module db import sqlite struct VieterDb { conn sqlite.DB } struct MigrationVersion { id int [primary] version int } const ( migrations_up = [$embed_file('migrations/001-initial/up.sql')] migrations_down = [$embed_file('migrations/001-initial/down.sql')] ) // init initializes a database & adds the correct tables. pub fn init(db_path string) ?VieterDb { conn := sqlite.connect(db_path)? sql conn { create table MigrationVersion } cur_version := sql conn { select from MigrationVersion limit 1 } // If there's no row yet, we add it here if cur_version == MigrationVersion{} { sql conn { insert cur_version into MigrationVersion } } // Apply each migration in order for i in cur_version.version .. db.migrations_up.len { migration := db.migrations_up[i].to_string() version_num := i + 1 // vfmt does not like these dots println('Applying migration $version_num' + '...') // The sqlite library seems to not like it when multiple statements are // passed in a single exec. Therefore, we split them & run them all // separately. for part in migration.split(';').map(it.trim_space()).filter(it != '') { res := conn.exec_none(part) if res != sqlite.sqlite_done { return error('An error occurred while applying migration $version_num') } } // The where clause doesn't really matter, as there will always only be // one entry anyways. sql conn { update MigrationVersion set version = version_num where id > 0 } } return VieterDb{ conn: conn } }