use std::io; use rocket::{ http::Status, request::Request, response::{self, Responder, Response}, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum RBError { /// When the login requests an unknown user UnknownUser, BlockedUser, /// Invalid login password. InvalidPassword, /// When a non-admin user tries to use an admin endpoint Unauthorized, /// When an expired JWT token is used for auth. JWTTokenExpired, /// Umbrella error for when something goes wrong whilst creating a JWT token pair JWTCreationError, JWTError, MissingJWTKey, PWSaltError, AdminCreationError, TokenExpired, InvalidRefreshToken, DuplicateRefreshToken, DBError, } impl<'r> Responder<'r, 'static> for RBError { fn respond_to(self, _: &'r Request<'_>) -> response::Result<'static> { let (status, message): (Status, &str) = match self { RBError::UnknownUser => (Status::NotFound, "Unknown user"), RBError::BlockedUser => (Status::Unauthorized, "This user is blocked"), RBError::InvalidPassword => (Status::Unauthorized, "Invalid password"), RBError::Unauthorized => (Status::Unauthorized, "Unauthorized"), RBError::JWTTokenExpired => (Status::Unauthorized, "Token expired"), RBError::JWTCreationError | RBError::MissingJWTKey => { (Status::InternalServerError, "Failed to create tokens.") } RBError::InvalidRefreshToken | RBError::DuplicateRefreshToken => { (Status::Unauthorized, "Invalid refresh token.") } _ => (Status::InternalServerError, "Internal server error"), }; let mut res = Response::new(); res.set_status(status); res.set_sized_body(message.len(), io::Cursor::new(message)); Ok(res) } } pub type Result = std::result::Result;