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module models
import time
import os
pub struct BuildLog {
pub mut:
id int [primary; sql: serial]
target_id int [nonull]
start_time time.Time [nonull]
end_time time.Time [nonull]
arch string [nonull]
exit_code int [nonull]
// str returns a string representation.
pub fn (bl &BuildLog) str() string {
mut parts := [
'id: $',
'target id: $bl.target_id',
'start time: $bl.start_time.local()',
'end time: $bl.end_time.local()',
'duration: ${bl.end_time - bl.start_time}',
'arch: $bl.arch',
'exit code: $bl.exit_code',
str := parts.join('\n')
return str
// path returns the path to the log file, relative to the logs directory
pub fn (bl &BuildLog) path() string {
filename := bl.start_time.custom_format('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss')
return os.join_path(bl.target_id.str(), bl.arch, filename)
pub struct BuildLogFilter {
pub mut:
limit u64 = 25
offset u64
target int
before time.Time
after time.Time
arch string
exit_codes []string