// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module web import os import io import net import net.http import net.urllib import time import json import log // A type which don't get filtered inside templates pub type RawHtml = string // A dummy structure that returns from routes to indicate that you actually sent something to a user [noinit] pub struct Result {} pub const ( methods_with_form = [http.Method.post, .put, .patch] headers_close = http.new_custom_header_from_map({ 'Server': 'VWeb' http.CommonHeader.connection.str(): 'close' }) or { panic('should never fail') } http_302 = http.new_response( status: .found text: '302 Found' header: headers_close ) http_400 = http.new_response( status: .bad_request text: '400 Bad Request' header: http.new_header( key: .content_type value: 'text/plain' ).join(headers_close) ) http_404 = http.new_response( status: .not_found text: '404 Not Found' header: http.new_header( key: .content_type value: 'text/plain' ).join(headers_close) ) http_500 = http.new_response( status: .internal_server_error text: '500 Internal Server Error' header: http.new_header( key: .content_type value: 'text/plain' ).join(headers_close) ) mime_types = { '.aac': 'audio/aac' '.abw': 'application/x-abiword' '.arc': 'application/x-freearc' '.avi': 'video/x-msvideo' '.azw': 'application/vnd.amazon.ebook' '.bin': 'application/octet-stream' '.bmp': 'image/bmp' '.bz': 'application/x-bzip' '.bz2': 'application/x-bzip2' '.cda': 'application/x-cdf' '.csh': 'application/x-csh' '.css': 'text/css' '.csv': 'text/csv' '.doc': 'application/msword' '.docx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' '.eot': 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject' '.epub': 'application/epub+zip' '.gz': 'application/gzip' '.gif': 'image/gif' '.htm': 'text/html' '.html': 'text/html' '.ico': 'image/vnd.microsoft.icon' '.ics': 'text/calendar' '.jar': 'application/java-archive' '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg' '.jpg': 'image/jpeg' '.js': 'text/javascript' '.json': 'application/json' '.jsonld': 'application/ld+json' '.mid': 'audio/midi audio/x-midi' '.midi': 'audio/midi audio/x-midi' '.mjs': 'text/javascript' '.mp3': 'audio/mpeg' '.mp4': 'video/mp4' '.mpeg': 'video/mpeg' '.mpkg': 'application/vnd.apple.installer+xml' '.odp': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation' '.ods': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' '.odt': 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' '.oga': 'audio/ogg' '.ogv': 'video/ogg' '.ogx': 'application/ogg' '.opus': 'audio/opus' '.otf': 'font/otf' '.png': 'image/png' '.pdf': 'application/pdf' '.php': 'application/x-httpd-php' '.ppt': 'application/vnd.ms-powerpoint' '.pptx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' '.rar': 'application/vnd.rar' '.rtf': 'application/rtf' '.sh': 'application/x-sh' '.svg': 'image/svg+xml' '.swf': 'application/x-shockwave-flash' '.tar': 'application/x-tar' '.tif': 'image/tiff' '.tiff': 'image/tiff' '.ts': 'video/mp2t' '.ttf': 'font/ttf' '.txt': 'text/plain' '.vsd': 'application/vnd.visio' '.wav': 'audio/wav' '.weba': 'audio/webm' '.webm': 'video/webm' '.webp': 'image/webp' '.woff': 'font/woff' '.woff2': 'font/woff2' '.xhtml': 'application/xhtml+xml' '.xls': 'application/vnd.ms-excel' '.xlsx': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' '.xml': 'application/xml' '.xul': 'application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml' '.zip': 'application/zip' '.3gp': 'video/3gpp' '.3g2': 'video/3gpp2' '.7z': 'application/x-7z-compressed' } max_http_post_size = 1024 * 1024 default_port = 8080 ) // The Context struct represents the Context which hold the HTTP request and response. // It has fields for the query, form, files. pub struct Context { mut: content_type string = 'text/plain' status string = '200 OK' pub: // HTTP Request req http.Request // TODO Response pub mut: done bool // time.ticks() from start of web connection handle. // You can use it to determine how much time is spent on your request. page_gen_start i64 // TCP connection to client. // But beware, do not store it for further use, after request processing web will close connection. conn &net.TcpConn static_files map[string]string static_mime_types map[string]string // Map containing query params for the route. // Example: `http://localhost:3000/index?q=vpm&order_by=desc => { 'q': 'vpm', 'order_by': 'desc' } query map[string]string // Multipart-form fields. form map[string]string // Files from multipart-form. files map[string][]http.FileData header http.Header // response headers // ? It doesn't seem to be used anywhere form_error string // Allows reading the request body reader io.BufferedReader // Gives access to a shared logger object logger shared log.Log } struct FileData { pub: filename string content_type string data string } struct Route { methods []http.Method path string } // Defining this method is optional. // This method called at server start. // You can use it for initializing globals. pub fn (ctx Context) init_server() { eprintln('init_server() has been deprecated, please init your web app in `fn main()`') } // Defining this method is optional. // This method called before every request (aka middleware). // Probably you can use it for check user session cookie or add header. pub fn (ctx Context) before_request() {} pub struct Cookie { name string value string expires time.Time secure bool http_only bool } // web intern function [manualfree] pub fn (mut ctx Context) send_response_to_client(mimetype string, res string) bool { if ctx.done { return false } ctx.done = true // build header header := http.new_header_from_map({ http.CommonHeader.content_type: mimetype http.CommonHeader.content_length: res.len.str() }).join(ctx.header) mut resp := http.Response{ header: header.join(web.headers_close) text: res } resp.set_version(.v1_1) resp.set_status(http.status_from_int(ctx.status.int())) send_string(mut ctx.conn, resp.bytestr()) or { return false } return true } // Response HTTP_OK with s as payload with content-type `text/html` pub fn (mut ctx Context) html(s string) Result { ctx.send_response_to_client('text/html', s) return Result{} } // Response HTTP_OK with s as payload with content-type `text/plain` pub fn (mut ctx Context) text(s string) Result { ctx.send_response_to_client('text/plain', s) return Result{} } // Response HTTP_OK with json_s as payload with content-type `application/json` pub fn (mut ctx Context) json(j T) Result { json_s := json.encode(j) ctx.send_response_to_client('application/json', json_s) return Result{} } // Response HTTP_OK with a pretty-printed JSON result pub fn (mut ctx Context) json_pretty(j T) Result { json_s := json.encode_pretty(j) ctx.send_response_to_client('application/json', json_s) return Result{} } // Response HTTP_OK with file as payload // This function manually implements responses because it needs to stream the file contents pub fn (mut ctx Context) file(f_path string) Result { if ctx.done { return Result{} } ctx.done = true if !os.is_file(f_path) { return ctx.not_found() } // ext := os.file_ext(f_path) // data := os.read_file(f_path) or { // eprint(err.msg) // ctx.server_error(500) // return Result{} // } // content_type := web.mime_types[ext] // if content_type == '' { // eprintln('no MIME type found for extension $ext') // ctx.server_error(500) // return Result{} // } // First, we return the headers for the request // We open the file before sending the headers in case reading fails file_size := os.file_size(f_path) file := os.open(f_path) or { eprintln(err.msg) ctx.server_error(500) return Result{} } // build header header := http.new_header_from_map({ // http.CommonHeader.content_type: content_type http.CommonHeader.content_length: file_size.str() }).join(ctx.header) mut resp := http.Response{ header: header.join(web.headers_close) } resp.set_version(.v1_1) resp.set_status(http.status_from_int(ctx.status.int())) send_string(mut ctx.conn, resp.bytestr()) or { return Result{} } mut buf := []byte{len: 1_000_000} mut bytes_left := file_size // Repeat as long as the stream still has data for bytes_left > 0 { // TODO check if just breaking here is safe bytes_read := file.read(mut buf) or { break } bytes_left -= u64(bytes_read) mut to_write := bytes_read for to_write > 0 { // TODO don't just loop infinitely here bytes_written := ctx.conn.write(buf[bytes_read - to_write..bytes_read]) or { continue } to_write = to_write - bytes_written } } ctx.done = true return Result{} } // Response HTTP_OK with s as payload pub fn (mut ctx Context) ok(s string) Result { ctx.send_response_to_client(ctx.content_type, s) return Result{} } // Response a server error pub fn (mut ctx Context) server_error(ecode int) Result { $if debug { eprintln('> ctx.server_error ecode: $ecode') } if ctx.done { return Result{} } send_string(mut ctx.conn, web.http_500.bytestr()) or {} return Result{} } // Redirect to an url pub fn (mut ctx Context) redirect(url string) Result { if ctx.done { return Result{} } ctx.done = true mut resp := web.http_302 resp.header = resp.header.join(ctx.header) resp.header.add(.location, url) send_string(mut ctx.conn, resp.bytestr()) or { return Result{} } return Result{} } // Send an not_found response pub fn (mut ctx Context) not_found() Result { if ctx.done { return Result{} } ctx.done = true send_string(mut ctx.conn, web.http_404.bytestr()) or {} return Result{} } // Sets a cookie pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_cookie(cookie Cookie) { mut cookie_data := []string{} mut secure := if cookie.secure { 'Secure;' } else { '' } secure += if cookie.http_only { ' HttpOnly' } else { ' ' } cookie_data << secure if cookie.expires.unix > 0 { cookie_data << 'expires=$cookie.expires.utc_string()' } data := cookie_data.join(' ') ctx.add_header('Set-Cookie', '$cookie.name=$cookie.value; $data') } // Sets the response content type pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_content_type(typ string) { ctx.content_type = typ } // Sets a cookie with a `expire_data` pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_cookie_with_expire_date(key string, val string, expire_date time.Time) { ctx.add_header('Set-Cookie', '$key=$val; Secure; HttpOnly; expires=$expire_date.utc_string()') } // Gets a cookie by a key pub fn (ctx &Context) get_cookie(key string) ?string { // TODO refactor mut cookie_header := ctx.get_header('cookie') if cookie_header == '' { cookie_header = ctx.get_header('Cookie') } cookie_header = ' ' + cookie_header // println('cookie_header="$cookie_header"') // println(ctx.req.header) cookie := if cookie_header.contains(';') { cookie_header.find_between(' $key=', ';') } else { cookie_header.find_between(' $key=', '\r') } if cookie != '' { return cookie.trim_space() } return error('Cookie not found') } // Sets the response status pub fn (mut ctx Context) set_status(code int, desc string) { if code < 100 || code > 599 { ctx.status = '500 Internal Server Error' } else { ctx.status = '$code $desc' } } // Adds an header to the response with key and val pub fn (mut ctx Context) add_header(key string, val string) { ctx.header.add_custom(key, val) or {} } // Returns the header data from the key pub fn (ctx &Context) get_header(key string) string { return ctx.req.header.get_custom(key) or { '' } } interface DbInterface { db voidptr } // run_app [manualfree] pub fn run(global_app &T, port int) { mut l := net.listen_tcp(.ip6, ':$port') or { panic('failed to listen $err.code $err') } // Parsing methods attributes mut routes := map[string]Route{} $for method in T.methods { http_methods, route_path := parse_attrs(method.name, method.attrs) or { eprintln('error parsing method attributes: $err') return } routes[method.name] = Route{ methods: http_methods path: route_path } } println('[Vweb] Running app on http://localhost:$port') for { // Create a new app object for each connection, copy global data like db connections mut request_app := &T{} $if T is DbInterface { request_app.db = global_app.db } $else { // println('web no db') } $for field in T.fields { if 'web_global' in field.attrs || field.is_shared { request_app.$(field.name) = global_app.$(field.name) } } request_app.Context = global_app.Context // copy the context ref that contains static files map etc mut conn := l.accept() or { // failures should not panic eprintln('accept() failed with error: $err.msg') continue } go handle_conn(mut conn, mut request_app, routes) } } [manualfree] fn handle_conn(mut conn net.TcpConn, mut app T, routes map[string]Route) { conn.set_read_timeout(30 * time.second) conn.set_write_timeout(30 * time.second) defer { conn.close() or {} lock app.logger { app.logger.flush() } unsafe { free(app) } } mut reader := io.new_buffered_reader(reader: conn) defer { reader.free() } page_gen_start := time.ticks() // Request parse head := http.parse_request_head(mut reader) or { // Prevents errors from being thrown when BufferedReader is empty if '$err' != 'none' { eprintln('error parsing request head: $err') } return } lock app.logger { app.logger.debug('$head.method $head.url $head.version') } // req := http.parse_request(mut reader) or { // // Prevents errors from being thrown when BufferedReader is empty // if '$err' != 'none' { // eprintln('error parsing request: $err') // } // return // } // URL Parse url := urllib.parse(head.url) or { eprintln('error parsing path: $err') return } // Query parse query := parse_query_from_url(url) url_words := url.path.split('/').filter(it != '') // TODO re-add form parsing // Form parse // form, files := parse_form_from_request(req) or { // // Bad request // conn.write(web.http_400.bytes()) or {} // return // } app.Context = Context{ req: head page_gen_start: page_gen_start conn: conn query: query // form: form // files: files static_files: app.static_files static_mime_types: app.static_mime_types reader: reader logger: app.logger } // Calling middleware... app.before_request() // Static handling if serve_if_static(mut app, url) { // successfully served a static file return } // Route matching $for method in T.methods { $if method.return_type is Result { route := routes[method.name] or { eprintln('parsed attributes for the `$method.name` are not found, skipping...') Route{} } // Skip if the HTTP request method does not match the attributes if head.method in route.methods { // Used for route matching route_words := route.path.split('/').filter(it != '') // Route immediate matches first // For example URL `/register` matches route `/:user`, but `fn register()` // should be called first. if !route.path.contains('/:') && url_words == route_words { // We found a match if head.method == .post && method.args.len > 0 { // TODO implement POST requests // Populate method args with form values // mut args := []string{cap: method.args.len} // for param in method.args { // args << form[param.name] // } // app.$method(args) } else { app.$method() } return } if url_words.len == 0 && route_words == ['index'] && method.name == 'index' { app.$method() return } if params := route_matches(url_words, route_words) { method_args := params.clone() if method_args.len != method.args.len { eprintln('warning: uneven parameters count ($method.args.len) in `$method.name`, compared to the web route `$method.attrs` ($method_args.len)') } app.$method(method_args) return } } } } // Route not found conn.write(web.http_404.bytes()) or {} } fn route_matches(url_words []string, route_words []string) ?[]string { // URL path should be at least as long as the route path // except for the catchall route (`/:path...`) if route_words.len == 1 && route_words[0].starts_with(':') && route_words[0].ends_with('...') { return ['/' + url_words.join('/')] } if url_words.len < route_words.len { return none } mut params := []string{cap: url_words.len} if url_words.len == route_words.len { for i in 0 .. url_words.len { if route_words[i].starts_with(':') { // We found a path paramater params << url_words[i] } else if route_words[i] != url_words[i] { // This url does not match the route return none } } return params } // The last route can end with ... indicating an array if route_words.len == 0 || !route_words[route_words.len - 1].ends_with('...') { return none } for i in 0 .. route_words.len - 1 { if route_words[i].starts_with(':') { // We found a path paramater params << url_words[i] } else if route_words[i] != url_words[i] { // This url does not match the route return none } } params << url_words[route_words.len - 1..url_words.len].join('/') return params } // check if request is for a static file and serves it // returns true if we served a static file, false otherwise [manualfree] fn serve_if_static(mut app T, url urllib.URL) bool { // TODO: handle url parameters properly - for now, ignore them static_file := app.static_files[url.path] mime_type := app.static_mime_types[url.path] if static_file == '' || mime_type == '' { return false } data := os.read_file(static_file) or { send_string(mut app.conn, web.http_404.bytestr()) or {} return true } app.send_response_to_client(mime_type, data) unsafe { data.free() } return true } fn (mut ctx Context) scan_static_directory(directory_path string, mount_path string) { files := os.ls(directory_path) or { panic(err) } if files.len > 0 { for file in files { full_path := os.join_path(directory_path, file) if os.is_dir(full_path) { ctx.scan_static_directory(full_path, mount_path + '/' + file) } else if file.contains('.') && !file.starts_with('.') && !file.ends_with('.') { ext := os.file_ext(file) // Rudimentary guard against adding files not in mime_types. // Use serve_static directly to add non-standard mime types. if ext in web.mime_types { ctx.serve_static(mount_path + '/' + file, full_path) } } } } } // Handles a directory static // If `root` is set the mount path for the dir will be in '/' pub fn (mut ctx Context) handle_static(directory_path string, root bool) bool { if ctx.done || !os.exists(directory_path) { return false } dir_path := directory_path.trim_space().trim_right('/') mut mount_path := '' if dir_path != '.' && os.is_dir(dir_path) && !root { // Mount point hygene, "./assets" => "/assets". mount_path = '/' + dir_path.trim_left('.').trim('/') } ctx.scan_static_directory(dir_path, mount_path) return true } // mount_static_folder_at - makes all static files in `directory_path` and inside it, available at http://server/mount_path // For example: suppose you have called .mount_static_folder_at('/var/share/myassets', '/assets'), // and you have a file /var/share/myassets/main.css . // => That file will be available at URL: http://server/assets/main.css . pub fn (mut ctx Context) mount_static_folder_at(directory_path string, mount_path string) bool { if ctx.done || mount_path.len < 1 || mount_path[0] != `/` || !os.exists(directory_path) { return false } dir_path := directory_path.trim_right('/') ctx.scan_static_directory(dir_path, mount_path[1..]) return true } // Serves a file static // `url` is the access path on the site, `file_path` is the real path to the file, `mime_type` is the file type pub fn (mut ctx Context) serve_static(url string, file_path string) { ctx.static_files[url] = file_path // ctx.static_mime_types[url] = mime_type ext := os.file_ext(file_path) ctx.static_mime_types[url] = web.mime_types[ext] } // Returns the ip address from the current user pub fn (ctx &Context) ip() string { mut ip := ctx.req.header.get(.x_forwarded_for) or { '' } if ip == '' { ip = ctx.req.header.get_custom('X-Real-Ip') or { '' } } if ip.contains(',') { ip = ip.all_before(',') } if ip == '' { ip = ctx.conn.peer_ip() or { '' } } return ip } // Set s to the form error pub fn (mut ctx Context) error(s string) { println('web error: $s') ctx.form_error = s } // Returns an empty result pub fn not_found() Result { return Result{} } fn send_string(mut conn net.TcpConn, s string) ? { conn.write(s.bytes()) ? } // Do not delete. // It used by `vlib/v/gen/c/str_intp.v:130` for string interpolation inside web templates // TODO: move it to template render fn filter(s string) string { return s.replace_each([ '<', '<', '"', '"', '&', '&', ]) }