module console import arrays import strings import cli import os // pretty_table converts a list of string data into a pretty table. Many thanks // to @hungrybluedev in the Vlang Discord for providing this code! // pub fn pretty_table(header []string, data [][]string) ?string { column_count := header.len mut column_widths := []int{len: column_count, init: header[it].len} for values in data { for col, value in values { if column_widths[col] < value.len { column_widths[col] = value.len } } } single_line_length := arrays.sum(column_widths)? + (column_count + 1) * 3 - 4 horizontal_line := '+' + strings.repeat(`-`, single_line_length) + '+' mut buffer := strings.new_builder(data.len * single_line_length) buffer.writeln(horizontal_line) buffer.write_string('| ') for col, head in header { if col != 0 { buffer.write_string(' | ') } buffer.write_string(head) buffer.write_string(strings.repeat(` `, column_widths[col] - head.len)) } buffer.writeln(' |') buffer.writeln(horizontal_line) for values in data { buffer.write_string('| ') for col, value in values { if col != 0 { buffer.write_string(' | ') } buffer.write_string(value) buffer.write_string(strings.repeat(` `, column_widths[col] - value.len)) } buffer.writeln(' |') } buffer.writeln(horizontal_line) return buffer.str() } // export_man_pages recursively generates all man pages for the given // cli.Command & writes them to the given directory. pub fn export_man_pages(cmd cli.Command, path string) ? { man := cmd.manpage() os.write_file(os.join_path_single(path, cmd.full_name().replace(' ', '-') + '.1'), man)? for sub_cmd in cmd.commands { export_man_pages(sub_cmd, path)? } }