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module build
import docker
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
import encoding.base64
import time
2022-02-21 20:40:13 +01:00
import env
import net.http
import git
2022-04-06 17:57:05 +02:00
import json
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
const container_build_dir = '/build'
2022-02-25 21:54:16 +01:00
const build_image_repo = 'vieter-build'
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
fn create_build_image() ?string {
commands := [
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
// Update repos & install required packages
'pacman -Syu --needed --noconfirm base-devel git'
// Add a non-root user to run makepkg
2022-02-20 22:15:10 +01:00
'groupadd -g 1000 builder',
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
'useradd -mg builder builder'
// Make sure they can use sudo without a password
"echo 'builder ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers"
// Create the directory for the builds & make it writeable for the
// build user
2022-02-20 22:15:10 +01:00
'mkdir /build',
'chown -R builder:builder /build',
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
cmds_str := base64.encode_str(commands.join('\n'))
c := docker.NewContainer{
image: 'archlinux:latest'
env: ['BUILD_SCRIPT=$cmds_str']
2022-02-20 20:26:39 +01:00
entrypoint: ['/bin/sh', '-c']
cmd: ['echo \$BUILD_SCRIPT | base64 -d | /bin/sh -e']
// First, we pull the latest archlinux image
docker.pull_image('archlinux', 'latest') ?
id := docker.create_container(c) ?
docker.start_container(id) ?
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for {
data := docker.inspect_container(id) ?
if !data.state.running {
// Wait for 5 seconds
// Finally, we create the image from the container
// As the tag, we use the epoch value
tag := time.sys_mono_now().str()
image := docker.create_image_from_container(id, 'vieter-build', tag) ?
docker.remove_container(id) ?
fn build(conf env.BuildConfig) ? {
// We get the repos list from the Vieter instance
mut req := http.new_request(http.Method.get, '$conf.address/api/repos', '') ?
req.add_custom_header('X-Api-Key', conf.api_key) ?
res := ?
repos := json.decode([]git.GitRepo, res.text) ?
// No point in doing work if there's no repos present
if repos.len == 0 {
// First, we create a base image which has updated repos n stuff
image_id := create_build_image() ?
for repo in repos {
// TODO what to do with PKGBUILDs that build multiple packages?
commands := [
2022-02-25 21:54:16 +01:00
'git clone --single-branch --depth 1 --branch $repo.branch $repo.url repo',
'cd repo',
'makepkg --nobuild --nodeps',
'source PKGBUILD',
// The build container checks whether the package is already present on the server
2022-02-25 21:54:16 +01:00
'curl --head --fail $conf.address/\$pkgname-\$pkgver-\$pkgrel-\$(uname -m).pkg.tar.zst && exit 0',
'MAKEFLAGS="-j\$(nproc)" makepkg -s --noconfirm --needed && for pkg in \$(ls -1 *.pkg*); do curl -XPOST -T "\$pkg" -H "X-API-KEY: \$API_KEY" $conf.address/publish; done',
// We convert the list of commands into a base64 string, which then gets
// passed to the container as an env var
cmds_str := base64.encode_str(commands.join('\n'))
c := docker.NewContainer{
image: '$image_id'
env: ['BUILD_SCRIPT=$cmds_str', 'API_KEY=$conf.api_key']
entrypoint: ['/bin/sh', '-c']
cmd: ['echo \$BUILD_SCRIPT | base64 -d | /bin/bash -e']
work_dir: '/build'
user: 'builder:builder'
id := docker.create_container(c) ?
docker.start_container(id) ?
// This loop waits until the container has stopped, so we can remove it after
for {
data := docker.inspect_container(id) ?
if !data.state.running {
// Wait for 5 seconds
2022-02-25 21:50:07 +01:00
docker.remove_container(id) ?
// Finally, we remove the builder image
docker.remove_image(image_id) ?