# Build Logs Endpoints for interacting with stored build logs. ## List logs ```shell curl \ -H 'X-Api-Key: secret' \ https://example.com/api/logs?offset=10&limit=20 ``` > JSON output format ```json { "message": "", "data": [ { "id": 1, "repo_id": 3, "start_time": 1652008554, "end_time": 1652008559, "arch": "x86_64", "exit_code": 0 } ] } ``` Retrieve a list of build logs. ### HTTP Request `GET /api/logs` ### Query Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- limit | Maximum amount of results to return. offset | Offset of results. repo | Only return builds published to this repository. before | Only return logs started before this time (UTC epoch) after | Only return logs started after this time (UTC epoch) arch | Only return logs built on this architecture exit_codes | Comma-separated list of exit codes to limit result to; using `!` as a prefix makes it exclude that value. For example, `1,2` only returns logs with status code 1 or 2, while `!1,!2` returns those that don't have 1 or 2 as the result. ## Get build log ```shell curl \ -H 'X-Api-Key: secret' \ https://example.com/api/logs/15 ``` > JSON output format ```json { "message": "", "data": { "id": 1, "repo_id": 3, "start_time": 1652008554, "end_time": 1652008559, "arch": "x86_64", "exit_code": 0 } } ``` Retrieve info about a specific build log. ### HTTP Request `GET /api/logs/:id` ### URL Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- id | ID of requested log ## Get log contents ```shell curl \ -H 'X-Api-Key: secret' \ https://example.com/api/logs/15/content ``` Retrieve the contents of a build log. The response is the build log in plaintext. ### HTTP Request `GET /api/logs/:id/content` ### URL Parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- id | ID of requested log ## Publish build log Publish a new build log to the server. ### HTTP Request `POST /api/logs` ### Query parameters Parameter | Description --------- | ----------- id | ID of requested log startTime | Start time of the build (UTC epoch) endTime | End time of the build (UTC epoch) arch | Architecture on which the build was done exitCode | Exit code of the build container ### Request body Plaintext contents of the build log.