module repo import os import package // subpath where the uncompressed version of the files archive is stored const files_subpath = 'files' // subpath where the uncompressed version of the repo archive is stored const repo_subpath = 'repo' // Dummy struct to work around the fact that you can only share structs, maps & // arrays pub struct Dummy { x int } // This struct manages a single repository. pub struct Repo { mut: mutex shared Dummy pub: // Where to store repository files; should exist repo_dir string [required] // Where to find packages; packages are expected to all be in the same directory pkg_dir string [required] } pub fn new(repo_dir string, pkg_dir string) ?Repo { if !os.is_dir(repo_dir) { os.mkdir_all(repo_dir) or { return error('Failed to create repo directory.') } } if !os.is_dir(pkg_dir) { os.mkdir_all(pkg_dir) or { return error('Failed to create package directory.') } } return Repo{ repo_dir: repo_dir pkg_dir: pkg_dir } } // add_from_path adds a package from an arbitrary path & moves it into the pkgs // directory if necessary. pub fn (r &Repo) add_from_path(pkg_path string) ?bool { pkg := package.read_pkg(pkg_path) or { return error('Failed to read package file.') } added := r.add(pkg) ? // If the add was successful, we move the file to the packages directory if added { dest_path := os.real_path(os.join_path_single(r.pkg_dir, pkg.filename())) // Only move the file if it's not already in the package directory if dest_path != os.real_path(pkg_path) {, dest_path) ? } } return true } // add adds a given Pkg to the repository fn (r &Repo) add(pkg &package.Pkg) ?bool { pkg_dir := r.pkg_path(pkg) // We can't add the same package twice if os.exists(pkg_dir) { return false } os.mkdir(pkg_dir) or { return error('Failed to create package directory.') } os.write_file(os.join_path_single(pkg_dir, 'desc'), pkg.to_desc()) or { os.rmdir_all(pkg_dir) ? return error('Failed to write desc file.') } os.write_file(os.join_path_single(pkg_dir, 'files'), pkg.to_files()) or { os.rmdir_all(pkg_dir) ? return error('Failed to write files file.') } // TODO generate database archive return true } // Returns the path where the given package's desc & files files are stored fn (r &Repo) pkg_path(pkg &package.Pkg) string { return os.join_path(r.repo_dir, '$$') }