# The Rusty Bever The Rusty Bever refers to my personal website & the software that powers it. It's built using a Rocket web server as a RESTful backend & a frontend consisting of Astro & Svelte. ## Motivation I was largely inspired by [Jan-Lukas Else](https://jlelse.dev/)'s own site, called GoBlog. I find his blog & site to be very interesting, and I just wanted to create one of my own! ## Goals My goal is to create my own blogging platform, with lots of little extra features that I'll just add whenever I get a new idea. - [ ] Blogging - [ ] Microblogging (aka my own Twitter) - [ ] RSS feeds for everything - [ ] About me page/resume - [ ] Auto-updating list of my Miniflux subscriptions - [ ] Description of my my server/desktop/laptop setups - [ ] Maybe a CLI client that I can use to write my blog posts - ...