forked from vieter-v/vieter
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module models
pub struct GitRepoArch {
id int [primary; sql: serial]
repo_id int [nonull]
value string [nonull]
// str returns a string representation.
pub fn (gra &GitRepoArch) str() string {
return gra.value
pub struct GitRepo {
pub mut:
id int [primary; sql: serial]
// URL of the Git repository
url string [nonull]
// Branch of the Git repository to use
branch string [nonull]
// Which repo the builder should publish packages to
repo string [nonull]
// Cron schedule describing how frequently to build the repo.
schedule string
// On which architectures the package is allowed to be built. In reality,
// this controls which builders will periodically build the image.
arch []GitRepoArch [fkey: 'repo_id']
// str returns a string representation.
pub fn (gr &GitRepo) str() string {
mut parts := [
'id: $',
'url: $gr.url',
'branch: $gr.branch',
'repo: $gr.repo',
'schedule: $gr.schedule',
'arch: ${', ')}',
str := parts.join('\n')
return str
pub struct GitRepoFilter {
pub mut:
limit u64 = 25
offset u64
repo string