detailed information per repo ### Fixed * Binary no longer panics when an env var is missing ## [0.2.0](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.2.0) ### Changed * Better config system * Support for both a config file & environment variables * Each env var can now be provided from a file by appending it with `_FILE` & passing the path to the file as value * Revamped web framework * All routes now return proper JSON where applicable & the correct status codes ### Added * Very basic build system * Build is triggered by separate cron container * Packages build on cron container's system * A HEAD request is used to determine whether a package should be rebuilt or not * Hardcoded planning of builds * Builds are sequential * API for managing Git repositories to build * CLI to list, add & remove Git repos to build * Published packages on my Vieter instance * Support for multiple repositories * Support for multiple architectures per repository ### Fixed * Each package can now only have one version in the repository at once (required by Pacman) * Packages with unknown fields in .PKGINFO are now allowed * Old packages are now properly removed ## [0.1.0](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.1.0) ### Changed * Improved logging ## [0.1.0-rc.1](https://git.rustybever.be/vieter-v/vieter/src/tag/0.1.0-rc.1) ### Added * Ability to publish packages * Re-wrote repo-add in V