
97 lines
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module server
import web
import os
import repo
import time
import rand
import util
import web.response { new_data_response, new_response }
// healthcheck just returns a string, but can be used to quickly check if the
// server is still responsive.
['/health'; get; markused]
pub fn (mut app App) healthcheck() web.Result {
return app.json(.ok, new_response('Healthy.'))
// get_repo_file handles all Pacman-related routes. It returns both the
// repository's archives, but also package archives or the contents of a
// package's desc file.
['/:repo/:arch/:filename'; get; head; markused]
fn (mut app App) get_repo_file(repo string, arch string, filename string) web.Result {
mut full_path := ''
db_exts := ['.db', '.files', '.db.tar.gz', '.files.tar.gz']
// There's no point in having the ability to serve db archives with wrong
// filenames
if db_exts.any(filename == '${repo}${it}') {
full_path = os.join_path(app.repo.repos_dir, repo, arch, filename)
// repo-add does this using symlinks, but we just change the requested
// path
if !full_path.ends_with('.tar.gz') {
full_path += '.tar.gz'
} else if filename.contains('.pkg') {
full_path = os.join_path(app.repo.pkg_dir, repo, arch, filename)
// Default behavior is to return the desc file for the package, if present.
// This can then also be used by the build system to properly check whether
// a package is present in an arch-repo.
else {
full_path = os.join_path(app.repo.repos_dir, repo, arch, filename, 'desc')
return app.file(full_path)
// put_package handles publishing a package to a repository.
['/:repo/publish'; auth; markused; post]
fn (mut app App) put_package(repo string) web.Result {
// api is a reserved keyword for api routes & should never be allowed to be
// a repository.
if repo.to_lower() == 'api' {
return app.json(.bad_request, new_response("'api' is a reserved keyword & cannot be used as a repository name."))
mut pkg_path := ''
if length := app.req.header.get(.content_length) {
// Generate a random filename for the temp file
pkg_path = os.join_path_single(app.repo.pkg_dir, rand.uuid_v4())
app.ldebug("Uploading ${length} bytes (${util.pretty_bytes(}) to '${pkg_path}'.")
// This is used to time how long it takes to upload a file
mut sw := time.new_stopwatch(time.StopWatchOptions{ auto_start: true })
util.reader_to_file(mut app.reader,, pkg_path) or {
app.lwarn("Failed to upload '${pkg_path}'")
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
app.ldebug("Upload of '${pkg_path}' completed in ${sw.elapsed().seconds():.3}s.")
} else {
app.lwarn('Tried to upload package without specifying a Content-Length.')
// length required
return app.status(.length_required)
res := app.repo.add_pkg_from_path(repo, pkg_path) or {
app.lerror('Error while adding package: ${err.msg()}')
os.rm(pkg_path) or { app.lerror("Failed to remove download '${pkg_path}': ${err.msg()}") }
return app.status(.internal_server_error)
app.linfo("Added '${}-${res.version}' to '${repo} (${res.archs.join(',')})'.")
return app.json(.ok, new_data_response(res))