feat: support weekday names & tomorrow
ci/woodpecker/push/lint Pipeline was successful Details
ci/woodpecker/push/clippy Pipeline failed Details
ci/woodpecker/push/build Pipeline was successful Details

Jef Roosens 2023-05-17 12:17:41 +02:00
parent 83ff00d582
commit 10140d879c
Signed by: Jef Roosens
GPG Key ID: B75D4F293C7052DB
2 changed files with 70 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::commands::EmbedField;
use crate::commands::{EmbedField, HumanNaiveDate};
use crate::db::users::User;
use crate::{Context, Error};
@ -46,22 +46,27 @@ fn resource_to_embed_field(resource: Resource) -> EmbedField {
/// List available timeslots for day
#[poise::command(prefix_command, slash_command)]
pub async fn available(ctx: Context<'_>, date: NaiveDate) -> Result<(), Error> {
pub async fn available(ctx: Context<'_>, date: HumanNaiveDate) -> Result<(), Error> {
let client = &ctx.data().client;
let mut resources = client.available(STERRE_BIB_ID, date, 1).await?;
let mut resources = client
.available(STERRE_BIB_ID, date.clone().into(), 1)
// Cloning here isn't super efficient, but this list only consists of a handful of elements so
// it's fine
resources.sort_by_key(|k| k.resource_name.clone());
ctx.send(|f| {
f.embed(|e| {
e.description(format!("Available booking dates for {}.", date))
"Available booking dates for {}.",
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ pub async fn available(ctx: Context<'_>, date: NaiveDate) -> Result<(), Error> {
#[poise::command(prefix_command, slash_command)]
pub async fn book(
ctx: Context<'_>,
date: NaiveDate,
date: HumanNaiveDate,
start_time: NaiveTime,
end_time: NaiveTime,
#[description = "Minimum seats the room should have."] capacity: Option<u32>,
@ -102,7 +107,9 @@ pub async fn book(
let user = user.unwrap();
let client = &ctx.data().client;
let resources = client.available(STERRE_BIB_ID, date, 1).await?;
let resources = client
.available(STERRE_BIB_ID, date.clone().into(), 1)
let chosen_resource = resources
.filter(|r| capacity.is_none() || capacity.unwrap() <= r.capacity)
@ -112,7 +119,7 @@ pub async fn book(
let reservation = Reservation {
auth_type: None,
email: user.email.clone(),
date: date.clone().into(),
note: "coworking space".to_string(),
@ -129,7 +136,7 @@ pub async fn book(
ctx.send(|f| {
f.embed(|e| {
e.description("A new reservation has been made.")
.field("when", format!("{} {} - {}", date, start_time.format(TIME_FORMAT), end_time.format(TIME_FORMAT)), false)
.field("when", format!("{} {} - {}", Into::<NaiveDate>::into(date), start_time.format(TIME_FORMAT), end_time.format(TIME_FORMAT)), false)
.field("where", &chosen_resource.resource_name, false)
.footer(|ft| ft.text(
format!("A confirmation mail has been sent to {}. Please check your email and confirm your reservation within two hours.", user.email)))

View File

@ -2,10 +2,59 @@ mod bib;
mod minecraft;
mod users;
use chrono::Datelike;
use core::str;
use crate::{Context, Data, Error};
type EmbedField = (String, String, bool);
const DAY_TERMS: [&str; 3] = ["today", "tomorrow", "overmorrow"];
pub struct HumanNaiveDate(chrono::NaiveDate);
impl str::FromStr for HumanNaiveDate {
type Err = chrono::format::ParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> chrono::format::ParseResult<Self> {
if let Some(days_to_add) = DAY_TERMS
.position(|term| s.to_lowercase() == term.to_string())
let now = chrono::Local::now().naive_local().date();
// days_to_add will never be greater than 2
now + chrono::Duration::days(days_to_add.try_into().unwrap()),
} else if let Ok(weekday) = s.parse::<chrono::Weekday>() {
let now = chrono::Local::now().naive_local().date();
let cur_day = now.weekday();
let cur_day_index = cur_day.num_days_from_monday();
let parsed_day_index = weekday.num_days_from_monday();
let days_to_add = if cur_day_index <= parsed_day_index {
parsed_day_index - cur_day_index
} else {
7 - (cur_day_index - parsed_day_index)
now + chrono::Duration::days(days_to_add.into()),
} else {
chrono::NaiveDate::from_str(s).map(|d| HumanNaiveDate(d))
impl Into<chrono::NaiveDate> for HumanNaiveDate {
fn into(self) -> chrono::NaiveDate {
pub fn commands() -> Vec<poise::structs::Command<Data, Error>> {