module db struct GitRepoArch { pub: id int [primary; sql: serial] repo_id int value string } pub struct GitRepo { pub mut: id int [optional; primary; sql: serial] // URL of the Git repository url string [nonull] // Branch of the Git repository to use branch string [nonull] // Which repo the builder should publish packages to repo string [nonull] // Cron schedule describing how frequently to build the repo. schedule string [optional] // On which architectures the package is allowed to be built. In reality, // this controls which builders will periodically build the image. arch []GitRepoArch [fkey: 'repo_id'] } // patch_from_params patches a GitRepo from a map[string]string, usually // provided from a web.App's params pub fn (mut r GitRepo) patch_from_params(params map[string]string) { $for field in GitRepo.fields { if in params { $if field.typ is string { r.$( = params[] // This specific type check is needed for the compiler to ensure // our types are correct } $else $if field.typ is []GitRepoArch { r.$( = params[].split(',').map(GitRepoArch{ value: it }) } } } } // repo_from_params creates a GitRepo from a map[string]string, usually // provided from a web.App's params pub fn git_repo_from_params(params map[string]string) ?GitRepo { mut repo := GitRepo{} // If we're creating a new GitRepo, we want all fields to be present before // "patching". $for field in GitRepo.fields { if !in params && !field.attrs.contains('optional') { return error('Missing parameter: ${}.') } } repo.patch_from_params(params) return repo } pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_git_repos() []GitRepo { res := sql db.conn { select from GitRepo } return res } pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_git_repo(repo_id int) ?GitRepo { res := sql db.conn { select from GitRepo where id == repo_id } // If a select statement fails, it returns a zeroed object. By // checking one of the required fields, we can see whether the query // returned a result or not. if res.url == '' { return none } return res } pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_git_repo(repo GitRepo) { sql db.conn { insert repo into GitRepo } } pub fn (db &VieterDb) delete_git_repo(repo_id int) { sql db.conn { delete from GitRepo where id == repo_id } } pub fn (db &VieterDb) update_git_repo(repo GitRepo) { /* sql db.conn { */ /* update GitRepo set repo */ /* } */ }