Merge pull request 'Release 0.3.0-alpha.2' (#185) from release-0.3.0-alpha.2 into main

Reviewed-on: vieter/vieter#185
Jef Roosens 2022-05-18 07:56:03 +02:00
commit 7627b28bcf
48 changed files with 1398 additions and 427 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
- linux/amd64
- linux/arm64
platform: ${PLATFORM}
branches: [main]
skip_clone: true
image: 'menci/archlinuxarm:base-devel'
# Add the vieter repository so we can use the compiler
- echo -e '[vieter]\nServer =$repo/$arch\nSigLevel = Optional' >> /etc/pacman.conf
# Update packages
- pacman -Syu --noconfirm
# Create non-root user to perform build & switch to their home
- groupadd -g 1000 builder
- useradd -mg builder builder
- chown -R builder:builder "$PWD"
- "echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"
- su builder
# Due to a bug with the V compiler, we can't just use the PKGBUILD from
# inside the repo
- makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed
event: tag
image: 'curlimages/curl'
# Publish the package
- 'for pkg in $(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: $VIETER_API_KEY"; done'
- vieter_api_key
event: tag

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pipeline:
- su builder
# Due to a bug with the V compiler, we can't just use the PKGBUILD from
# inside the repo
- curl -OL
- curl -o PKGBUILD -L
- makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed
event: push

View File

@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ pipeline:
- 'docker_password'
repo: 'chewingbever/vieter'
tag: 'dev'
- 'dev'
platforms: [ 'linux/arm64/v8', 'linux/amd64' ]

View File

@ -5,6 +5,33 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased](
## [0.3.0-alpha.2](
### Added
* Web API for adding & querying build logs
* CLI commands to access build logs API
* Cron build logs are uploaded to above API
* Proper ASCII table output in CLI
* `vieter repos build id` command to run builds locally
### Removed
* `vieter build` command
* This command was used alongside cron for periodic builds, but this has
been replaced by `vieter cron`
### Changed
* `vieter build` command now only builds a single repository & uploads the
build logs
* Official Arch packages are now split between `vieter` & `vieter-git`
* `vieter` is the latest release
* `vieter-git` is the latest commit on the dev branch
* Full refactor of Docker socket code
## [0.3.0-alpha.1](
### Changed

View File

@ -36,15 +36,8 @@ ENV PATH=/bin \
COPY --from=builder /app/dumb-init /app/vieter /bin/
HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s \
--timeout=3s \
--start-period=5s \
CMD /bin/wget --spider http://localhost:8000/health || exit 1
RUN mkdir /data && \
chown -R www-data:www-data /data && \
mkdir -p '/var/spool/cron/crontabs' && \
echo '0 3 * * * /bin/vieter build' | crontab -
chown -R www-data:www-data /data

View File

@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
# vim: ft=bash
# Maintainer: Jef Roosens
depends=('glibc' 'openssl' 'libarchive' 'gc' 'sqlite')
makedepends=('git' 'gcc' 'vieter-v')
depends=('glibc' 'openssl' 'libarchive' 'sqlite')
makedepends=('git' 'vieter-v')
arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64')
pkgver() {
cd "$pkgname"
git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
build() {
cd "$pkgname"
@ -28,5 +23,5 @@ package() {
pkgdesc="Vieter is a lightweight implementation of an Arch repository server."
install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
install -Dm755 "$pkgbase/pvieter" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vieter"
install -Dm755 "$pkgname/pvieter" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vieter"

35 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# vim: ft=bash
# Maintainer: Jef Roosens
depends=('glibc' 'openssl' 'libarchive' 'sqlite')
makedepends=('git' 'vieter-v')
arch=('x86_64' 'aarch64')
pkgver() {
cd "$pkgname"
git describe --long --tags | sed 's/^v//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
build() {
cd "$pkgname"
make prod
package() {
pkgdesc="Vieter is a lightweight implementation of an Arch repository server."
install -dm755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
install -Dm755 "$pkgname/pvieter" "$pkgdir/usr/bin/vieter"

View File

@ -55,3 +55,13 @@ clone my compiler in the `v` directory & build it. Afterwards, you can use this
compiler with make by prepending all make commands with `V_PATH=v/v`. If you do
encounter this issue, please let me know so I can update my mirror & the
codebase to fix it!
## Contributing
If you wish to contribute to the project, please take note of the following:
* Rebase instead of merging whenever possible, e.g. when updating your branch
with the dev branch.
* Please follow the
[Conventional Commits]( style for your
commit messages.

View File

@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ Vieter only supports uploading archives compressed using either gzip, zstd or
xz at the moment.
{{< /hint >}}
### `GET /health`
This endpoint's only use is to be used with healthchecks. It returns a JSON
response with the message "Healthy.".
## API
All API routes require the API key to provided using the `X-Api-Key` header.

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ repositories. After the image has been created, each repository returned by
previously created image as a base. Each container goes through the following steps:
1. The repository is cloned
2. `makepkg --nobuild --nodeps` is ran to update the `pkgver` variable inside
2. `makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm` is ran to update the `pkgver` variable inside
the `PKGBUILD` file
3. A HEAD request is sent to the Vieter server to check whether the specific
version of the package is already present. If it is, the container exits.

View File

@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ module build
import docker
import encoding.base64
import time
import git
import os
import db
import strings
import util
const container_build_dir = '/build'
const build_image_repo = 'vieter-build'
const (
container_build_dir = '/build'
build_image_repo = 'vieter-build'
// create_build_image creates a builder image given some base image which can
// then be used to build & package Arch images. It mostly just updates the
@ -17,6 +19,12 @@ const build_image_repo = 'vieter-build'
// makepkg with. The base image should be some Linux distribution that uses
// Pacman as its package manager.
pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
defer {
dd.close() or {}
commands := [
// Update repos & install required packages
'pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm base-devel git'
@ -46,14 +54,15 @@ pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
image_tag := if image_parts.len > 1 { image_parts[1] } else { 'latest' }
// We pull the provided image
docker.pull_image(image_name, image_tag) ?
dd.pull_image(image_name, image_tag)?
id := docker.create_container(c) ?
docker.start_container(id) ?
id := dd.create_container(c)?.id
// id := docker.create_container(c)?
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for {
data := docker.inspect_container(id) ?
data := dd.inspect_container(id)?
if !data.state.running {
@ -67,27 +76,41 @@ pub fn create_build_image(base_image string) ?string {
// TODO also add the base image's name into the image name to prevent
// conflicts.
tag := time.sys_mono_now().str()
image := docker.create_image_from_container(id, 'vieter-build', tag) ?
docker.remove_container(id) ?
image := dd.create_image_from_container(id, 'vieter-build', tag)?
pub struct BuildResult {
start_time time.Time
end_time time.Time
exit_code int
logs string
// build_repo builds, packages & publishes a given Arch package based on the
// provided GitRepo. The base image ID should be of an image previously created
// by create_build_image.
pub fn build_repo(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, repo &db.GitRepo) ? {
// by create_build_image. It returns the logs of the container.
pub fn build_repo(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, repo &db.GitRepo) ?BuildResult {
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
defer {
dd.close() or {}
build_arch := os.uname().machine
// TODO what to do with PKGBUILDs that build multiple packages?
commands := [
'git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch $repo.branch $repo.url repo',
'cd repo',
'makepkg --nobuild --nodeps',
'makepkg --nobuild --syncdeps --needed --noconfirm',
'source PKGBUILD',
// The build container checks whether the package is already
// present on the server
'curl --head --fail $address/$repo.repo/$build_arch/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel && exit 0',
'curl -s --head --fail $address/$repo.repo/$build_arch/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel && exit 0',
'MAKEFLAGS="-j\$(nproc)" makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed && for pkg in \$(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "\$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: \$API_KEY" $address/$repo.repo/publish; done',
@ -104,46 +127,30 @@ pub fn build_repo(address string, api_key string, base_image_id string, repo &db
user: 'builder:builder'
id := docker.create_container(c) ?
docker.start_container(id) ?
id := dd.create_container(c)?.id
mut data := dd.inspect_container(id)?
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for {
data := docker.inspect_container(id) ?
if !data.state.running {
for data.state.running {
time.sleep(1 * time.second)
data = dd.inspect_container(id)?
docker.remove_container(id) ?
// build builds every Git repo in the server's list.
fn build(conf Config) ? {
build_arch := os.uname().machine
// We get the repos map from the Vieter instance
repos := git.get_repos(conf.address, conf.api_key) ?
// We filter out any repos that aren't allowed to be built on this
// architecture
filtered_repos := repos.filter(
// No point in doing work if there's no repos present
if filtered_repos.len == 0 {
// First, we create a base image which has updated repos n stuff
image_id := create_build_image(conf.base_image) ?
for repo in filtered_repos {
build_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, repo) ?
// Finally, we remove the builder image
docker.remove_image(image_id) ?
mut logs_stream := dd.get_container_logs(id)?
// Read in the entire stream
mut logs_builder := strings.new_builder(10 * 1024)
util.reader_to_writer(mut logs_stream, mut logs_builder)?
return BuildResult{
start_time: data.state.start_time
end_time: data.state.end_time
exit_code: data.state.exit_code
logs: logs_builder.str()

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
module build
import cli
import env
pub struct Config {
api_key string
address string
base_image string = 'archlinux:base-devel'
// cmd returns the cli submodule that handles the build process
pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'build'
description: 'Run the build process.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
build(conf) ?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
module client
import net.http { Method }
import net.urllib
import response { Response }
import json
pub struct Client {
address string
api_key string
// new creates a new Client instance.
pub fn new(address string, api_key string) Client {
return Client{
address: address
api_key: api_key
// send_request_raw sends an HTTP request, returning the http.Response object.
// It encodes the params so that they're safe to pass as HTTP query parameters.
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?http.Response {
mut full_url := '$c.address$url'
if params.len > 0 {
mut params_escaped := map[string]string{}
// Escape each query param
for k, v in params {
params_escaped[k] = urllib.query_escape(v)
params_str := params_escaped.keys().map('$it=${params[it]}').join('&')
full_url = '$full_url?$params_str'
mut req := http.new_request(method, full_url, body)?
req.add_custom_header('X-Api-Key', c.api_key)?
res :=
return res
// send_request<T> just calls send_request_with_body<T> with an empty body.
fn (c &Client) send_request<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string) ?Response<T> {
return c.send_request_with_body<T>(method, url, params, '')
// send_request_with_body<T> calls send_request_raw_response & parses its
// output as a Response<T> object.
fn (c &Client) send_request_with_body<T>(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?Response<T> {
res_text := c.send_request_raw_response(method, url, params, body)?
data := json.decode(Response<T>, res_text)?
return data
// send_request_raw_response returns the raw text response for an HTTP request.
fn (c &Client) send_request_raw_response(method Method, url string, params map[string]string, body string) ?string {
res := c.send_request_raw(method, url, params, body)?
return res.text

src/client/git.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module client
import db { GitRepo }
import net.http { Method }
import response { Response }
// get_git_repos returns the current list of repos.
pub fn (c &Client) get_git_repos() ?[]GitRepo {
data := c.send_request<[]GitRepo>(Method.get, '/api/repos', {})?
// get_git_repo returns the repo for a specific ID.
pub fn (c &Client) get_git_repo(id int) ?GitRepo {
data := c.send_request<GitRepo>(Method.get, '/api/repos/$id', {})?
// add_git_repo adds a new repo to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_git_repo(url string, branch string, repo string, arch []string) ?Response<string> {
mut params := {
'url': url
'branch': branch
'repo': repo
if arch.len > 0 {
params['arch'] = arch.join(',')
data := c.send_request<string>(, '/api/repos', params)?
return data
// remove_git_repo removes the repo with the given ID from the server.
pub fn (c &Client) remove_git_repo(id int) ?Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.delete, '/api/repos/$id', {})?
return data
// patch_git_repo sends a PATCH request to the given repo with the params as
// payload.
pub fn (c &Client) patch_git_repo(id int, params map[string]string) ?Response<string> {
data := c.send_request<string>(Method.patch, '/api/repos/$id', params)?
return data

src/client/logs.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module client
import db { BuildLog }
import net.http { Method }
import response { Response }
import time
// get_build_logs returns all build logs.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs() ?Response<[]BuildLog> {
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/logs', {})?
return data
// get_build_logs_for_repo returns all build logs for a given repo.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_logs_for_repo(repo_id int) ?Response<[]BuildLog> {
params := {
'repo': repo_id.str()
data := c.send_request<[]BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/logs', params)?
return data
// get_build_log returns a specific build log.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log(id int) ?Response<BuildLog> {
data := c.send_request<BuildLog>(Method.get, '/api/logs/$id', {})?
return data
// get_build_log_content returns the contents of the build log file.
pub fn (c &Client) get_build_log_content(id int) ?string {
data := c.send_request_raw_response(Method.get, '/api/logs/$id/content', {}, '')?
return data
// add_build_log adds a new build log to the server.
pub fn (c &Client) add_build_log(repo_id int, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, arch string, exit_code int, content string) ?Response<string> {
params := {
'repo': repo_id.str()
'startTime': start_time.str()
'endTime': end_time.str()
'arch': arch
'exitCode': exit_code.str()
data := c.send_request_with_body<string>(, '/api/logs', params, content)?
return data

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module console
import arrays
import strings
// pretty_table converts a list of string data into a pretty table. Many thanks
// to @hungrybluedev in the Vlang Discord for providing this code!
pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) ?string {
column_count := header.len
mut column_widths := []int{len: column_count, init: header[it].len}
for values in data {
for col, value in values {
if column_widths[col] < value.len {
column_widths[col] = value.len
single_line_length := arrays.sum(column_widths)? + (column_count + 1) * 3 - 4
horizontal_line := '+' + strings.repeat(`-`, single_line_length) + '+'
mut buffer := strings.new_builder(data.len * single_line_length)
buffer.write_string('| ')
for col, head in header {
if col != 0 {
buffer.write_string(' | ')
buffer.write_string(strings.repeat(` `, column_widths[col] - head.len))
buffer.writeln(' |')
for values in data {
buffer.write_string('| ')
for col, value in values {
if col != 0 {
buffer.write_string(' | ')
buffer.write_string(strings.repeat(` `, column_widths[col] - value.len))
buffer.writeln(' |')
return buffer.str()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module git
import client
import docker
import os
import build
// build builds every Git repo in the server's list.
fn build(conf Config, repo_id int) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
repo := c.get_git_repo(repo_id)?
build_arch := os.uname().machine
println('Creating base image...')
image_id := build.create_build_image(conf.base_image)?
println('Running build...')
res := build.build_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, image_id, repo)?
println('Removing build image...')
mut dd := docker.new_conn()?
defer {
dd.close() or {}
println('Uploading logs to Vieter...')
c.add_build_log(, res.start_time, res.end_time, build_arch, res.exit_code,

View File

@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ module git
import cli
import env
import cron.expression { parse_expression }
import client
import console
struct Config {
address string [required]
api_key string [required]
base_image string = 'archlinux:base-devel'
// cmd returns the cli submodule that handles the repos API interaction
@ -19,10 +22,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
name: 'list'
description: 'List the current repos.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
list(conf) ?
@ -31,10 +34,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
usage: 'url branch repo'
description: 'Add a new repository.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
add(conf, cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2]) ?
add(conf, cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2])?
@ -43,10 +46,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
usage: 'id'
description: 'Remove a repository that matches the given ID prefix.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
remove(conf, cmd.args[0]) ?
remove(conf, cmd.args[0])?
@ -55,10 +58,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
usage: 'id'
description: 'Show detailed information for the repo matching the ID prefix.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
info(conf, cmd.args[0]) ?
info(conf, cmd.args[0])?
@ -94,8 +97,8 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
found := cmd.flags.get_all_found()
@ -103,11 +106,23 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
for f in found {
if != 'config-file' {
params[] = f.get_string() ?
params[] = f.get_string()?
patch(conf, cmd.args[0], params) ?
patch(conf, cmd.args[0], params)?
name: 'build'
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Build the repo with the given id & publish it.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
build(conf, cmd.args[0].int())?
@ -119,16 +134,17 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
// list prints out a list of all repositories.
fn list(conf Config) ? {
repos := get_repos(conf.address, conf.api_key) ?
c :=, conf.api_key)
repos := c.get_git_repos()?
data :=[, it.url, it.branch, it.repo])
for repo in repos {
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'url', 'branch', 'repo'], data)?)
// add adds a new repository to the server's list.
fn add(conf Config, url string, branch string, repo string) ? {
res := add_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, url, branch, repo, []) ?
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.add_git_repo(url, branch, repo, [])?
@ -139,7 +155,8 @@ fn remove(conf Config, id string) ? {
id_int :=
if id_int != 0 {
res := remove_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, id_int) ?
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.remove_git_repo(id_int)?
@ -156,7 +173,8 @@ fn patch(conf Config, id string, params map[string]string) ? {
id_int :=
if id_int != 0 {
res := patch_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, id_int, params) ?
c :=, conf.api_key)
res := c.patch_git_repo(id_int, params)?
@ -170,6 +188,7 @@ fn info(conf Config, id string) ? {
repo := get_repo(conf.address, conf.api_key, id_int) ?
c :=, conf.api_key)
repo := c.get_git_repo(id_int)?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
module logs
import cli
import env
import client
import db
import console
struct Config {
address string [required]
api_key string [required]
// cmd returns the cli module that handles the build repos API.
pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
return cli.Command{
name: 'logs'
description: 'Interact with the build logs API.'
commands: [
name: 'list'
description: 'List the build logs. If a repo ID is provided, only list the build logs for that repo.'
flags: [
name: 'repo'
description: 'ID of the Git repo to restrict list to.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
repo_id := cmd.flags.get_int('repo')?
if repo_id == 0 { list(conf)? } else { list_for_repo(conf, repo_id)? }
name: 'info'
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Show all info for a specific build log.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
id := cmd.args[0].int()
info(conf, id)?
name: 'content'
required_args: 1
usage: 'id'
description: 'Output the content of a build log to stdout.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
id := cmd.args[0].int()
content(conf, id)?
// print_log_list prints a list of logs.
fn print_log_list(logs []db.BuildLog) ? {
data :=[, it.repo_id.str(), it.start_time.str(),
println(console.pretty_table(['id', 'repo', 'start time', 'exit code'], data)?)
// list prints a list of all build logs.
fn list(conf Config) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs()?.data
// list prints a list of all build logs for a given repo.
fn list_for_repo(conf Config, repo_id int) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
logs := c.get_build_logs_for_repo(repo_id)?.data
// info print the detailed info for a given build log.
fn info(conf Config, id int) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
log := c.get_build_log(id)?.data
// content outputs the contents of the log file for a given build log to
// stdout.
fn content(conf Config, id int) ? {
c :=, conf.api_key)
content := c.get_build_log_content(id)?

View File

@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
name: 'cron'
description: 'Start the cron service that periodically runs builds.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
cron(conf) ?

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ pub fn cron(conf Config) ? {
mut d := daemon.init_daemon(logger, conf.address, conf.api_key, conf.base_image, ce,
conf.max_concurrent_builds, conf.api_update_frequency, conf.image_rebuild_frequency) ?
conf.max_concurrent_builds, conf.api_update_frequency, conf.image_rebuild_frequency)?

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module daemon
import time
import sync.stdatomic
import build
import os
const (
build_empty = 0
@ -77,13 +78,20 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) run_build(build_index int, sb ScheduledBuild) {
// 0 means success, 1 means failure
mut status := 0
build.build_repo(d.address, d.api_key, d.builder_images.last(), &sb.repo) or {
res := build.build_repo(d.client.address, d.client.api_key, d.builder_images.last(),
&sb.repo) or {
d.ldebug('build_repo error: $err.msg()')
status = 1
if status == 0 {
d.linfo('finished build: $sb.repo.url $sb.repo.branch')
d.linfo('finished build: $sb.repo.url $sb.repo.branch; uploading logs...')
build_arch := os.uname().machine
d.client.add_build_log(, res.start_time, res.end_time, build_arch, res.exit_code,
res.logs) or { d.lerror('Failed to upload logs for $sb.repo.url $sb.repo.arch') }
} else {
d.linfo('failed build: $sb.repo.url $sb.repo.branch')

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module daemon
import git
import time
import log
import datatypes { MinHeap }
@ -10,6 +9,7 @@ import build
import docker
import db
import os
import client
const (
// How many seconds to wait before retrying to update API if failed
@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ fn (r1 ScheduledBuild) < (r2 ScheduledBuild) bool {
pub struct Daemon {
address string
api_key string
client client.Client
base_image string
builder_images []string
global_schedule CronExpression
@ -56,8 +55,7 @@ mut:
// populates the build queue for the first time.
pub fn init_daemon(logger log.Log, address string, api_key string, base_image string, global_schedule CronExpression, max_concurrent_builds int, api_update_frequency int, image_rebuild_frequency int) ?Daemon {
mut d := Daemon{
address: address
api_key: api_key
client:, api_key)
base_image: base_image
global_schedule: global_schedule
api_update_frequency: api_update_frequency
@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) schedule_build(repo db.GitRepo) {
fn (mut d Daemon) renew_repos() {
d.linfo('Renewing repos...')
mut new_repos := git.get_repos(d.address, d.api_key) or {
mut new_repos := d.client.get_git_repos() or {
d.lerror('Failed to renew repos. Retrying in ${daemon.api_update_retry_timeout}s...')
d.api_update_timestamp =
@ -255,14 +253,21 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) rebuild_base_image() bool {
fn (mut d Daemon) clean_old_base_images() {
mut i := 0
mut dd := docker.new_conn() or {
d.lerror('Failed to connect to Docker socket.')
defer {
dd.close() or {}
for i < d.builder_images.len - 1 {
// For each builder image, we try to remove it by calling the Docker
// API. If the function returns an error or false, that means the image
// wasn't deleted. Therefore, we move the index over. If the function
// returns true, the array's length has decreased by one so we don't
// move the index.
if !docker.remove_image(d.builder_images[i]) or { false } {
i += 1
dd.remove_image(d.builder_images[i]) or { i += 1 }

View File

@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ fn parse_part(s string, min int, max int) ?[]int {
mut bitv := []bool{len: max - min + 1, init: false}
for range in s.split(',') {
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv) ?
parse_range(range, min, max, mut bitv)?
return bitv_to_ints(bitv, min)

View File

@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ fn parse_range_error(s string, min int, max int) string {
// =====parse_range=====
fn test_range_star_range() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('*', 0, 5, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('*', 0, 5, mut bitv)?
assert bitv == [true, true, true, true, true, true]
fn test_range_number() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 6, init: false}
parse_range('4', 0, 5, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('4', 0, 5, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4]
@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ fn test_range_number_invalid() ? {
fn test_range_step_star_1() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('*/4', 0, 20, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('*/4', 0, 20, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20]
fn test_range_step_star_2() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 8, init: false}
parse_range('*/3', 1, 8, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('*/3', 1, 8, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 1) == [1, 4, 7]
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ fn test_range_step_zero() ? {
fn test_range_step_number() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 21, init: false}
parse_range('5/4', 2, 22, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('5/4', 2, 22, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 2) == [5, 9, 13, 17, 21]
@ -76,23 +76,23 @@ fn test_range_step_number_too_small() ? {
fn test_range_dash() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8', 0, 9, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('4-8', 0, 9, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
fn test_range_dash_step() ? {
mut bitv := []bool{len: 10, init: false}
parse_range('4-8/2', 0, 9, mut bitv) ?
parse_range('4-8/2', 0, 9, mut bitv)?
assert bitv_to_ints(bitv, 0) == [4, 6, 8]
// =====parse_part=====
fn test_part_single() ? {
assert parse_part('*', 0, 5) ? == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assert parse_part('*', 0, 5)? == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
fn test_part_multiple() ? {
assert parse_part('*/2,2/3', 1, 8) ? == [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]
assert parse_part('*/2,2/3', 1, 8)? == [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8]

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ module expression
import time { parse }
fn util_test_time(exp string, t1_str string, t2_str string) ? {
ce := parse_expression(exp) ?
t1 := parse(t1_str) ?
t2 := parse(t2_str) ?
ce := parse_expression(exp)?
t1 := parse(t1_str)?
t2 := parse(t2_str)?
t3 := ?
t3 :=
assert t2.year == t3.year
assert t2.month == t3.month
@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ fn util_test_time(exp string, t1_str string, t2_str string) ? {
fn test_next_simple() ? {
// Very simple
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 00:00:00', '2002-01-01 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 00:00:00', '2002-01-01 03:00:00')?
// Overlap to next day
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 03:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 03:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00')?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-02 03:00:00')?
util_test_time('0 3/4', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-01 07:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3/4', '2002-01-01 04:00:00', '2002-01-01 07:00:00')?
// Overlap to next month
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-11-31 04:00:00', '2002-12-01 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-11-31 04:00:00', '2002-12-01 03:00:00')?
// Overlap to next year
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-12-31 04:00:00', '2003-01-01 03:00:00') ?
util_test_time('0 3', '2002-12-31 04:00:00', '2003-01-01 03:00:00')?

View File

@ -8,10 +8,11 @@ struct VieterDb {
// init initializes a database & adds the correct tables.
pub fn init(db_path string) ?VieterDb {
conn := sqlite.connect(db_path) ?
conn := sqlite.connect(db_path)?
sql conn {
create table GitRepo
create table BuildLog
return VieterDb{

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_git_repo(repo_id int) ?GitRepo {
// If a select statement fails, it returns a zeroed object. By
// checking one of the required fields, we can see whether the query
// returned a result or not.
if res.url == '' {
if == 0 {
return none
@ -152,3 +152,11 @@ pub fn (db &VieterDb) update_git_repo_archs(repo_id int, archs []GitRepoArch) {
// git_repo_exists is a utility function that checks whether a repo with the
// given id exists.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) git_repo_exists(repo_id int) bool {
db.get_git_repo(repo_id) or { return false }
return true

src/db/logs.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
module db
import time
pub struct BuildLog {
id int [primary; sql: serial]
repo_id int [nonull]
start_time time.Time [nonull]
end_time time.Time [nonull]
arch string [nonull]
exit_code int [nonull]
// str returns a string representation.
pub fn (bl &BuildLog) str() string {
mut parts := [
'id: $',
'repo id: $bl.repo_id',
'start time: $bl.start_time',
'end time: $bl.end_time',
'arch: $bl.arch',
'exit code: $bl.exit_code',
str := parts.join('\n')
return str
// get_build_logs returns all BuildLog's in the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_build_logs() []BuildLog {
res := sql db.conn {
select from BuildLog order by id
return res
// get_build_logs_for_repo returns all BuildLog's in the database for a given
// repo.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_build_logs_for_repo(repo_id int) []BuildLog {
res := sql db.conn {
select from BuildLog where repo_id == repo_id order by id
return res
// get_build_log tries to return a specific BuildLog.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) get_build_log(id int) ?BuildLog {
res := sql db.conn {
select from BuildLog where id == id
if == 0 {
return none
return res
// add_build_log inserts the given BuildLog into the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) add_build_log(log BuildLog) {
sql db.conn {
insert log into BuildLog
// delete_build_log delete the BuildLog with the given ID from the database.
pub fn (db &VieterDb) delete_build_log(id int) {
sql db.conn {
delete from BuildLog where id == id

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
This module implements part of the Docker Engine API v1.41
([documentation]( using socket-based
HTTP communication.

View File

@ -2,17 +2,11 @@ module docker
import json
import net.urllib
import time
import net.http { Method }
struct Container {
id string [json: Id]
names []string [json: Names]
// containers returns a list of all currently running containers
pub fn containers() ?[]Container {
res := request('GET', urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/json') ?) ?
return json.decode([]Container, res.text) or {}
struct DockerError {
message string
pub struct NewContainer {
@ -25,54 +19,104 @@ pub struct NewContainer {
struct CreatedContainer {
id string [json: Id]
warnings []string [json: Warnings]
// create_container creates a container defined by the given configuration. If
// successful, it returns the ID of the newly created container.
pub fn create_container(c &NewContainer) ?string {
res := request_with_json('POST', urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/create') ?, c) ?
// create_container creates a new container with the given config.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) create_container(c NewContainer) ?CreatedContainer {
d.send_request_with_json(, urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/create')?, c)?
head, res := d.read_response()?
if res.status_code != 201 {
return error('Failed to create container.')
if head.status_code != 201 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, res)?
return error(data.message)
return json.decode(CreatedContainer, res.text) ?.id
data := json.decode(CreatedContainer, res)?
return data
// start_container starts a container with a given ID. It returns whether the
// container was started or not.
pub fn start_container(id string) ?bool {
res := request('POST', urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id/start') ?) ?
// start_container starts the container with the given id.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) start_container(id string) ? {
d.send_request(, urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id/start')?)?
head, body := d.read_response()?
return res.status_code == 204
if head.status_code != 204 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)
struct ContainerInspect {
pub mut:
state ContainerState [json: State]
struct ContainerState {
running bool [json: Running]
status string [json: Status]
exit_code int [json: ExitCode]
// These use a rather specific format so they have to be parsed later
start_time_str string [json: StartedAt]
end_time_str string [json: FinishedAt]
pub mut:
start_time time.Time [skip]
end_time time.Time [skip]
// inspect_container returns the result of inspecting a container with a given
// ID.
pub fn inspect_container(id string) ?ContainerInspect {
res := request('GET', urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id/json') ?) ?
// inspect_container returns detailed information for a given container.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) inspect_container(id string) ?ContainerInspect {
d.send_request(Method.get, urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id/json')?)?
head, body := d.read_response()?
if res.status_code != 200 {
return error('Failed to inspect container.')
if head.status_code != 200 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)
return json.decode(ContainerInspect, res.text) or {}
mut data := json.decode(ContainerInspect, body)?
data.state.start_time = time.parse_rfc3339(data.state.start_time_str)?
if data.state.status == 'exited' {
data.state.end_time = time.parse_rfc3339(data.state.end_time_str)?
return data
// remove_container removes a container with a given ID.
pub fn remove_container(id string) ?bool {
res := request('DELETE', urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id') ?) ?
// remove_container removes the container with the given id.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) remove_container(id string) ? {
d.send_request(Method.delete, urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id')?)?
head, body := d.read_response()?
return res.status_code == 204
if head.status_code != 204 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)
// get_container_logs returns a reader object allowing access to the
// container's logs.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) get_container_logs(id string) ?&StreamFormatReader {
d.send_request(Method.get, urllib.parse('/v1.41/containers/$id/logs?stdout=true&stderr=true')?)?
head := d.read_response_head()?
if head.status_code != 200 {
content_length := head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.content_length)?.int()
body := d.read_response_body(content_length)?
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)
return d.get_stream_format_reader()

View File

@ -1,97 +1,137 @@
module docker
import net.unix
import net.urllib
import io
import net.http
import strings
import net.urllib
import json
import util
const socket = '/var/run/docker.sock'
const (
socket = '/var/run/docker.sock'
buf_len = 10 * 1024
http_separator = [u8(`\r`), `\n`, `\r`, `\n`]
http_chunk_separator = [u8(`\r`), `\n`]
const buf_len = 1024
pub struct DockerConn {
socket &unix.StreamConn
reader &io.BufferedReader
// send writes a request to the Docker socket, waits for a response & returns
// it.
fn send(req &string) ?http.Response {
// Open a connection to the socket
mut s := unix.connect_stream(docker.socket) or {
return error('Failed to connect to socket ${docker.socket}.')
// new_conn creates a new connection to the Docker daemon.
pub fn new_conn() ?&DockerConn {
s := unix.connect_stream(docker.socket)?
d := &DockerConn{
socket: s
reader: io.new_buffered_reader(reader: s)
defer {
// This or is required because otherwise, the V compiler segfaults for
// some reason
s.close() or {}
return d
// Write the request to the socket
s.write_string(req) or { return error('Failed to write request to socket ${docker.socket}.') }
// close closes the underlying socket connection.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) close() ? {
s.wait_for_write() ?
// send_request sends an HTTP request without body.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request(method http.Method, url urllib.URL) ? {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\n\n'
mut c := 0
mut buf := []u8{len: docker.buf_len}
// When starting a new request, the reader needs to be reset.
d.reader = io.new_buffered_reader(reader: d.socket)
// send_request_with_body sends an HTTP request with the given body.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_body(method http.Method, url urllib.URL, content_type string, body string) ? {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: $content_type\nContent-Length: $body.len\n\n$body\n\n'
// When starting a new request, the reader needs to be reset.
d.reader = io.new_buffered_reader(reader: d.socket)
// send_request_with_json<T> is a convenience wrapper around
// send_request_with_body that encodes the input as JSON.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) send_request_with_json<T>(method http.Method, url urllib.URL, data &T) ? {
body := json.encode(data)
return d.send_request_with_body(method, url, 'application/json', body)
// read_response_head consumes the socket's contents until it encounters
// '\r\n\r\n', after which it parses the response as an HTTP response.
// Importantly, this function never consumes the reader past the HTTP
// separator, so the body can be read fully later on.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_head() ?http.Response {
mut res := []u8{}
for {
c = buf) or { return error('Failed to read data from socket ${docker.socket}.') }
res << buf[..c]
util.read_until_separator(mut d.reader, mut res, docker.http_separator)?
if c < docker.buf_len {
// After reading the first part of the response, we parse it into an HTTP
// response. If it isn't chunked, we return early with the data.
parsed := http.parse_response(res.bytestr()) or {
return error('Failed to parse HTTP response from socket ${docker.socket}.')
if parsed.header.get(http.CommonHeader.transfer_encoding) or { '' } != 'chunked' {
return parsed
// We loop until we've encountered the end of the chunked response
// A chunked HTTP response always ends with '0\r\n\r\n'.
for res.len < 5 || res#[-5..] != [u8(`0`), `\r`, `\n`, `\r`, `\n`] {
// Wait for the server to respond
s.wait_for_write() ?
for {
c = buf) or {
return error('Failed to read data from socket ${docker.socket}.')
res << buf[..c]
if c < docker.buf_len {
// Decode chunked response
return http.parse_response(res.bytestr())
// request_with_body sends a request to the Docker socket with the given body.
fn request_with_body(method string, url urllib.URL, content_type string, body string) ?http.Response {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\nContent-Type: $content_type\nContent-Length: $body.len\n\n$body\n\n'
// read_response_body reads `length` bytes from the stream. It can be used when
// the response encoding isn't chunked to fully read it.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response_body(length int) ?string {
if length == 0 {
return ''
return send(req)
mut buf := []u8{len: docker.buf_len}
mut c := 0
mut builder := strings.new_builder(docker.buf_len)
for builder.len < length {
c = buf) or { break }
return builder.str()
// request sends a request to the Docker socket with an empty body.
fn request(method string, url urllib.URL) ?http.Response {
req := '$method $url.request_uri() HTTP/1.1\nHost: localhost\n\n'
// read_response is a convenience function which always consumes the entire
// response & returns it. It should only be used when we're certain that the
// result isn't too large.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) read_response() ?(http.Response, string) {
head := d.read_response_head()?
return send(req)
if head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.transfer_encoding) or { '' } == 'chunked' {
mut builder := strings.new_builder(1024)
mut body := d.get_chunked_response_reader()
util.reader_to_writer(mut body, mut builder)?
return head, builder.str()
content_length := head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.content_length)?.int()
res := d.read_response_body(content_length)?
return head, res
// request_with_json<T> sends a request to the Docker socket with a given JSON
// payload
pub fn request_with_json<T>(method string, url urllib.URL, data &T) ?http.Response {
body := json.encode(data)
// get_chunked_response_reader returns a ChunkedResponseReader using the socket
// as reader.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) get_chunked_response_reader() &ChunkedResponseReader {
r := new_chunked_response_reader(d.reader)
return request_with_body(method, url, 'application/json', body)
return r
// get_stream_format_reader returns a StreamFormatReader using the socket as
// reader.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) get_stream_format_reader() &StreamFormatReader {
r := new_chunked_response_reader(d.reader)
r2 := new_stream_format_reader(r)
return r2

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module docker
import net.http
import net.http { Method }
import net.urllib
import json
@ -9,26 +9,53 @@ pub:
id string [json: Id]
// pull_image pulls tries to pull the image for the given image & tag
pub fn pull_image(image string, tag string) ?http.Response {
return request('POST', urllib.parse('/v1.41/images/create?fromImage=$image&tag=$tag') ?)
// pull_image pulls the given image:tag.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) pull_image(image string, tag string) ? {
d.send_request(, urllib.parse('/v1.41/images/create?fromImage=$image&tag=$tag')?)?
head := d.read_response_head()?
// create_image_from_container creates a new image from a container with the
// given repo & tag, given the container's ID.
pub fn create_image_from_container(id string, repo string, tag string) ?Image {
res := request('POST', urllib.parse('/v1.41/commit?container=$id&repo=$repo&tag=$tag') ?) ?
if head.status_code != 200 {
content_length := head.header.get(http.CommonHeader.content_length)?.int()
body := d.read_response_body(content_length)?
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
if res.status_code != 201 {
return error('Failed to create image from container.')
return error(data.message)
return json.decode(Image, res.text) or {}
// Keep reading the body until the pull has completed
mut body := d.get_chunked_response_reader()
mut buf := []u8{len: 1024}
for { buf) or { break }
// remove_image removes the image with the given ID.
pub fn remove_image(id string) ?bool {
res := request('DELETE', urllib.parse('/v1.41/images/$id') ?) ?
// create_image_from_container creates a new image from a container.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) create_image_from_container(id string, repo string, tag string) ?Image {
d.send_request(, urllib.parse('/v1.41/commit?container=$id&repo=$repo&tag=$tag')?)?
head, body := d.read_response()?
return res.status_code == 200
if head.status_code != 201 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)
data := json.decode(Image, body)?
return data
// remove_image removes the image with the given id.
pub fn (mut d DockerConn) remove_image(id string) ? {
d.send_request(Method.delete, urllib.parse('/v1.41/images/$id')?)?
head, body := d.read_response()?
if head.status_code != 200 {
data := json.decode(DockerError, body)?
return error(data.message)

src/docker/stream.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
module docker
import io
import util
import encoding.binary
import encoding.hex
// ChunkedResponseReader parses an underlying HTTP chunked response, exposing
// it as if it was a continuous stream of data.
struct ChunkedResponseReader {
reader io.BufferedReader
bytes_left_in_chunk u64
started bool
// new_chunked_response_reader creates a new ChunkedResponseReader on the heap
// with the provided reader.
pub fn new_chunked_response_reader(reader io.BufferedReader) &ChunkedResponseReader {
r := &ChunkedResponseReader{
reader: reader
return r
// read satisfies the io.Reader interface.
pub fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
if r.bytes_left_in_chunk == 0 {
// An io.BufferedReader always returns none if its stream has
// ended.
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()?
mut c := 0
// Make sure we don't read more than we can safely read. This is to avoid
// the underlying reader from becoming out of sync with our parsing:
if buf.len > r.bytes_left_in_chunk {
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])?
} else {
c = buf)?
r.bytes_left_in_chunk -= u64(c)
return c
// read_chunk_size advances the reader & reads the size of the next HTTP chunk.
// This function should only be called if the previous chunk has been
// completely consumed.
fn (mut r ChunkedResponseReader) read_chunk_size() ?u64 {
if r.started {
mut buf := []u8{len: 2}
// Each chunk ends with a `\r\n` which we want to skip first buf)?
r.started = true
mut res := []u8{}
util.read_until_separator(mut r.reader, mut res, http_chunk_separator)?
// The length of the next chunk is provided as a hexadecimal
mut num_data := hex.decode(res#[..-2].bytestr())?
for num_data.len < 8 {
num_data.insert(0, 0)
num := binary.big_endian_u64(num_data)
// This only occurs for the very last chunk, which always reports a size of
// 0.
if num == 0 {
return none
return num
// StreamFormatReader parses an underlying stream of Docker logs, removing the
// header bytes.
struct StreamFormatReader {
reader ChunkedResponseReader
bytes_left_in_chunk u32
// new_stream_format_reader creates a new StreamFormatReader using the given
// reader.
pub fn new_stream_format_reader(reader ChunkedResponseReader) &StreamFormatReader {
r := &StreamFormatReader{
reader: reader
return r
// read satisfies the io.Reader interface.
pub fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read(mut buf []u8) ?int {
if r.bytes_left_in_chunk == 0 {
r.bytes_left_in_chunk = r.read_chunk_size()?
mut c := 0
if buf.len > r.bytes_left_in_chunk {
c = buf[..r.bytes_left_in_chunk])?
} else {
c = buf)?
r.bytes_left_in_chunk -= u32(c)
return c
// read_chunk_size advances the reader & reads the header bytes for the length
// of the next chunk.
fn (mut r StreamFormatReader) read_chunk_size() ?u32 {
mut buf := []u8{len: 8} buf)?
num := binary.big_endian_u32(buf[4..])
if num == 0 {
return none
return num

src/env/ vendored 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
This module provides a framework for parsing a configuration, defined as a
struct, from both a TOML configuration file & environment variables. Some
notable features are:
* Overwrite values in config file using environment variables
* Allow default values in config struct
* Read environment variable value from file

src/env/env.v vendored
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@ -3,13 +3,19 @@ module env
import os
import toml
// The prefix that every environment variable should have
const prefix = 'VIETER_'
// The suffix an environment variable in order for it to be loaded from a file
// instead
const file_suffix = '_FILE'
const (
// The prefix that every environment variable should have
prefix = 'VIETER_'
// The suffix an environment variable in order for it to be loaded from a file
// instead
file_suffix = '_FILE'
// get_env_var tries to read the contents of the given environment variable. It
// looks for either `${env.prefix}${field_name.to_upper()}` or
// `${env.prefix}${field_name.to_upper()}${env.file_suffix}`, returning the
// contents of the file instead if the latter. If both or neither exist, the
// function returns an error.
fn get_env_var(field_name string) ?string {
env_var_name := '$env.prefix$field_name.to_upper()'
env_file_name := '$env.prefix$field_name.to_upper()$env.file_suffix'
@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ pub fn load<T>(path string) ?T {
if os.exists(path) {
// We don't use reflect here because reflect also sets any fields not
// in the toml back to their zero value, which we don't want
doc := toml.parse_file(path) ?
doc := toml.parse_file(path)?
$for field in T.fields {
s := doc.value(
@ -66,7 +72,7 @@ pub fn load<T>(path string) ?T {
$for field in T.fields {
env_value := get_env_var( ?
env_value := get_env_var(
// The value of an env var will always take precedence over the toml
// file.

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
module git
import json
import response { Response }
import net.http
import db
// send_request<T> is a convenience method for sending requests to the repos
// API. It mostly does string manipulation to create a query string containing
// the provided params.
fn send_request<T>(method http.Method, address string, url string, api_key string, params map[string]string) ?Response<T> {
mut full_url := '$address$url'
if params.len > 0 {
params_str := params.keys().map('$it=${params[it]}').join('&')
full_url = '$full_url?$params_str'
mut req := http.new_request(method, full_url, '') ?
req.add_custom_header('X-API-Key', api_key) ?
res := ?
data := json.decode(Response<T>, res.text) ?
return data
// get_repos returns the current list of repos.
pub fn get_repos(address string, api_key string) ?[]db.GitRepo {
data := send_request<[]db.GitRepo>(http.Method.get, address, '/api/repos', api_key,
{}) ?
// get_repo returns the repo for a specific ID.
pub fn get_repo(address string, api_key string, id int) ?db.GitRepo {
data := send_request<db.GitRepo>(http.Method.get, address, '/api/repos/$id', api_key,
{}) ?
// add_repo adds a new repo to the server.
pub fn add_repo(address string, api_key string, url string, branch string, repo string, arch []string) ?Response<string> {
mut params := {
'url': url
'branch': branch
'repo': repo
if arch.len > 0 {
params['arch'] = arch.join(',')
data := send_request<string>(, address, '/api/repos', api_key, params) ?
return data
// remove_repo removes the repo with the given ID from the server.
pub fn remove_repo(address string, api_key string, id int) ?Response<string> {
data := send_request<string>(http.Method.delete, address, '/api/repos/$id', api_key,
{}) ?
return data
// patch_repo sends a PATCH request to the given repo with the params as
// payload.
pub fn patch_repo(address string, api_key string, id int, params map[string]string) ?Response<string> {
data := send_request<string>(http.Method.patch, address, '/api/repos/$id', api_key,
params) ?
return data

View File

@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ module main
import os
import server
import cli
import build
import git
import console.git
import console.logs
import cron
fn main() {
mut app := cli.Command{
name: 'vieter'
description: 'Vieter is a lightweight implementation of an Arch repository server.'
version: '0.3.0-alpha.1'
version: '0.3.0-alpha.2'
flags: [
flag: cli.FlagType.string
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ fn main() {
commands: [

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ pub fn read_pkg_archive(pkg_path string) ?Pkg {
pkg_text := unsafe { buf.vstring_with_len(size).clone() }
pkg_info = parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_text) ?
pkg_info = parse_pkg_info_string(pkg_text)?
} else {

View File

@ -53,22 +53,22 @@ pub fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_from_path(repo string, pkg_path string) ?Re
return error('Failed to read package file: $err.msg()')
added := r.add_pkg_in_repo(repo, pkg) ?
added := r.add_pkg_in_repo(repo, pkg)?
// If the add was successful, we move the file to the packages directory
for arch in added {
repo_pkg_path := os.real_path(os.join_path(r.pkg_dir, repo, arch))
dest_path := os.join_path_single(repo_pkg_path, pkg.filename())
os.mkdir_all(repo_pkg_path) ?
// We create hard links so that "any" arch packages aren't stored
// multiple times, dest_path) ?, dest_path)?
// After linking, we can remove the original file
os.rm(pkg_path) ?
return RepoAddResult{
added: added.len > 0
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_repo(repo string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?[]strin
// A package not of arch 'any' can be handled easily by adding it to the
// respective repo
if != 'any' {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo,, pkg) ? {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo,, pkg)? {
return []
} else {
return []
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_repo(repo string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?[]strin
// If this is the first package that's added to the repo, the directory
// won't exist yet
if os.exists(repo_dir) {
arch_repos = ?
arch_repos =
// The default_arch should always be updated when a package with arch 'any'
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_repo(repo string, pkg &package.Pkg) ?[]strin
// We add the package to each repository. If any of the repositories
// return true, the result of the function is also true.
for arch in arch_repos {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo, arch, pkg) ? {
if r.add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo, arch, pkg)? {
added << arch
@ -135,22 +135,22 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) add_pkg_in_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg &pac
pkg_dir := os.join_path(r.repos_dir, repo, arch, '$$')
// Remove the previous version of the package, if present
r.remove_pkg_from_arch_repo(repo, arch,, false) ?
r.remove_pkg_from_arch_repo(repo, arch,, false)?
os.mkdir_all(pkg_dir) or { return error('Failed to create package directory.') }
os.write_file(os.join_path_single(pkg_dir, 'desc'), pkg.to_desc()) or {
os.rmdir_all(pkg_dir) ?
return error('Failed to write desc file.')
os.write_file(os.join_path_single(pkg_dir, 'files'), pkg.to_files()) or {
os.rmdir_all(pkg_dir) ?
return error('Failed to write files file.')
r.sync(repo, arch) ?
r.sync(repo, arch)?
return true
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) remove_pkg_from_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg
// We iterate over every directory in the repo dir
// TODO filter so we only check directories
for d in ? {
for d in {
// Because a repository only allows a single version of each package,
// we need only compare whether the name of the package is the same,
// not the version.
@ -178,22 +178,22 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) remove_pkg_from_arch_repo(repo string, arch string, pkg
// We lock the mutex here to prevent other routines from creating a
// new archive while we remove an entry
lock r.mutex {
os.rmdir_all(os.join_path_single(repo_dir, d)) ?
os.rmdir_all(os.join_path_single(repo_dir, d))?
// Also remove the package archive
repo_pkg_dir := os.join_path(r.pkg_dir, repo, arch)
archives := ?.filter(it.split('-')#[..-3].join('-') == name)
archives :='-')#[..-3].join('-') == name)
for archive_name in archives {
full_path := os.join_path_single(repo_pkg_dir, archive_name)
os.rm(full_path) ?
// Sync the db archives if requested
if sync {
r.sync(repo, arch) ?
r.sync(repo, arch)?
return true

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn (r &RepoGroupManager) sync(repo string, arch string) ? {
C.archive_write_open_filename(a_files, &char(files_path.str))
// Iterate over each directory
for d in ?.filter(os.is_dir(os.join_path_single(subrepo_path,
for d in,
it))) {
// desc
mut inner_path := os.join_path_single(d, 'desc')

View File

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ pub fn cmd() cli.Command {
name: 'server'
description: 'Start the Vieter server.'
execute: fn (cmd cli.Command) ? {
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file') ?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file) ?
config_file := cmd.flags.get_string('config-file')?
conf := env.load<Config>(config_file)?
server(conf) ?

src/server/logs.v 100644
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
module server
import web
import net.http
import net.urllib
import response { new_data_response, new_response }
import db
import time
import os
import util
// get_logs returns all build logs in the database. A 'repo' query param can
// optionally be added to limit the list of build logs to that repository.
['/api/logs'; get]
fn (mut app App) get_logs() web.Result {
if !app.is_authorized() {
return app.json(http.Status.unauthorized, new_response('Unauthorized.'))
logs := if 'repo' in app.query {
} else {
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(logs))
// get_single_log returns the build log with the given id.
['/api/logs/:id'; get]
fn (mut app App) get_single_log(id int) web.Result {
if !app.is_authorized() {
return app.json(http.Status.unauthorized, new_response('Unauthorized.'))
log := app.db.get_build_log(id) or { return app.not_found() }
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_data_response(log))
// get_log_content returns the actual build log file for the given id.
['/api/logs/:id/content'; get]
fn (mut app App) get_log_content(id int) web.Result {
if !app.is_authorized() {
return app.json(http.Status.unauthorized, new_response('Unauthorized.'))
log := app.db.get_build_log(id) or { return app.not_found() }
file_name := log.start_time.custom_format('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss')
full_path := os.join_path(app.conf.data_dir, logs_dir_name, log.repo_id.str(), log.arch,
return app.file(full_path)
// parse_query_time unescapes an HTTP query parameter & tries to parse it as a
// time.Time struct.
fn parse_query_time(query string) ?time.Time {
unescaped := urllib.query_unescape(query)?
t := time.parse(unescaped)?
return t
// post_log adds a new log to the database.
['/api/logs'; post]
fn (mut app App) post_log() web.Result {
if !app.is_authorized() {
return app.json(http.Status.unauthorized, new_response('Unauthorized.'))
// Parse query params
start_time := parse_query_time(app.query['startTime']) or {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Invalid or missing start time.'))
end_time := parse_query_time(app.query['endTime']) or {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Invalid or missing end time.'))
if 'exitCode' !in app.query {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Missing exit code.'))
exit_code := app.query['exitCode'].int()
if 'arch' !in app.query {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response("Missing parameter 'arch'."))
arch := app.query['arch']
repo_id := app.query['repo'].int()
if !app.db.git_repo_exists(repo_id) {
return app.json(http.Status.bad_request, new_response('Unknown Git repo.'))
// Store log in db
log := db.BuildLog{
repo_id: repo_id
start_time: start_time
end_time: end_time
arch: arch
exit_code: exit_code
repo_logs_dir := os.join_path(app.conf.data_dir, logs_dir_name, repo_id.str(), arch)
// Create the logs directory of it doesn't exist
if !os.exists(repo_logs_dir) {
os.mkdir_all(repo_logs_dir) or {
app.lerror("Couldn't create dir '$repo_logs_dir'.")
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('An error occured while processing the request.'))
// Stream log contents to correct file
file_name := start_time.custom_format('YYYY-MM-DD_HH-mm-ss')
full_path := os.join_path_single(repo_logs_dir, file_name)
if length := app.req.header.get(.content_length) {
util.reader_to_file(mut app.reader,, full_path) or {
app.lerror('An error occured while receiving logs: $err.msg()')
return app.json(http.Status.internal_server_error, new_response('Failed to upload logs.'))
} else {
return app.status(http.Status.length_required)
return app.json(http.Status.ok, new_response('Logs added successfully.'))

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ const (
log_file_name = 'vieter.log'
repo_dir_name = 'repos'
db_file_name = 'vieter.sqlite'
logs_dir_name = 'logs'
struct App {
@ -37,6 +38,14 @@ pub fn server(conf Config) ? {
os.mkdir_all(conf.data_dir) or { util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to create data directory.') }
logs_dir := os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.logs_dir_name)
if !os.exists(logs_dir) {
os.mkdir(os.join_path_single(conf.data_dir, server.logs_dir_name)) or {
util.exit_with_message(1, 'Failed to create logs directory.')
mut logger := log.Log{
level: log_level

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
This module defines a few useful functions used throughout the codebase that
don't specifically fit inside a module.

src/util/stream.v 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
// Functions for interacting with `io.Reader` & `io.Writer` objects.
module util
import io
import os
// reader_to_writer tries to consume the entire reader & write it to the writer.
pub fn reader_to_writer(mut reader io.Reader, mut writer io.Writer) ? {
mut buf := []u8{len: 10 * 1024}
for {
bytes_read := buf) or { break }
mut bytes_written := 0
for bytes_written < bytes_read {
c := writer.write(buf[bytes_written..bytes_read]) or { break }
bytes_written += c
// reader_to_file writes the contents of a BufferedReader to a file
pub fn reader_to_file(mut reader io.BufferedReader, length int, path string) ? {
mut file := os.create(path)?
defer {
mut buf := []u8{len: reader_buf_size}
mut bytes_left := length
// Repeat as long as the stream still has data
for bytes_left > 0 {
// TODO check if just breaking here is safe
bytes_read := buf) or { break }
bytes_left -= bytes_read
mut to_write := bytes_read
for to_write > 0 {
// TODO don't just loop infinitely here
bytes_written := file.write(buf[bytes_read - to_write..bytes_read]) or { continue }
// file.flush()
to_write = to_write - bytes_written
// match_array_in_array<T> returns how many elements of a2 overlap with a1. For
// example, if a1 = "abcd" & a2 = "cd", the result will be 2. If the match is
// not at the end of a1, the result is 0.
pub fn match_array_in_array<T>(a1 []T, a2 []T) int {
mut i := 0
mut match_len := 0
for i + match_len < a1.len {
if a1[i + match_len] == a2[match_len] {
match_len += 1
} else {
i += match_len + 1
match_len = 0
return match_len
// read_until_separator consumes an io.Reader until it encounters some
// separator array. The data read is stored inside the provided res array.
pub fn read_until_separator(mut reader io.Reader, mut res []u8, sep []u8) ? {
mut buf := []u8{len: sep.len}
for {
c := buf)?
res << buf[..c]
match_len := match_array_in_array(buf[..c], sep)
if match_len == sep.len {
if match_len > 0 {
match_left := sep.len - match_len
c2 := buf[..match_left])?
res << buf[..c2]
if buf[..c2] == sep[match_len..] {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
module util
import os
import io
import crypto.md5
import crypto.sha256
const reader_buf_size = 1_000_000
const prefixes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']
const (
reader_buf_size = 1_000_000
prefixes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']
// Dummy struct to work around the fact that you can only share structs, maps &
// arrays
@ -23,34 +23,6 @@ pub fn exit_with_message(code int, msg string) {
// reader_to_file writes the contents of a BufferedReader to a file
pub fn reader_to_file(mut reader io.BufferedReader, length int, path string) ? {
mut file := os.create(path) ?
defer {
mut buf := []u8{len: util.reader_buf_size}
mut bytes_left := length
// Repeat as long as the stream still has data
for bytes_left > 0 {
// TODO check if just breaking here is safe
bytes_read := buf) or { break }
bytes_left -= bytes_read
mut to_write := bytes_read
for to_write > 0 {
// TODO don't just loop infinitely here
bytes_written := file.write(buf[bytes_read - to_write..bytes_read]) or { continue }
// file.flush()
to_write = to_write - bytes_written
// hash_file returns the md5 & sha256 hash of a given file
// TODO actually implement sha256
pub fn hash_file(path &string) ?(string, string) {

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ pub fn (ctx Context) before_request() {}
// send_string
fn send_string(mut conn net.TcpConn, s string) ? {
conn.write(s.bytes()) ?
// send_response_to_client sends a response to the client