# Repository Besides providing a RESTful API, the Vieter server is also a Pacman-compatible repository server. This section describes the various routes that make this possible. ## Get a package archive or database file ```shell curl -OL https://example.com/bur/x86_64/tuxedo-keyboard-3.0.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst ``` This endpoint is really the entire repository. It serves both the package archives & the database files for a specific arch-repo. It has three different behaviors, depending on `filename`: * If the file extension is one of `.db`, `.files`, `.db.tar.gz` or `.files.tar.gz`, it tries to serve the requested database file. * If the filename contains `.pkg`, it serves the package file. * Otherwise, it assumes `filename` is the name & version of a package inside the repository (e.g. `vieter-0.3.0_alpha.2-1`) & serves that package's `desc` file from inside the database archive. ### HTTP Request `GET /:repo/:arch/:filename` ### URL Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- repo | Repository containing the package arch | Arch-repo containing the package filename | actual filename to request ## Check whether file exists ```shell curl -IL https://example.com/bur/x86_64/tuxedo-keyboard-3.0.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst ``` The above request can also be performed as a HEAD request. The behavior is the same, except no data is returned besides an error 404 if the file doesn't exist & an error 200 otherwise. ### HTTP Request `GET /:repo/:arch/:filename` ### URL Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- repo | Repository containing the package arch | Arch-repo containing the package filename | actual filename to request ## Publish package ```shell curl \ -H 'X-Api-Key: secret' \ -XPOST -T tuxedo-keyboard-3.0.10-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst \ https://example.com/some-repo/publish ``` This endpoint allows you to publish a new package archive to a given repo. If the package's architecture is not `any`, it is added to that specific arch-repo. Otherwise, it is added to the configured default architecture & any other already present arch-repos. ### HTTP Request `POST /:repo/publish` ### URL Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- repo | Repository to publish package to