feat(cron): improve sleep calculation; prevent invalid rescheduling of

finished builds
Jef Roosens 2022-04-30 16:08:35 +02:00
parent a1c308f29d
commit caee56efd4
Signed by untrusted user: Jef Roosens
GPG Key ID: B75D4F293C7052DB
4 changed files with 55 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module daemon
import time
import sync.stdatomic
import rand
const build_empty = 0
@ -9,21 +10,23 @@ const build_running = 1
const build_done = 2
// reschedule_builds looks for any builds with status code 2 & re-adds them to
// the queue.
fn (mut d Daemon) reschedule_builds() ? {
// clean_finished_builds removes finished builds from the build slots & returns
// them.
fn (mut d Daemon) clean_finished_builds() ?[]ScheduledBuild {
mut out := []ScheduledBuild{}
for i in 0 .. d.atomics.len {
if stdatomic.load_u64(&d.atomics[i]) == daemon.build_done {
stdatomic.store_u64(&d.atomics[i], daemon.build_empty)
sb := d.builds[i]
d.schedule_build(sb.repo_id, sb.repo) ?
out << d.builds[i]
return out
// update_builds starts as many builds as possible.
fn (mut d Daemon) update_builds() ? {
fn (mut d Daemon) start_new_builds() ? {
now := time.now()
for d.queue.len() > 0 {
@ -31,8 +34,8 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) update_builds() ? {
sb := d.queue.pop() ?
// If this build couldn't be scheduled, no more will be possible.
// TODO a build that couldn't be scheduled should be re-added to the queue.
if !d.start_build(sb) {
} else {
@ -60,7 +63,20 @@ fn (mut d Daemon) start_build(sb ScheduledBuild) bool {
// run_build actually starts the build process for a given repo.
fn (mut d Daemon) run_build(build_index int, sb ScheduledBuild) ? {
d.linfo('build $sb.repo.url')
time.sleep(10 * time.second)
time.sleep(rand.int_in_range(1, 6) ? * time.second)
stdatomic.store_u64(&d.atomics[build_index], daemon.build_done)
// current_build_count returns how many builds are currently running.
fn (mut d Daemon) current_build_count() int {
mut res := 0
for i in 0 .. d.atomics.len {
if stdatomic.load_u64(&d.atomics[i]) == daemon.build_running {
res += 1
return res

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import log
import datatypes { MinHeap }
import cron.expression { CronExpression, parse_expression }
import math
import arrays
struct ScheduledBuild {
@ -64,40 +63,51 @@ pub fn init_daemon(logger log.Log, address string, api_key string, base_image st
// periodically refreshes the list of repositories to ensure we stay in sync.
pub fn (mut d Daemon) run() ? {
for {
finished_builds := d.clean_finished_builds() ?
// Update the API's contents if needed & renew the queue
if time.now() >= d.api_update_timestamp {
d.renew_repos() ?
d.renew_queue() ?
// Cleans up finished builds, opening up spots for new builds
d.reschedule_builds() ?
// The finished builds should only be rescheduled if the API contents
// haven't been renewed.
else {
for sb in finished_builds {
d.schedule_build(sb.repo_id, sb.repo) ?
// TODO rebuild builder image when needed
// Schedules new builds when possible
d.update_builds() ?
d.start_new_builds() ?
// If there are builds currently running, the daemon should refresh
// every second to clean up any finished builds & start new ones.
mut delay := time.Duration(1 * time.second)
// Sleep either until we have to refresh the repos or when the next
// build has to start, with a minimum of 1 second.
now := time.now()
if d.current_build_count() == 0 {
now := time.now()
delay = d.api_update_timestamp - now
mut delay := d.api_update_timestamp - now
if d.queue.len() > 0 {
time_until_next_job := d.queue.peek() ?.timestamp - now
if d.queue.len() > 0 {
time_until_next_job := d.queue.peek() ?.timestamp - now
delay = math.min(delay, time_until_next_job)
delay = math.min(delay, time_until_next_job)
d.ldebug('Sleeping for ${delay}...')
// TODO if there are builds active, the sleep time should be much lower to clean up the builds when they're finished.
// We sleep for at least one second. This is to prevent the program
// from looping agressively when a cronjob can be scheduled, but
// there's no spots free for it to be started.
time.sleep(math.max(delay, 1 * time.second))
delay = math.max(delay, 1 * time.second)
d.ldebug('Sleeping for ${delay}...')

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@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next(ref time.Time) ?time.Time {
// next_from_now returns the result of ce.next(ref) where ref is the result of
// time.now().
pub fn (ce &CronExpression) next_from_now() ?time.Time {
return ce.next(time.now())

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@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ default_arch = "x86_64"
address = "http://localhost:8000"
global_schedule = '* *'
api_update_frequency = 2
max_concurrent_builds = 3