Affluence API Change #8

opened 2024-02-15 11:16:20 +00:00 by Jef Roosens · 0 comments

The Affluence API changed the data type for a field.

The hour block "state" field now constains a string:

        "hour": "19:30",
        "state": "available",
        "reservations": [],
        "granularity": 30,
        "person_count": 0,
        "places_available": 1,
        "places_bookable": 1

This causes the serialization to fail.

The Affluence API changed the data type for a field. The hour block "state" field now constains a string: ```json { "hour": "19:30", "state": "available", "reservations": [], "granularity": 30, "person_count": 0, "places_available": 1, "places_bookable": 1 } ``` This causes the serialization to fail.
Jef Roosens added the
label 2024-02-15 11:16:20 +00:00
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Reference: fossil/affluence#8
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